Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 857: Being handsome is a lifetime thing

Followed Qilu and gestured again: "Uncle, what did you do when you put your hands together like that just now?"

"Do the Millennium Falcon a favor, whether it's spirituality, luck, or force. It's a rare opportunity. My uncle helped it to move a little longer. Unfortunately..." Xie Zhi shook his head: "The time is too short, I guess, my help, It's only increased by about 20 percent."

"There are a lot of uncles, it's a desperate moment, it's too dangerous."

"It's gratifying that you can think of Master Uncle like this. You can't be too greedy. Master Uncle is testing you."

Xie Zhi smiled and didn't explain anything.

In fact, Xie Zhi is highly skeptical now that even without him, the Millennium Falcon would have gone through such a journey, yes, it would still encounter big monsters and gravity wells.

Nothing else, his personal tendency, in fact, is more willing to believe that the Millennium Falcon stole the luck of the big monster. After all, he thought that the Millennium Falcon had a good luck bonus, so he rushed to find a super mascot.

But the big monster died, the force exploded, the unrefined core element was directly injected into the reactor, and the Millennium Falcon went out and fell into the gravitational well. Almost every one of this series of changes was irreproducible, and the result was all put together. But let the Millennium Falcon get the greatest benefit.

In fact, Xie Zhi really thinks that this situation is more in line with the situation in Xianxia novels. If the big monster dies, isn't it the big monster offering sacrifices to the sky, and the extremely harsh environment of the maelstrom is comparable to the catastrophe of heaven, isn't it just the situation where the weapon is refined to become the best.

Anyway, after this low-probability event happened, the Millennium Falcon gave Xie Zhi the feeling of being complete, which is enough to show that... this time it has nothing to do with his crow's mouth.

So the dangers and the like were originally an inevitable experience of the Millennium Falcon, and there were no dangers.

But there is no need to explain. Maintaining the mystery of the uncle's causal law and great prophecy is helpful for educating children.

But one thing is certain, the current Millennium Falcon must be stronger than the original one. After all, Xie Zhi stepped in when reaping the benefits, at least twenty percent stronger.

It is also because of this, coupled with the absence of any danger predictions, that Xie Zhi understood that it was inevitable for the bandits to escape, so he decided to reap some benefits by the way.

Xie Zhi also knew that Qilu was curious about why he went there just now, so there was no need to ask, Xie Zhi explained.

Its purpose is mainly to... visit the gravity well at close range.

And the reason why he has the courage is because he has learned the trick of supernatural transformation. Xie Zhi's avatar can transform from virtual to real, and when it is virtual, it is similar to quantum phase transition, and can ignore damage.

What's more, even if you can't resist the gravitational well, if you don't get rid of the avatar, and your consciousness returns to the real body, you will naturally escape the danger easily.

As for the visit, it was not Xie Zhixian's. The reason for this move was because someone left a deep impression on him many years ago.

That man was called Kilowog, and in Xie Zhi's experience, he was like a walk-on, and he didn't have many roles.

His identity was the gorilla-like Green Lantern fighter instructor that Xie Zhi knew back then in the Green Lantern World.

Although the instructor was slapped in the face for pretending to be incompetent with Xie Zhi, his unique skills left a deep impression on Xie Zhi. Kilowog can manifest... stellar!

Without special circumstances and insights, it is impossible to manifest a star, even if Xie Zhi's current strength is far better than that of the past, he still cannot do it.

But it’s different now. I actually encountered a gravitational well, and I can use my magic to visit it harmlessly. Of course, Xie Zhi will not let go of such a good opportunity.

If it can be realized successfully, even without the heat damage of stars, the gravitational force and tearing force of the gravitational well will be terrifying enough! Proper big killer!

In fact, this is the correct way to open up the weaponization of will energy. As long as you successfully simulate a sufficiently exaggerated celestial phenomenon, it will be enough to benefit you for a lifetime.

After listening, Qilu had a look of admiration and envy: "Uncle Shi, you are too good! Who can block the gravity well! You are now in the world..."

"Stop it." Xie Zhi waved his hand pretendingly: "Too much flattery, it's a bit awkward, and the uncle's perception and experience are still not sure, so I'll check it later to know if it's okay.

What's more, the simulated star in Kilowog back then was also very small, and there was a reason why his willpower was not strong enough, but it cannot be denied that no matter how strong your willpower is, your uncle and I, it is impossible to really bring about natural disasters in the universe. Then I will really become a god, no, I can block and kill gods and Buddhas.

So... it's not as exaggerated as you think. "

"That's amazing! After all, it's a gravitational well. Uncle, you really..." Qilu paused, tilting his head and showing his eagerness to learn: "Am I really bad at taking pictures?"


"Then I'll pay more attention, the taste is lighter."

The Millennium Falcon jumped out of hyperspace and came to the intended target of the bandits, the planet Savarin.

There is an old refinery here, as long as the core elements are refined, they will be successful in this deal.

But Xie Zhi and his father cared more about the Millennium Falcon. Although the Millennium Falcon had been completely reborn, the Millennium Falcon was also severely injured during this adventure.

More than 40% of the shell of the hull fell off, and the external radar, antenna, etc. were gone. Some parts without the shell lost a lot without protection, which was equivalent to cutting skin and flesh!

Even the Millennium Falcon was still emitting black smoke while flying, and most of the landing gear was damaged when Han Solo was playing stunts, so he could only land in an emergency landing, and ended up falling into the beach...

So while the thieves were busy unloading and refining, Xie Zhi and his father floated around the Millennium Falcon to check the situation, and R2 checked inside.

Qilu's small face twitched: "I feel so distressed, Falcon has become like this..."

The little guy is not pretending, but really hurts.

If nothing else, the Millennium Falcon is truly extraordinary right now, according to R2's feedback.

Almost consistent with Xie Zhi's judgment, the reactor's operating data at that time was indeed recorded, and its reaction mode really changed accordingly. Although the principle is not clear, the actual effect is to make the Millennium Falcon the most powerful in the spacecraft. Wild boy!

This not only refers to conventional propulsion, but also hyperspace propulsion.

The reason is that the Millennium Falcon, that is, the YT-1300 cargo ship, has a new type of hyperspace thruster that is faster because it uses conventional propulsion and hyperspace propulsion in parallel and interacts with each other.

When Xie Zhi and Obi-Wan talked about this back then, Obi-Wan even complained about the unreliability of this radical design.

But the situation is different now. The parallel design of mutual influence has caused the hyperspace propulsion of the Millennium Falcon to break the record. It is no longer 4.3 times the speed of light, but 5.9 times the speed of light!

It was almost six times the speed of light!

Xie Zhi estimated that it should be faster than the original Millennium Falcon in the orthodox world, after all, he had stepped in to help.

Furthermore, R2 discovered that the main control computer of the Millennium Falcon has indeed become intelligent. In a sense, the Millennium Falcon is alive.

What's more, according to Xie Zhi, the Millennium Falcon has a halo of luck, so how can Qilu not feel sorry for such a peerless ship.

Xie Zhi smiled and patted Qilu: "Actually, this is also a good As the saying goes, if you don't break, you can't stand, you have suffered all the sins you should have suffered, and you can start a big transformation after being reborn.

As long as you don’t move the core, replace all the insignificant parts, install the best...and then dress up to make the Millennium Falcon the most beautiful boy in the spaceship world. After all, being handsome is a matter of life. "

Qilu nodded excitedly: "You're right! By the way, uncle, you directly used the fire source to turn the Millennium Falcon into a Transformer. It wasn't repaired immediately, but even stronger."

"No." Xie Zhi shook his head: "It's better not to do this, the main reason is that the uncle is not sure. After becoming a Transformer, the special features of the Millennium Falcon are still there. After all, the special features of the Millennium Falcon are not related to the material, so be on the safe side Bar."

"That's right, it would be a big loss if it disappears."

"And don't you want to play, it's fun to fly the aircraft yourself."

"Yeah! I've been wanting to **** off for a long time!"

Xie Zhi: "Hit...that, children, don't yell and kill, it's easy to be false..."


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