Amnesia In Movie World

Chapter 92: explore (2)

Xie Zhi closed the gun: "It's really easy to go off, so don't force me to talk with a gun, I ask you a question, Holloway, are you a scientist?"

Holloway: "What do you mean? Of course I am."

"Scientific classification is very broad, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology... But you should have the basic common sense, don't you know that there are viruses that are transmitted through the air? Or your immunity is strong enough to be immune across the stars? That's right, It may be so clean that there are no viruses, but if there are, do you want to kill the entire ship?"

As he said that, Xie Zhi tapped Holloway's chest: "I don't care if you kill yourself, but if there is any sign of implicating me, I will shoot directly next time. This is also for you, understand Is it?"

Glancing at the crowd, Xie Zhi looked at the personal terminal on his arm. The temperature was about ten degrees below zero, obviously not suitable for releasing ants. But the strange thing is that the water did not freeze, which is very strange.

Xie Zhi tilted his head, signaling to continue walking.

Two minutes later, Bucky, who was walking at the end of the line, saw David shining a flashlight on the wall and seemed to have discovered something.

Seeing David climbing up on the rocks, Bucky asked, "What are you going to do?"

David bowed his head and said, "I found something."

Xie Zhi in front stopped the team, and when he came back, he saw a stone slab on the wall with many unknown symbols engraved on it.

The space suit has a camera, which can transmit images to the spacecraft, and everyone behind can see it, including Laifu.

Xie Zhi: "Laifu, can you understand me?"

Laifu: "There are similar written records, but the written materials are incomplete and cannot be translated."

Xie Zhi glanced at David: "Then what are you doing up there?"

David smiled and pointed to his head: "Linguistics is a great knowledge. It cannot be understood just by memorizing it. It requires not only an understanding of language structure, but also an understanding of historical background, living habits, and sometimes some...imagination force."

"That means you can understand?"

David raised his eyebrows: "Maybe."

Xie Zhi had a cold face: "Stop talking about these ambiguous words, what does it mean?"

"Work, or operation, record, or history, um, I guess it means the activation device, and what is activated is some kind of record, probably so."

Xie Zhi groaned, and the others didn't say anything. Alien things don't dare to move casually.

David: "Sir, I remember you saying that you know when to take a risk."

Xie Zhi ignored him, turned to Field and said, "Has your puppy found any signs of life so far?"


Xie Zhi thought about it, even if it was a mechanism, it would not be set at the control switch, so it should be safe under the stone slab. Of course, there may be other effects, but so far no aliens have appeared and have not responded in any way. Some risks are worth taking.

So he said: "Everyone come here, stick to the wall as much as possible! David, operate."

David clicked and slid on the engraved characters, and each touch was accompanied by a feedback sound similar to the sound of a button touch, and at the same time, a light appeared at the bottom of the characters.

Then, a light suddenly appeared on the concave-shaped cave wall, which spread out when it fit the cave wall, and there was a sound response at the same time, a bit like the noise when the radio signal is not good.

The light is completely composed of light spots, not dazzling, like snowflakes, like fireflies.

At the same time, the circle of light moves rapidly along the cavern, quickly disappearing around the corner.

Dr. Xiao: "What is that?"

Gradually, there was a sound like a swarm of bees moving from far to near, until a light appeared around the corner, and then the circle of light returned.

But this time, there was something else, a huge figure ran out, it seemed to be more than two meters high.

And that figure is also made up of light spots, the image looks very unclear, like the snowflake image of an old-fashioned TV when the signal is not good, it is not even as clear as when the dream is connected, at least it was in color at that time, but now it is black and white of.

But one thing is certain, the huge figure is very similar to human beings in terms of body structure, it is a humanoid creature, if it is a living thing.

The first huge figure was followed by the same thing, and more and more.

When gradually approaching the crowd, Xie Zhi stared nervously, gritted his teeth, kicked lightly, and shot a stone at the figure of light.

After the stone fell on the figure, it passed through directly, and at the same time disrupted some of the light spots on the figure's body, but it recovered immediately.

A small movement made Xie Zhi feel as if he had experienced a big battle.

Although it does look like a holographic image, and there is no sound of footsteps when they run, it is hard to tell what the aliens are. Although they just kicked a small stone, no one knows how entangled he was at that moment, let alone Know that he is sweating profusely.

Then a giant figure in human form ran past Xie Zhi and the others, and continued to run wildly, seeing how they turned their heads from time to time, as if they were avoiding something.

To Xie Zhi's delight, Juying was big and had a larger stride than ordinary people, but his running speed was not surprising, slightly faster than ordinary people, and the original owner of the image did not show anything special in terms of physical fitness. In other words, even if you meet the original owner, if you fight hand-to-hand, your side will have the advantage in speed.

At the same time, he also came to the conclusion that the holographic technology of aliens is bad in terms of definition, but this cave is rougher than the rough room, there is no camera, and there is no playback device, but it can still record images And mobile playback, it can be seen that their black technology is indeed more advanced.

"Bucky, look at them!"

Xie Zhi said and chased after him. This time, he didn't hesitate at all. Up to now, there has been no reaction from the aliens, and the puppy has not detected any life information. In addition, this holographic image is similar to the surveillance ~ All kinds of signs, although the possibility of aliens playing tricks cannot be ruled out, but it is enough to say a lot of problems.

Within a few steps, Xie Zhi chased to the front without any effort, and passed the laggards. During the process, he touched the image with a pistol, passed through the same, disrupted some light spots, and then there was no other reaction.

The figures of the brigade ran wildly along the cave, Xie Zhi didn't speed up and passed, just hanging to observe.

After turning a corner, he saw a corpse not far away, a headless corpse.

Stopping in front of the corpse, there is a huge stone gate. The upper body of the corpse is facing the gate. Looking at the dead body, it seems that the head was cut off by the stone gate.

The surface of the corpse has been calcified. Although it is humanoid, it cannot be seen what kind of creature it is. If those strangely shaped shells are not clothes, then this should be a creature with insect-like bones growing on the outside.

At this time, the laggard giant shadow had already rushed over, and went straight to the gate in a panic, Xie Zhi took a step back to get out of the way, it seemed that the laggard was the image of the corpse during his lifetime.

The straggler directly reached out to operate on the wall slate, and looked back nervously, apparently something was chasing him.

Everything was seen by Xie Zhi and recorded by the camera.

After the giant shadow completed the operation, a light point image appeared on the door, showing the picture of opening the door, but it was just a picture, and something inside was still blocked by the real door.

When Xie Zhi saw that the figure was about to enter, his body suddenly started to twitch, and then he knelt down, lying down, it seemed that something was wrong with his body.

Immediately afterwards, the door suddenly fell, beheading his head.

Looking at this scene, Xie Zhi didn't know whether to be happy or worried. Something happened to the aliens, and they might all be dead. But the question is, what are the aliens afraid of? What are you running from?

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