An eight-year-old kid cooks rice to feed a group of college students

Chapter 179: Relying On Food To Save People Who Give Up On Themselves

"Don't you want to eat that day's lunch? Mom has already sent the chef over. Please don't give up on yourself anymore, okay?"

How could the child she had grown up with a silver spoon in her hands become like this overnight?

"Didn't Mom tell you? Mom will never lie to you, can't you just trust me once?"

"I don't want to eat anything else. I just want the same bacteria that day."

But she couldn't collapse because she still had to take her children out of the trough.

Su Zhi suddenly thought of the delicious food in his mouth that day, and his eyes radiated a little light.

"Xiao Zhi, mom knows that you feel uncomfortable, but the doctor also said that recovery is possible. As long as you cheer up, mom is willing to accompany you to the rehabilitation center every day.

Although he didn't want to believe it, what he said was reasonable and well-founded, and Su Zhi really had no way to refute it.

"And I don't believe you can make that kind of delicious food. There must be someone there to guide you."

Seeing such an embarrassing scene, Zhang Wanzhi felt very broken and tormented. Why did her life become like this?

"They must be laughing at me behind my back. I have hit rock bottom now and no one is willing to pull me up anymore.

After hearing her son's words, Zhang Wanzhi felt that her heart was about to break.

Now his surroundings were bare, and there were no items for him to vent on.


"I'm working in the canteen of Jiangcheng University now. If you don't believe it, ask me to make one on the spot. You'll know the taste after you try it."

"Why are you angry again all of a sudden?"

Su Zhiqing couldn't help but swallowed. His eyes wandered: "Then I have to say something ugly first. If the taste is different from before, I will never eat it."

The two women looked at each other angrily, feeling a little embarrassed in the middle.

He couldn't help but explain aloud: "Your mother didn't lie to you, it was indeed me who made the lunch box.

But he felt that he couldn't bear it, so he couldn't help but ridiculed: "Who would let a child as young as you go out to work? Isn't this obviously using child labor?"

"You all get out of here and get out of the hospital!"

"Okay, okay." When her son could relax, no one was happier than Zhang Wanzhi. Just when she was about to go out, Su Zhi said again.

"What kind of food do you want to eat? Just order it and I will send someone to arrange it."

As soon as she saw this look, Zhang Wanzhi knew it would definitely work, and she smiled: "When have I ever lied to you?"


This is just a joke, it's so unbelievable.

Su Zhi suddenly became furious again. He picked up the vase beside him and wanted to smash it, but after groping around, everything that could be smashed had already been smashed.

Zhang Wanzhi didn't think much and went directly to the living room to bring Su Can in.

"Even if you want to fool me, there's no need to find this way, right?"

The tone also softened: "Did you really find the chef that day?"

That day’s lunch box?

"Now that you have found the chef, can you let me meet him?"

Su Zhi's eyes widened: "Are you kidding me? You don't want to say that he is the chef, do you?"

Su Can said calmly: "You are indeed right. No one would let such a young child go out to work unless both his parents died. All other relatives are thinking about the house left by their parents, and no one really cares about his life and death. Peace is in danger."

He also wanted to see what the person who made such delicious food looked like.

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