Noon the next day.

Zhao woke up from the bed, took out the clothes he had prepared long ago from the space, transformed himself into an old man, and ate a bowl of noodles.

Drinking tea and waiting for the final payment.

About a quarter of an hour later, a pigeon flew in from the window and took off the note tied to the pigeon's foot. It read: A ruined temple outside the city, in a dry well.

...The whole outfit was changed in vain.

It took some time to put on a new human skin mask and clothes. He transformed from an octogenarian into a rich young man who went on an outing.

Check out, take the horse, and ride away.

At the ruined temple outside the city, Zhao had already received the final payment. His God of Wealth points increased by 2,000, and the feeling of endless money came to his mind again.

Calm down, calm down, I'm a kid, we've seen the world, stay alert and let's see what the system does!

Zhao is from Bianzhou. After killing people and receiving the money, he goes home to rest.

When it comes to work, there is no such thing as working as a cow or a horse, let alone the nature of my job, which is to maintain and maintain human harmony. If you work every day, wouldn’t there be no harmony between people?

How about disharmony? Violates the core values ​​of socialism!

Zhao then rushed to Bianzhou.

"I, Mr. Zhao, travel all over the country and rely on interpersonal relationships. Not only do I have to eat, drink and have fun, but I also need snow, moon, wind and flowers."

"Ma, write a poem, write a poem, you need wind, you need meat, you need hot pot, you need fog, you need beautiful women, you need donkeys!"


"Without culture and pursuits, do you want to be a horse all your life?"

After three days of wind and rain, we finally returned home.

Zhao Ju's house is on the mountain in a small village outside Bianzhou City. When he first came to this world, he still had a few acres of land. Later, he lost everything in business.

Walking through the path shaded by green trees, opening the wooden door, feeling the breath of home, your heart gradually calms down. Home is the harbor of the soul, even if it is just a straw nest.

In the next three days, Zhao enjoyed life peacefully, fishing, barbecuing, and riding horses on the plains. He must have all the fun in life!

At midnight on the fifth day, the sound of a night owl broke through the dense plum rain, and Zhao opened the door and walked out. The dark owl fell into Zhao Ju's hand.

After taking off the bamboo tube on Ye Xiao's leg, there was only a note inside: On the eighth day of the lunar month, there was a Yin Temple outside Lin'an City.

Let the night owl fly, throw the note into the stove, and drink tea leisurely.

Night Owl is Zhao Jiu's unique way of accepting business. He puts information in the bamboo tube on Night Owl's leg, and Night Owl will naturally find Zhao Jiu. If he accepts the business, the note will not be put back into the bamboo tube. Otherwise, it means Don't take this business. The closing payment is also done in the same way. The information is transmitted through the night owl, and the balance is placed at the designated location. After receiving the money, the diabolo tube flies back.

Although this method is complicated and inefficient, it is safe. You only meet with the employer, eliminating the need for further contact with middlemen, and the security is greatly improved.

In the world of martial arts, there are many middlemen who help people do things. As long as they have enough money, they can buy anything. These middlemen teamed up with each other to protect themselves. Over time, they formed a huge group, and this is how the famous ghost market in the world developed.

On the seventh day of the lunar month, the rainy season begins to break.

Guanyin Temple is said to be outside Lin'an City, but it is still a long way away from Lin'an City.

Zhao came to the Guanyin Temple one day early, put on a beggar's version of a human skin mask, and limped into the Guanyin Temple wearing rags and a bamboo stick.

The Guanyin Temple is very dilapidated. The stone statue of Guanyin has a headless body and is covered with moss. Most of the roof tiles are broken. The yellow grass on the ground is wet. None of the windows are intact. There are several piles of fire ash underground. It seems that there are people living here, but during the rainy season, we have no choice but to change the location.

Outside the Guanyin Temple, there is a lush forest. Zhao silently thought about his escape route in his mind. Then he changed his outfit and transformed himself into a scholar who went out for an outing.

After surveying the woods and laying many traps along the planned route, after everything was arranged properly, I walked back to the ruined temple, found dry branches, and made a fire to cook.

This set of processes is summarized and improved after one year of practice. The world is dangerous and you must be on guard against others. How do you know whether the person looking for you is a customer, an enemy, a killer, what is the most important thing?

Be cautious, be cautious, be cautious!

One day passed in a hurry, on the eighth day of the lunar month, at Haishi.

Zhao extinguished the flame and sat in the darkness waiting silently.

Within a few minutes, a tall man walked into the Guanyin Temple. The man was covered with a black scarf, wearing a bamboo hat, and was dressed in black. When he saw Zhao Jiu sitting on the ground, he frowned and said, "Your Excellency..."

"Ghost market."

"Kill someone for me," the man said.

"Two hundred taels."

The man took out a bag of silver from his arms and threw it directly in front of Zhao Jiu.

"This one hundred taels is the deposit."

"Who do you want to kill?" Zhao said hoarsely.

"The Imperial Envoy, Jiang Ruhai"

Zhao took out his abacus and said slowly: "Who? Don't you know that Jiang Ruhai is an imperial envoy and an official of the imperial court?"

"People like you still care about a scholar?" the man said with a smile.

Zhao slowly adjusted his abacus and said, "What I mean is, we need to add more money!"

"Killing a minister is not an easy matter. For two thousand taels, there is no negotiation." After saying that, he dialed a few beads on the abacus, "In addition to my adventure bonus, do I need to destroy the body, eliminate traces, and silence the entourage? ? These will cost extra, as well as my travel expenses, carriage expenses, loss expenses, etc., plus two thousand taels, you have to give me two thousand three hundred taels for this business. "

"Since you invited me, you have to pay whether I do it or not..." Zhao added.

The man was silent for a while, then slowly spoke: "One thousand three hundred taels as a deposit, no need to destroy the body, and kill the entourage. In fifteen days, Jiang Ruhai will enter Jianzhou, and I don't want him to arrive in Huzhou alive."

After the words fell, two silver bills fell in front of Zhao Jue, and Zhao Jue put the silver bills and the bag of silver into the space, and disappeared in front of the man in an instant.

"My lord, just rest assured to collect the body for the imperial envoy."

Killing the imperial envoy, MD is really bold, let alone the governor, I'm afraid the cabinet can't cover this matter, Lin'an The group of people hid the former prince in Jianzhou?

Damn, it's too little, or young, next time start with 10,000 taels, you have to understand the psychology of these rich people, he can spend 1,000 taels, and he can add another 9,000 taels!

The internal energy was agitated, and Zhao Jue ran for a moment before stopping. One thousand three hundred taels, must be guarded.

The consciousness sank into the system and exchanged for 13,000 God of Wealth points

Taiqing Yuxu Sutra, upgrade two levels! It's spoiled, and it's upgraded to another level, so willful!

Tang Sect Secret Technique. Method, buy!

Peiyuan Pill, buy ten bottles!

Tianyuan Sword Art, buy!

Bailian Tang Sword, buy!

Zhuxian Sword Formation, look, I can't afford it!

After a lot of shopping, 13,700 God of Wealth points turned into 200 God of Wealth points. Fortunately, Tang Sect Secret Technique. Method and Tianyuan Sword Art are on sale, otherwise this shopping would have turned into a negative number.

Three Tang Sect Secret Techniques are combined into a new secret technique: Tang Sect Mysterious. Thousands of Flowers and Blooms. After careful experience, Tang Sect Mysterious is many times more wonderful than Tang Sect Secret Technique, 2,000 God of Wealth points, worth it!

"It turns out that Tang Sect Secret Technique is just the basics, alas, capital. But at least there is a close combat technique, and it's not a problem to always throw hidden weapons. As long as there are enough Peiyuan Pills, the fourth grade is just a matter of time." Zhao murmured.

After eating two Peiyuan pills, he ran the star-chasing and moon-catching skill and walked towards Lin'an.

The road ahead is tortuous, but the future is bright!

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