An assassin? Call me the Master of Raising Prices!

Chapter 179 Encountering a Killer on the Road

On the way south, Zhao drove the carriage leisurely, walking leisurely and stopping to rest from time to time.

Anyway, for him, a business trip is equivalent to a trip, or a public trip with all-inclusive food, accommodation and transportation.

Since it's a trip, what's the rush? Stop when you are tired, and go when you have rested enough. Wherever you go, time, etc. are secondary, and your own comfort is the most important!

Staying away from right and wrong will naturally make you feel better. Zhao just leaned on the carriage and stepped on the knife. He was really idle all the way. From morning to night, he could do nothing but sleep, whistle and read.

In addition, it was cold in spring, and the road we were walking was so remote that we couldn't even see a living person. On the contrary, I encountered a robbery on my first day out of the capital...

"I wonder if those boys came down from the tree..." Zhao, who was half drunk, thought thoughtfully, unable to suppress the raised corners of his mouth.

I just tied the hands of the three of them like cattle, and they could be untied by taking two steps towards each other, so they probably wouldn't freeze to death.

"If he dies, it can only be said that he was stupid. You can't blame me..."

Putting aside the messy things in my mind, I looked up at the sky. The sky was dark and gloomy, and the wind was blowing noisily. It seemed that the snow was likely to fall heavily.

Seeing this, he no longer hesitated, tightened the reins of the horse and accelerated the carriage. Before dark, you must find a place that is sheltered from the wind and snow to make a fire and sleep. Otherwise, let alone the discomfort, how can you go on the road tomorrow after your horse has been frozen all night?

Unfortunately, the weather did not go as planned. After running for more than a quarter of an hour, there was not even a covered room in sight, let alone an inn or restaurant.

He tightened the reins of the horse and stopped the carriage. He patted the horse's back and comforted him, "Horse, you've been carrying me for two days. I'll find you a roofed one today, okay?"

After saying that, Zhao no longer hesitated, stepped on the horse's back and jumped up using his strength. I want to take a look around and observe from a high place.

After two borrowings, we looked far away from the top of the pine tree. It seems that God still cares about horses, and he really allowed Zhao to find a ruined temple that looked pretty good.

The key is that it has a roof, which is roughly equivalent to a mansion in the wild.

He landed next to the carriage, helped the carriage onto the carriage, and couldn't help but said, "Horse, let's go, we found a covered place for you!"

"Follow me and you'll enjoy everything!"


The horse seemed to understand, and after a long neigh, it raised its hooves and galloped in the direction Zhao Ju pointed.

Zhao, who was standing on the horse facing the wind, felt quite proud. He wanted to compose a poem but unfortunately he had no education, so he could only shout into the wind, "Awesome, horse!"

Although I don’t know why I am shouting awesome, but there is a horse in front of me, so I can’t shout “fuck”, right?

Fortunately, horses don’t understand either.

Halfway through, the snow had gotten a lot heavier, and there was still rain in it, which made a constant "plop" sound on the carriage. But it also made the horse run a lot faster, and they arrived in front of the ruined temple in less than two quarters of an hour.

Since there was nothing in the carriage, Zhao simply unloaded the carriage. After leading the horse into the temple and tying it to a pillar, his hands and feet kept taking out fire sticks and dry wood to make a fire.

If you conveniently place a pile of high-quality forage in front of the horse's head, a person can starve for a day or two. After all, he is either sleeping or on the way to sleep. But the horse is almost non-stop, so he cannot starve.

Watching the horse grazing leisurely, Zhao took out the steamed buns, nibbling on them while reading a story novel, and taking a sip of wine from time to time. Although the environment is not good and there are no standards for public-funded tourism, it is still satisfactory.

After eating the steamed buns, Zhao felt a little tipsy. He didn't know whether he was blushing or not, but he felt warm all over his body. It was a good time to go to sleep.

Gathering the wood together, two more pieces were added to prevent the fire from going out. Afterwards, he wrapped himself in a large cloak and was about to lie down when the sound of rain falling on the umbrella and the sound of slight footsteps suddenly sounded outside the ruined temple.

He didn't react at all, just smiled, raised his head and glanced at the half-open door. The first person to enter the door was a red embroidered shoe, then an umbrella, and then a man with a black veil covering his face and a black dress and black skirt.

Seeing people and horses inside, the visitor seemed to have no expression. He just paused, saluted and smiled and said, "I don't know there are people inside, I'm taking the liberty. It's raining outside, I wonder if I can let the slaves take shelter from the rain?"

Zhao didn't speak, he just turned his head to the other side and didn't look. The people who came were too sensible to ask any more questions, and silently walked to the fire, put down the oiled paper umbrella in their hands, took off their soaked shoes, and silently warmed themselves by the fire.

There seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two of them, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet. The rain outside was getting heavier and falling on the tiles in a rather rhythmic manner.

Time gradually passed away with the sound of rain hitting tiles, and soon the fire gradually dimmed. The visitor put on his shoes and took off his veil, and said in a faint tone, "I wonder if young hero still has enough to eat and drink. The slave family is really empty and hungry..."

"Girl, there is no shop in front of the village, can I give it to you?" As if he was suddenly interested, or something else, Zhao stood up with his elbows propped up, and turned to look at her with a half-smile. .

But the visitor didn't mind Zhao Jiu's scorching eyes, and smiled lightly, charmingly, "Young hero is so narrow-minded, it really hurts the slave family's heart."

"Hahaha, I don't know where the girl is from or what her last name is. Maybe we are from the same hometown." Zhao couldn't help but smile, and simply stopped pretending, laughing and handing over four buns.

The visitor took the buns and responded with a smile, "Yunxian of the Nu family is from Bianzhou in the south of the Yangtze River. This trip is to the capital to meet the husband who is engaged."

Wife? Zhao unconsciously suppressed his smile. Don't just pick flowers that have owners.

"What? Are you from the capital?" Seeing that Zhao didn't say anything, Yunxian's words became more curious.

Zhao waved his hand, "The capital is big, and it's not easy to live there. I don't have any great skills, so how could I be from the capital? I came from Shengjing and wanted to do cotton cloth business in Jiangnan, just to make some money for the family."

"Oh, that's it. It seems that I misunderstood, but seeing that you are a handsome man, why don't you take the imperial examination?" After learning that Zhao was not a man of the world, Yunxian changed her address to "young master".

After sitting on the ground, she looked at Zhao curiously while eating buns, but there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in her eyes, but it only flashed by.

"Alas, if you can't do business well, how can you take the imperial examination? Don't you think so, Mr. Yun?" Zhao sat up straight and stared at Yunxian jokingly, with no concealment of contempt in his words.

"What are you talking about, young master? You should call me a girl!" Yunxian's face changed slightly, and she quickly covered it up.


The laughter was full of sarcasm, Zhao stood up to stretch his muscles, put his hands behind his back and looked down at Master Yun, mocking him, "You know what? It's really embarrassing to be with a hermaphrodite like you."

"Girl, the eunuchs in the palace are more masculine than you! A killer is a killer, why pretend to be a good girl? What? Is being a killer shameful?"

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