Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 852: Not popular

Xie Zhi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Okay, let's just say it, I want the route map, the route map in L3's mind, so there is no misunderstanding?"

Yes, this is the purpose of Xie Zhi.

And I want this because when Lando talked with Han Solo during the previous monitoring, he claimed that the route map in L3's mind is the most complete in the galaxy.

If it's not bragging, then this L3 is amazing.

In fact, R2 also has a very comprehensive route map, but the problem is...that is a public route.

So does the universe need waterways? Of course it is, and it is very important! Higher demand than sailing!

The reason is very simple, the hyperspace jump is not a random jump, if you are a little careless, God knows what you will hit when you jump out? That fate is no different from superluminal impact!

Therefore, not jumping in the public waterway is purely a gamble.

As a former well-known smuggler, Lando is of course not referring to the open public waterway, but the secret smuggling route. This kind of route, theoretically speaking... is priceless!

It's just that no one will sell unless they are fools, because in the universe, no matter whether they are smuggling or not, even if there is only one exclusive secret route, it can save lives at critical moments!

Especially now that the Milky Way is very chaotic, empires, resistance organizations, and all kinds of evil forces are intertwined. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Only a fool would sell life-saving things.

On the other hand, once the secret route is sold, the possibility of cheating oneself is not small.

And taking a step back, for smugglers, secret routes are also related to their jobs. How stupid are people to do things that ruin their jobs?

According to Xie Zhi's analysis, there is a high probability that the route map of L3 is true.

The evidence for the counterargument is that in the Star Wars movies, Han Solo became a legendary smuggler.

Is this just the Millennium Falcon? No, judging from the current form, Han Solo is just a deserter. Without a route map, where can he get the capital to do smuggling?

So maybe Han Solo's route map comes from L3.

But here comes the problem. A few years later, when Han Solo and Lando reunited, there was no information about L3.

Judging from the monitoring information, Lando and L3's performance is also a golden partner type, a captain and a first mate, the relationship is quite tacit.

Maybe something happened to L3 in the past ten years, maybe even in the near future.

In fact, Xie Zhi didn't care about what happened specifically, but he couldn't help but suspect that the route map of L3 might be the missing part of the Millennium Falcon in his intuition.

And regardless of whether it is like guessing or not, there is no need to miss the route map, and it is not a loss to get it.

Furthermore, this is also an excuse for Xie Zhi to lend the ship to the other party. Yes, this time Xie Zhi does not want to interfere with the original historical process, at least he does not want to interfere before the changes in the Millennium Falcon appear.

Of course, Xie Zhi can indeed go further into the future and directly get the complete Millennium Falcon.

But since it was the lucky spaceship he ordered, he wanted to know the reason why the Millennium Falcon was different before and after. Of course, the more he knew about his own ship, the better.

However, when Xie Zhi said this, Lando immediately darkened his face: "Master of cards, do you know what you are talking about? If you don't know the rules, I can tell you that it is a taboo to ask for a route map." .”

Xie Zhi grinned: "Of course I know, but I'm not asking you, although you are the captain, Miss L3 is a free robot, right?

So Miss L3, I'm talking business with you. "

L3 nodded approvingly: "That's right! You have a very good vision, to be honest, I appreciate you more and more.

But it is still a pity that the route map is the foundation of my life, and I do not sell it. "

"Don't rush to refuse, don't you intend to listen to my conditions?"

L3 sighed: "Although the Millennium Falcon is my home, its value is far from enough, not to mention that you only mean to rent it."

"Hehe, I'm not just talking about the lease of the Millennium Falcon, Ms. L3, I know you to a certain extent. As far as I know, your ambition is to liberate robots and let robots become a free race instead of being bought and sold Product of enslavement.

I sincerely hope that you can succeed, but unfortunately, this is not easy, it requires a revolution, and not to mention whether you can change the views of all intelligent life, you can’t do anything about the empire alone, right? "

"Don't you have a way?"

"I don't sell solutions because you can't afford them, but I know that if you want to achieve this goal, you need to fight.

It's a pity that your outer armor is not strong enough, I don't know... Are you interested in the outer shell of Mandalorian iron? "

As soon as these words came out, L3's electronic eyes flashed rapidly, and her tone became excited: "You have Mandalorian iron!? The strongest metal in the galaxy!? Is it enough for my whole body?"

"It's more than enough, you have the surplus to build all kinds of weapons, imagine a body with the strongest armor in the universe, indestructible, even naval guns can't do anything to you, so who can kill you?

If you succeed in realizing your dream, you will become a hero of robots and will be recorded in history forever.

And I guarantee that the route map will not spread out, only two people will control it, you and me. "

L3 stretched out his hand immediately: "Cheng..."

Lando hurriedly interrupted: "Wait a minute! Wait a moment! L3, calm down, don't be impulsive."

L3: "Honey, I'm calm, you understand my ideal..."

"I know, listen to me first. During this period of time, I only mentioned to Han Solo that you have the most complete route map, and you have just been in a bar just because you can't understand others being unfair to robots. I got angry, but how did this guy know?

He is watching us! He has bad intentions! "

"Is that so?" L3 looked at Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi shrugged his shoulders: "I have always been well-informed, as for the malicious intentions... Apart from the route map, what do you think a person who owns the priceless Mandalorian Iron wants you for?

Girl, regardless of life or robot life, you are faced with one choice after another, you decide, I will not force you, I respect... free robots. "

"Thank you, I've decided..."

"Wait a minute!" Lando interrupted again: "L3, do you trust me?"

Speaking of this, Lando winked at L3, L3 understood in seconds: "Of course, my dear."

Lando turned around and smiled at Xie Zhi: "Your Excellency has been playing cards in his hand, and he also claims to be a card master. Presumably he must be good at playing cards. Do you dare to bet a game, Sabac (the card game method in the Star Wars world)."

Xie Zhi glanced at Lando's sleeve, he knew exactly what this trickster was doing, it was nothing more than installing a mechanical device in his sleeve that could hide cards, it was too low-level to rely on this trick, Hong Kong movie gambling movie If you shoot like this, you will die.

So Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Sabac? What should I Lando, you are not as... well-informed as you think.

In fact, you don't know me, I am a very kind person, Miss L3, next, you will understand my sincerity. "

After saying that, the cards in Xie Zhi's hand suddenly flew up, turning into dozens of cards in an instant! No one could see how it was done at all.

Then the cards were gathered into a pile, and then changed in various styles. Sometimes the swirling cards looked like long snakes, sometimes like flowers, and even formed a Millennium Falcon!

Xie Zhi's wonderful display opened everyone's eyes, magic is not so exaggerated.

With a swipe, Xie Zhi waved his hand, and many cards disappeared out of thin air, leaving only one card facing everyone, that is the trump card.

Xie Zhi tilted his head slightly: "Mr. Lando, the secret of your winning cards is simply not popular to me, are you sure you want to bet with me now?

I would like to advise you, being too greedy will only harm L3, she can definitely get the full Mandalorian iron shell, have you considered how to end it if you screw up? "

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