Chapter 7: Purchasing ingredients and meeting the sister from the high school next door.

After the braised beef noodles are finished.

Su Can was not in a hurry to eat noodles.

Instead, Meimei took a sip of soup.


Absolutely amazing!

The soup is mellow, and the rich aroma of beef spreads between your lips and teeth.

Moderately salty!

After taking a sip of the soup, my whole body felt warm.

The hunger was gone instantly. beautiful!

It’s really beautiful!

Then Su Can picked up another piece of beef.

Slowly put it into your mouth.

For just a moment, Su Can felt as if there were countless cows running wantonly in his mouth. fragrant!

So delicious!

Because this beef has been pressed in a pressure cooker, it can be said to be soft and delicious.

It also contains soup. As you chew, the rich soup bursts into your mouth, almost making you cry!

Su Can didn't even dare to think about it.

I'll open a stall tomorrow with this pot of braised beef sauerkraut.

How crazy can those group of college guys and girls get!

And the last thing is the most critical pasta.

At this point, every thin noodle is soaked in beef broth.

Su Can picked up a pair of chopsticks, sucked hard, and instantly had a big mouthful of noodles in his mouth.

This moment.

Su Can's first reaction was satisfaction.

Absolute satisfaction!

The noodles soaked in beef broth seem to be so fragrant that they can draw out your soul.

And it benefits from Su Can's precise control of the heat of the noodles.

At this moment, the noodles are completely cooked and taken out, perfectly retaining the refreshing and chewy texture of the noodles.

Plus this rich beef broth.

It’s a total feast for the taste!

Even Su Can has the most picky taste.

At this point, I can’t fault this bowl of braised beef noodles!

Slurping down a bowl of noodles.

Su Can held up her bulging belly.

I just feel that the most wonderful thing in life is nothing more than this.

Although in this world, he is only an eight-year-old child.

But just relying on this skill of egg fried rice and braised beef noodles.

It’s enough for him to survive in this society like a fish in water..........................................

Think of this.

Su Can couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although I don’t have much affection for my parents in this world.

But wait until he gets the stall business done.

After paying off the remaining 300,000 yuan in mortgage, that means you have saved the last inheritance left to you by your parents!

That being the case.

So what is the appropriate price for this bowl of braised beef noodles?

Su Can thought about it for a while and finally decided to set the price at thirty yuan!

Because the beef on the market now is very expensive, basically costing 60 to 71 pounds.

After more than ten kilograms of beef is cooked, there may be only about seven or eight kilograms left.

In addition, Su Can cuts it into relatively large pieces. If you give it a spoonful, you can get about two taels of beef.

In terms of cost.

Ten servings here are about fifteen pounds of beef.

In other words, the beef alone is worth one thousand and fifty yuan. (70 yuan multiplied by 15 kilograms of beef equals 1050.)

Then after the beef is cooked and shrunk, there will be only about seven or eight kilograms left. If calculated based on eight kilograms, it will be eighty taels.

In other words, the value of just one tael of beef is already around thirteen yuan. therefore.

Calculated based on the highest price, seventy yuan per pound of beef.

You can almost earn a little by beating two taels of beef with one spoon. After all, noodles, spices, etc. also cost money.

However, prices always fluctuate. Beef priced at 70 yuan per pound is considered to be very good quality beef. therefore.

Su Can estimated that if he priced a bowl of braised beef noodles at thirty yuan, it would be about the same as egg fried rice, and he could earn about five yuan per bowl.

Maybe a little less, but after all, the raw materials this time are provided by the system, which is a pure profit! therefore.

After finishing the delicious beef noodles, Su Can worked hard for a while and steamed a large basin full of rice for tomorrow. this time.

He prepared two hundred portions of rice!

After all, one hundred copies were sold out in less than two hours, and I still feel like I still have some unfinished business.................................................

The next day.

Su Can woke up early and ran to the vegetable market to purchase ingredients.

It was still the same aunt as before. This time, Su Can simply swept away all the eggs in her hand.

In addition, I bought some beef bones, handmade noodles, and some other vegetables and so on. this time.

Su Can purchased a total of 700 yuan worth of ingredients.

Big and small bags.

I almost couldn't carry it.

And just when Su Can was struggling to move these things to the tricycle. suddenly.

I heard a clear and sweet voice coming from behind

"Su Can?"

Hearing someone calling his name,

Su Can turned his head subconsciously.

As a result, he saw a beautiful figure wearing a high school uniform with a lollipop in his mouth.

Then, before he could react, his head was pressed. In a piece of warm fragrant soft jade

"It’s really you, Su Can!"

"I'm sorry, I've also heard about what happened at your house. Yesterday afternoon I ran to your house to look for you, but I knocked on the door for a long time and got no response."

"Don't be sad, everything will pass."

It was hard to squeeze out of the warmth.

Su Can then remembered.

The girl in front of her who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old seemed to be her sister next door.

Her name was Lian Qingxue.

Like herself, she was also a miserable person. People.

It’s not a bloody drama about the death of both parents.

However, she has a younger brother. Her parents have a very bad relationship, and the family is more patriarchal.

After her parents divorced, they both felt that the eldest daughter was a burden, and both parties were competing for her. The custody of her younger brother.

And Lian Qingxue had no choice but to live with her elderly grandma.

Even her tuition fees were earned by her grandma by picking up rags and bottles one by one.

"Sister Qingxue?"

"Aren't you in your third year of high school? Why don't you go to school?"

Su Can asked in surprise.

It seemed that this question touched Lian Qingxue's sadness.

Her expression dimmed instantly. She said helplessly:"I don't want to study anymore. This year's tuition fees haven't been paid yet. I don't want my grandma. Too hard"

"It’s better to go out early and make money to support yourself."

Hearing this sentence,

Su Can frowned instantly.

In his impression, Lian Qingxue's academic performance has always been very good, and she is always among the top ten in the school.

If it is only because of the tuition fee of one or two thousand yuan, Question:

It would be a pity to give up the opportunity to go to college.

"Grandma can't afford so much money, right?"

"Why don't you worry about what your parents want?"

Su Can asked helplessly.

But as soon as he said this, he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

If the problem could be solved so easily, I'm afraid he wouldn't meet Lian Qingxue here today. Got it

"No matter what they do?"

"They only have younger brothers in their eyes!"

Lian Qingxue curled her lips and said with an indifferent expression.

Then she changed into a gentle face again and smiled at Su Can.

"It's you, why are you buying so many vegetables?"

"There are so many eggs and noodles. Are you going to set up a stall?"

"Come on, sister, help you!"

After that,

Lian Qingxue helped Su Can put the ingredients into the tricycle.

Su Can felt much more relaxed in an instant. Suddenly

, a bold idea appeared in his mind.

Then he smiled and said

"Yes, Sister Qingxue!"

"Now I sell egg fried rice alone at night to make money!"

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