In the forest at the foot of Fangtou Mountain, in the tent, several people sat on the ground, the charcoal fire was blazing, several people were grilling meat, the aroma of wine was floating, and the sound of "sizzling" was endless.

Several people talked and laughed, and they were in a good mood, even though tonight was the time to attack the city. The snow was a little less in the past two days, and although the road was muddy, they were full of confidence. According to the news sent back by the spies in Liangzhou, Liangzhou has been in chaos in the past few days. The two major gangs have fought each other for territory in the past few days, and dozens of people have died. In addition to the several fires they set in the city, the palace soldiers must be exhausted, and they can attack the city as long as the spies find out the location of the granary.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

After finishing a jar of wine, a short and fat man came in from outside the tent and said, "Brother, the troops are ready and have been put to sleep."

"Okay, it's noon now, cook at 3 p.m., and attack the city at 15 p.m." The man sitting in the middle was named Fei Ma, middle-aged, holding a jar of wine in one hand and a barbecue in the other, and said with a smile, "Military advisor, haven't the spies come back yet?"

Next to him, an old man with white hair and beard was eating barbecue slowly, sipping wine from time to time. He was the military advisor Hu Pingqin. After hearing what Fei Ming said, he put down his wine glass, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and then replied, "Not yet, General, don't worry. There are three granaries in Liangzhou City, two open and one hidden. The open ones are easy to check, but the hidden ones are difficult to deal with.

Fei Ming certainly understood what Hu Pingqin meant. He also knew that there was not much grain in the two open granaries. The important thing was the hidden granary, so he didn't say anything, but just nodded, which was considered to agree with his military advisor.

Sitting on both sides of Fei Ming was Fei Ming's younger brother Fei Shu, and the other was Xiong Wu, a subordinate who had followed Chang'an all the way. Both of them were tall and strong, with muscular bodies. At this time, they were naked from the waist up and their faces were slightly red from drinking.

"Brother, what are you checking? Just go in and kill us. Once the city gate is closed, everything is ours!" Fei Shu had a beard on his face, and his long hair was draped behind his head. His voice was rough, which was in line with his image.

"Yes, General, it is customary to enter the city and rob for three days! "Xiong Wu echoed Fei Shu, his voice full of excitement.

Fei Ming didn't reply to them at first, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After finishing the wine in the glass, he started to explain, "You two, concentrate, have you forgotten how we were driven here? The officials who robbed the grain pinched their noses and accepted it. Aren't you afraid of the Hexi Iron Cavalry for three days? Don't forget that Jianmen Pass is less than 600 miles away from Liangzhou, and Jinguan City is only more than 500 miles away. We still have to cross the Yangtze River. We can't fight quickly. With our horses, we can't run out of 600 taels and be intercepted. We can rob small villages for three days because the lives of the people are worthless. Do you really think those generals dare not kill us and earn military merits?"

Fei Shu, Xiong Wu and Hu Pingqin, including the other people who were drinking, all changed their faces after hearing this, and even their slightly red faces were a little melancholy. For a while, the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"General, general, general... we found it, we found it, the secret warehouse was found. "

There were several loud shouts outside the tent. Fei Ming only heard the words "find out... the secret warehouse". He stood up and glanced at Hu Pingqin. The corners of his mouth were already curled up. "Military Advisor, what are you shouting?"

"It seems that the secret warehouse has been found out."

"Hahahaha." Fei Ming laughed loudly, raised the wine jar, drank it in a few gulps, and the wine in the jar was all over the floor. "Come in, I want to ask clearly. If it is true that the secret warehouse has been found out, you will immediately call up the troops, cook at 3 p.m., eat and drink your fill, and kill into Liangzhou!"

Outside the tent, a man dressed as a merchant walked into the tent quickly and knelt down quickly. "General, the secret warehouse has been found out. It is in the ruined temple in the northwest of Liangzhou. There is no mistake. The other people are busy, so they asked me to go out of the city to reply!"

"Okay, hahaha." Fei Ming laughed wildly. "It's in my trap."

The people sitting there also laughed loudly, and the whole tent was full of joy.

"What time is it? "

"It's the end of the Wei hour, almost the Shen hour." Hu Pingqin stood up and saluted.

"Give the order to cook!"

For a moment, the smoke of joy was curling up. Fei Ming put on his heavy armor, clenched his fist and walked

two steps, picked up the long spear standing beside him, and poured three bowls of wine on the spear head. "Dad and Mom, your spirits in heaven must bless your son..."

When he walked out of the tent with a gun and armor, the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark. Fei Ming looked at the sky with a gun. The afterglow of the sunset turned the horizon red, which was spectacular.

Taking the reins handed over by Fei Shu, Fei Ming jumped on the horse, very calmly. Holding the reins, Fei Ming looked at the people and horses in the queue with great pride, and shouted loudly, "After eating and drinking, it's time to pick up the sword and get on the horse. Brothers, follow me to fight into Liangzhou! Grab enough food and have a good new year!

"Good!" "Good!" "Good!"

The crowd was excited, as if they were already standing in Liangzhou City.

Fei Ming pointed the gun in the direction of Liangzhou with a burning gaze. The snow gradually got heavier, and the sky was completely dark. In the hazy night, the shape of the city wall became more and more obvious.

"Old Xiong, you lead 2,000 people as the vanguard and open the way. Military Advisor, you follow Fei Shu. Fei Shu, 1,000 people are yours. Each person has seven arrows. Shoot three rounds first, and wait until we get close to the city wall, and then shoot three more rounds. After we break open the city gate, the troops will be divided into three groups. I will lead people to the ruined temple, and you will go to the other two warehouses, rush in to move grain, and then return to Yuantou Mountain. Be quick, don't kill people in the city, especially the officials. We are here to rob grain, not to kill people and set fire!" Fei Ming said in a deep tone, with fierce eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to Hexi, and he was still a general who commanded tens of thousands of troops.


After the words fell, Xiong Wule whipped his horse, holding a long sword in his hand, and rushed out first, with a roar of killing. Fei Ming followed behind, leaning against the horse, holding a poor bow, putting an arrow on the string, and pulling a few steps away from the two teams in front.

On the Liangzhou city wall, soldiers were changing shifts and eating. Many of them put their weapons aside and chatted leisurely. According to convention, bandits usually don't go down the mountain in the twelfth month. In addition, this is the south gate, and the bandits don't have many people. A hundred or so people are considered a lot. In their opinion, this number of people can't even break open the city gate, so they are not very vigilant.


"Horse hoof sound, what's going on?" A soldier who had just finished his meal asked in confusion. Looking back, he saw a cloud of dust. Just as he was about to shout, a gun with the sound of wind hit his neck. The sound of wind poured into his throat. He couldn't shout even if he wanted to. He whistled twice and fell down from the city wall unwillingly. Many guards heard the smoke and dust raised by the horse's hooves and saw the approaching group of people. Before they had time to light fireworks, a round of arrows shot over, forcing the guards to dare not move.

Seeing this in the distance, Fei Ming and Xiong Wu rode their horses desperately and quickly approached the city wall. The distance was only five or six miles, and Fei Shu and his group suppressed most of the people with one round of arrows, and only a few arrows were shot.

The people in the front didn't care at all, just lowered their heads and stuck to the back of the horse to avoid the arrows in front. The horses behind were pulling the battering rams, and their speed was not slow.

The distance of five or six miles was reached in a blink of an eye, and the three rounds of arrows had been shot. Fei Shu and his group who fell behind had caught up with the two groups in front. Seeing that the distance was almost the same, they all bent their bows and shot arrows. The fourth round of arrows was shot, followed by the fifth round of arrows.

The guards on the city wall just leaned out and had not shot a round of arrows, and the rain of arrows outside the city pressed them back again.

Xiong Wu and Fei Ming's horses were good, and they had already stuck to the city gate. The two looked at each other, nodded, dismounted and pushed towards the city gate at the same time. Only a "clang" sound was heard, confirming that the lock post had been lowered, and they could only shake their heads helplessly.

The battering ram behind them had arrived under the cover of several rounds of arrows. A dozen or twenty men dragged the rope backwards and smashed the city gate.

In just four times, the lock post was broken and the city gate was knocked open.

Perhaps the process was too simple, the people in front had no time to react and stayed where they were until Fei Ming shouted "Enter the city", and then everyone came to their senses and ran towards the city.

For a while, the bandits who were not riding horses behind them took advantage of the city gate being knocked open and rushed into the city, following the three people in three different directions.

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