Chapter 49 Sure enough, carbohydrates are the simplest happiness!

The sauce is ready.

The next step is to knead the dough and make the cake.

Tujia sauce-flavored pancakes, although the most critical part is the sauce.

But the cake can’t be left behind!

At least it should be thin, crispy, and layered, not hard or dead.

You need to add an appropriate amount of baking soda to the dough.

Make sure the noodles have a fluffy texture but not staleness.

Then you need to add a little cooked soybean oil.

The reason for adding oil is to make the cake crispier.

Then add warm water in batches, stirring while adding, to make the dough slightly soft.

After kneading the dough, knead the surface of the dough until it is smooth, and finally apply a layer of oil on the dough.

Theoretically speaking.

At this point.

You should cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest for twenty minutes.

But Su Can now owns the epic dragon-turning pot!

Put the dough directly into the rotating pot. When you take it out, the dough will be completely cooked.

The main purpose of resting the dough is to release the tension from the dough so that it can be rolled out and thinned when rolling.

Only in this way can the cake taste crispy!...........................................................................

After the dough has risen.

Su Can thought about it at such a late night.

I only eat it by myself.

Just take a small part.

Then apply a layer of oil on the chopping board, don't apply too much.

Then press the noodles open.

Use the rolling pin, roll it out, and roll it into a round shape.

Just roll it round and thin for him.

Then comes the crucial step, which is to add the pastry to the dough, spread it out, and spread it evenly.

This is when you need to use a knife.

Make eight slits in the dough to divide the dough into eight even halves.

Then fold the eight flaps of dough in half one after another!

Until the last flap is folded up.

Pull it apart a little.

Cover the entire dough.

After stacking up layer by layer like this.

Use your hands to shape it into a small round dough.

In this way, the layering in the dough is created.

Then apply some oil on the surface so that the dough will not be too dry and become air-dried.

This cake is ready!.............................................................................

The cake embryo can be stored for a long time.

Apply oil and seal in a plastic bag.

Su Chan can be there every morning.

Prepare the dough you need.

Wait until you need to use it.

Just take it out and use it.

Now it’s time to make the cake.

He directly took out a cake embryo, then placed it on the chopping board and pressed it hard.

Then use a rolling pin to roll it into a thin cake shape.

There are two ways to do it at this time, one is to put it directly into the pan and fry it, and the other is to fold the pancake layer by layer.

When you eat it this way, the taste will be richer.

Su Can’s choice is to make pleats, after all, pleats will make it more delicious!

After folding the pleats, place the entire pancake directly into the pan, then cover it and wait until one side is cooked.

Turn it over directly. At this time, you need to apply the meat sauce that you have made before.

Spread the meat sauce thinly over the entire pancake, even in the folds.

Finally, sprinkle a layer of sesame seeds, then cover the pan and fry for a while. The pancake is completely ready!................................................................................

When Su Can opened the lid of the pot again.

The tangy burnt aroma and soy sauce aroma almost made him confused!

This is Tujia Sauce Pancake, one of the kings in the breakfast stall!

Although it is a bit strange to eat Tujia sauce-flavored pancakes at such a late night.

But Su Can still cut off a small piece.

Put it in your mouth and taste it carefully!

Talk about it.

He couldn't miss this sauce-flavored pancake.

In my previous life, whether I was studying or working, I sometimes couldn't make it in time in the morning.

I will directly ask the boss to cut a piece of Tujia sauce-flavored pancake that costs two or three yuan.

Then pick it up with bamboo skewers and eat it while it's hot on the way.

That alluring scent.

Su Can has been missed to this day!

I didn’t expect to eat the sauce-flavored pancakes I made today.

A small piece of cake enters your mouth.

Full of aroma.

This pancake is fried just right, the outside is crispy, but the inside is soft.

It goes well with the meat sauce which has a moderately salty skin.

Take one bite.

Indescribable satisfaction!

This is the taste!

It restores Su Can’s wonderful memory of Tujia sauce-flavored pancakes to a great extent!

It's even more delicious than I imagined!

It’s truly a god-level Tujia sauce-flavored pancake skill!....................................................................

About a few minutes.

Su Can had already finished the whole piece of Tujia sauce pancake.

I burped with satisfaction!

He doesn't worry about whether he will gain weight because he eats too much at night.

After all, I'm still just in the body of an eight-year-old child!

Just when you need to grow taller!

No matter how much you eat, it’s never too much.

After eating the cake.

Su Can started to work again.

We still have to prepare ingredients for tomorrow’s stall!

This is the first time he has set up a stall elsewhere.

We can’t let those people at Oriental Cuisine University see the joke!

I was busy until almost twelve o'clock.

Su Can then wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Take a shower and get ready to rest!.................................................................

The next day.

When Lian Qingxue came over.

Su Can has already gotten up.

On one side, the casserole is popping.

The alluring fragrance of rice filled the whole room.

And the other side.

It was Su Can who was spreading pancakes.

The alluring aroma of Tujia sauce-flavored cakes also hits your nostrils.

After seeing Lian Qingxue enter the door.

Su Can first brought her a full bowl of white rice porridge.

Then I cut about three ounces of sauce-flavored pancakes.

Also in a bowl.

Passed it to Lian Qingxue

"Sister Qingxue, don’t be in a hurry to drink porridge!"

"Try this new sauce pancake I made"

"I'm going to sell it tonight."

Although she was very excited to see a bowl full of white rice porridge,

Lian Qingxue still obeyed Su Can's instructions. She picked up a piece of sauce-flavored pancake with chopsticks and slowly put it into her mouth.

However, just as soon as she entered the mouth,

Lian Qingxue... Qingxue's eyes lit up instantly.

Originally, she didn't like eating such greasy food in the morning.

But the sauce-flavored pancakes made by Su Can not only didn't have any greasy feeling, but were extremely crispy and had a pleasant aroma..

Her appetite was completely awakened in an instant. She couldn't help but exclaimed


"So delicious!"

"Why is this sauce pancake so delicious?"..............................................................

It's ready to be put on the shelves. The author is so shameless as to ask for an initial order.

Please, your support is really important to me!

Kneel down and thank you.......

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