He Mazi and the other two looked at each other. This white-faced scholar was a bit stubborn!

"Little brother, honest advice is unpleasant to the ear! I advise you not to meddle in other people's business. I'm sure to take care of this woman!" He Mazi was ferocious, and the pockmarks on his face trembled, which was a bit funny.

Zhao Jue couldn't help laughing when he saw this. He quickly covered his mouth and stood up. He glanced at the three people and said lightly: "You can try."

He Mazi frowned. He was a little confused about Zhao Jue. The man opposite was skinny, with a white face and no weapons on him. He didn't look like a master at all.

In his cognition, masters were not like this at all. Masters should openly introduce themselves, then laugh three times and let the three of them leave quickly. At the very least, they all stood with swords on their backs, with a cold and indifferent face, floating like immortals.

If Zhao Jue could hear his thoughts, he would definitely laugh at his childishness. He was a killer. Would a killer carry a knife around the world? Not to mention standing with a sword over one's back, that's idiotic!

For a killer, the most important things are only two: kill the target quickly and hide oneself. As for the mean means and ordinary image, that's what should be done. There is no idiot who writes "I am a killer" on his head. Many killers are ordinary guys, apprentices, or even eunuchs in their daily lives.

Even pigs know not to push around when they are full, so how can people be worse than pigs.

Zhang Laowu obviously couldn't understand these principles, and he drew his sword to chop at Zhao Jue, "You dog, you don't know how to live or die!"

Instantly, Zhao Jue moved, and grabbed Zhang Laowu's left wrist with his left hand, abruptly stopping Zhang Laowu's action of swinging the sword, and bent his right hand, hitting Zhang Laowu in the face with an elbow.

Suddenly, Zhang Laowu's nose exploded with sour, salty, sweet, and spicy, and his body fell backwards unconsciously. Before he could recover from the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty taste, Zhao Jue grabbed his collar and pulled him back, and at the same time kicked his feet and exerted force, suddenly kneeling. With his left hand, Zhao released Zhang Laowu's knife-wielding hand, swung his hands behind his back and slapped forward, hitting Zhang Laowu's temple with two winds. In this slap, Zhao used the "opening monument" force method that Jiang Ruhai had used at that time. When this move landed, Zhang Laowu's pupils instantly dilated, his eyes were full of bloodshot, blood flowed from his nostrils, his ears buzzed, his mouth suddenly opened, and the sound stopped abruptly.

Then Zhao used his internal energy to run, his feet planted on the ground, his right hand pressed on Zhang Laowu's chest, his internal energy burst out, and pushed forward. Zhang Laowu immediately bent his body like a cooked prawn and flew backwards, crashing through the wall of the ruined temple, leaving a big hole, and fell in the rain outside the ruined temple, having died long ago.

Li Laosi and He Mazi were both horrified. They had never seen or heard of such a method before, and they knew in their hearts that they had hit a wall this time.

Li Laosi reacted quickly and threw his knife directly, intending to delay time and ran out of the ruined temple. Zhao Jue would never let him have his way. As soon as his legs and feet moved, he threw out three flying knives. Before he could take the second step, three flying knives had already flown out, one hit him in the back, one stuck behind his neck, and the other hit him in the back of his head. Li Laosi ran forward two steps and fell to the ground, blood spurting out.

"You are the only one left, brother Mazi." Zhao Jue laughed, and under the flickering light of the fire, he looked like an evil ghost from the underworld.

"Well, if you can run there without dying, I will let you go, how about that," Zhao Jue showed five flying knives, pointed at Li Laosi's body on the ground and said to He Mazi with a smile.

"Are you ready? Let's start!"

He Mazi had long forgotten what he should do, but his instinct for survival still drove him to run out.

One step, two steps, three steps... He Mazi could no longer see Li Laosi's body, but his legs suddenly became weak, and he fell to the ground, with a flying knife stuck behind each of his knees.

Seeing the body of Li Laosi behind him, he lay on the ground and pointed at Zhao and said, "You can't kill me. You said you would let me go if I ran over. I ran over... I ran over..."

A cold light flashed, and a severed hand fell to the ground.

"Ah! You bastard, you can't talk..." He Mazi, who was lying on the ground, covered his severed arm and shouted.

Before he finished speaking, Zhao interrupted him with a grim smile, "Brother Mazi, I told you to run, but you really ran? If you ran over, doesn't it prove that I am incompetent? Although you really ran over."

"You can't have your say and not count..."

"Pick up your hand." Zhao slapped He Mazi's face, and seeing that He Mazi was still mumbling, he roared, "I told you to pick up your hand!"

He Mazi was startled and tremblingly grabbed the severed hand on the ground. Before he touched the severed hand, a flying knife had already pierced his neck.

"I told you to pick it up, but you still did. You never learn your lesson."

Wrapped in a quilt, Liu Rouwei was already sweating. The blood on the ground, the blood spurting out of Li Laosi's body, He Mazi's broken hand, and the flying knife stuck in his neck had frightened her out of her wits. In her short twenty years, she had never seen such a bloody and brutal scene.

Zhao pulled out the flying knife, rubbed it on He Mazi's clothes, and took back a few flying knives. Seeing Liu Rouwei's absent-minded look, he thought she was frightened by He Mazi and the other two. He walked over and touched her head, saying, "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid."

Liu Rouwei felt someone in front of her, and hugged the person in front of her without hesitation, trembling and saying, "I'm afraid... I'm afraid..."

Zhao had no experience in comforting women, so he could only pat Liu Rouwei's back gently like coaxing a child to sleep, and said in a gentle tone, "It's okay, it's okay, it's not you who caused it. Think about it, if you fall into their hands, your fate will not be much better than theirs. Isn't it more comfortable to think this way?"

Hearing the voice, Liu Rouwei finally came back to her senses. Seeing that she was holding Zhao Jue, she quickly let go of her hand, and her face flushed.

Zhao Jue saw that her expression was finally better, and smiled happily. He took out an abacus from his arms and said, "Miss Liu, I do business fairly, impartially, and openly. Three people, 200 taels each, a total of 600 taels, this is all for you, you won't default on the debt."

"Okay, I will definitely give it to you when we get to Hexi." Liu Rouwei looked at Zhao Jue's face and said unnaturally.

"Okay, thank you Miss Liu for the reward!" Zhao Jue was clever.

Liu Rouwei was amused and laughed, and suddenly she was full of charm.

Zhao Jue could only say in his heart, "Beauty is a disaster."

"I'm hungry." Liu Rouwei, who was scared out of her wits just now, relaxed and felt that her stomach was empty. She had nothing to eat, so she could only ask Zhao Jue, "Do you have anything else to eat?"

Zhao Jue took out two steamed buns from his arms and handed them to Liu Rouwei.

"Are there no more meat buns?" Liu Rouwei asked cautiously.

"No, it's good to have steamed buns." Zhao looked helpless. Although he had space, he had to put things in it before he could take things out. The one who took whatever he said was Doraemon!

"There's a sack, right? They said it was pork. Cut a piece off and roast it." Liu Rouwei whistled at the steamed bun and said with a blink of her eyes.

"Do you really think it's pork?"

"What else is it?" Liu Rouwei asked puzzledly.

"People, half-dead people!"

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