An evolutionary game starting from Suolongjing

Chapter 381 Those who understand current affairs and the burning journey

The gods gathered in the sea of ​​​​stars only saw that at the end of the galaxy, the almost transparent world barrier suddenly made a crisp sound after a burst of flashes.

There was a movement like broken glass, with dense cracks crisscrossing it.

The next moment, a red battle ax came from the sky, following the broken barrier, across the galaxy!

"Good evening everyone!"

Through the crack, Zhang Ke got into the world.

It was originally just a long, narrow and deep gap, but after Zhang Ke penetrated it, it took on an oval shape, and colorful magic particles continued to escape from the hole.

Good evening?

Hello beep beep beep beep beep.

Before trying to understand this group of silenced words, you must first understand what World Barrier is.

It is an eggshell and a placenta. While protecting the internal materials and living beings from the void, it is also responsible for absorbing and transforming chaos, converting it into the most basic extraordinary particles, or basic material elements, and precipitating them into the world. After the transformation by the gods, these ethereal substances will be transformed into reality.

Eventually, it became the land, air, moisture, etc. needed for living creatures to live.

With the growth and expansion of the material level, the level of the world is also gradually rising, from the low demonic plane to the high demonic plane, and even to the behemoth of the multi-dimensional universe and the pan-world.

It's just that relying solely on micro-level transformations, the world's growth rate is undoubtedly slow.

Take the most familiar Mount Everest as an example. It rises 1.8 centimeters a year. Although it is only the height, the expanded data looking at the volume of the entire mountain is undoubtedly more intuitive, but is it useful?

After the spiritual energy recovered, Zhang Ke spent many resources and provided many nutrients intermittently.

Today's Kyushu has expanded five times in area compared to half a year ago, not to mention the growth in other aspects.

Converting this simple data, how many years will it take to achieve the goal by relying on the self-increase of the world, and this is only the most basic area, extraordinary particles, the essence of living things, the aura of mountains and rivers, and various aspects, using the unit of ten thousand. Not enough.

Not to mention that in this long process, various natural and man-made disasters, wars and battles are almost predictably frequent. Every time a similar incident breaks out, it will more or less reverse the progress that has been made.

Between pulling and pulling, the time consumption is undoubtedly longer.

As time goes by, although the conditions remain the same, the difficulty of promotion increases exponentially.

In this way, it is easy to understand why countless longing worlds in the void seek war.

There is no way, working in the fields all your life is your destiny in the lower world. Only the blood-stained war of annihilation can have the chance to transcend the levels.

The truth is true, but no one will completely abandon the role of world barriers if they have a choice. After all, there is no conflict between getting rich suddenly and ensuring harvests during droughts and floods. In fact, the richer you are, the more you value stable income.

But now, the barriers of this magical world have been destroyed by an outsider.

Regardless of whether they can drive the invader out, the damage has been done now. The influx of void will quickly assimilate all matter in the world, and the cracks that have been repaired will not be able to return to their original appearance even if they are repaired for thousands of years.

No one can bear this huge permanent loss. It is just a curse, it is purely because of the "good temper" of these gods!

"It is not polite to invade other people's world for no reason. As an outsider, leaving as soon as possible before starting a war is your best decision at the moment!"

After taking a deep breath, the figure wrapped in light, sitting on the throne, spoke.

After the words fell, although the surrounding gods were silent, their eyes revealed the same threatening look.

It’s not that he has a good attitude.

After all, Zhang Ke's work really created a deadly feud between the two parties. However, due to some reasons, the main god of this world was not willing to directly launch a costly and extravagant divine war.

To put it more bluntly, after all, the world barrier is an existence that can resist the erosion of the void. If it is as brittle as a piece of paper, can it still be used?

Even the barriers of the low demonic plane are as strong as the life thickness of the guardian of that world.

In other words, since the opponent can split the barrier with an ax without warning, he also has the power to kill him with an ax. The huge power gap is the reason why the opponent is so angry.

It's most cost-effective to deceive people.

"War? Ha!"

Zhang Ke grinned, and with lightning speed under his feet, he rushed to the front of the starry sky continent with an unbridled and violent aura.

Then, the battle ax struck down vertically!


The continent suspended in the starry sky with the help of authority and divine power had no chance to resist. With an axe, a huge canyon penetrated the land with an earth-shaking roar.

The broken bodies of some gods who failed to escape fell into the cracks in the ground.

Not long after, rays of light transformed from authority, wrapped in a large amount of faith, rose from the darkness, then circled around the continent before falling in the direction of the earth.

Countless mortals looked up at the falling stars in the sky.

The tail wing with the meteor streaked across the sky with brilliant light. The silent night starry sky was suddenly obscured by blood-colored clouds. Under the thunder and lightning, drops of bright red rainwater that smelled of blood fell in a steady stream.

Such a wonderful sight has become one of the few things in their lives worth bragging about.

A large number of extraordinary individuals looked at the starry sky above their heads with sorrowful and unspeakable expressions. Their gazes could not penetrate the barrier of the sky. However, the death of such a large number of gods at the same time was not praiseworthy news.


The end of the world?

All kinds of thoughts were lingering in their minds, but before worrying about the world, they first packed their bags and went to catch the falling stars.

It doesn't matter whether the world is destroyed or not. The most important thing is to carry a divine corpse back and see if you can steal it.

"Wait, guardian of the foreign land, wait!"

On the crumbling starry sky continent, while the sky god Genegal fled quickly, he did not forget to gather a clone and stay on the broken continent to negotiate with this unreasonable barbarian.

"Perhaps you have misunderstood something. The gods and I just want to know the reason, but we do not want to start a war with you. As an upright and kind god, even a war must have a legitimate reason. You cannot start a war so arbitrarily. This is not a good thing for you or us!"

"Perhaps there is still a possibility of negotiation between us?"

The cry from the God of the Sky made the surrounding gods who were either fleeing or bravely drawing their swords slightly stunned.

They couldn't help but turn around and look at the body of the sky god behind them who was still retreating.

How could this cowardly and weak bastard show such a dejected attitude in the face of the invaders?

The God of the Sky ignored all the looks cast by the gods.

Just kidding, I don’t even look at the lineup gap.

How can a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps on my side resist a powerful enemy who splits the barrier of the world in an instant? Without negotiation, why are they planning to go to the underworld to report together?

Oh, I forgot, if the Twilight of the Gods really happened, the underworld would probably collapse, so what kind of revenge would there be?

Zhang Ke doesn't understand Xiao Jiujiu in the hearts of these foreign gods, nor is he prepared to understand.

The aura that burst out from the Jiuzhou promotion this time was too huge and too conspicuous. Not to mention anything else, the traceable auras preserved in Zhang Ke's hands came from seventy worlds, and more than thirty were from Wandering. Void, a wanderer without a home.

Among the seventy worlds, only twelve are relatively close and can be reached in a short time.

In other words, Zhang Ke still has eleven worlds to visit in the future. How can he have so much time to deal with these details? He even didn't bother to pay attention to the other party's words and casually threw out the breath wrapped in red thread in his hand. road:

"This thing tried to invade my world before. Although it paid with its life, it was not enough to compensate for my losses."

"I understand. I am willing to pay the frozen soil of the north and a quarter of the ocean to compensate for your losses. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Before Zhang Ke could finish his words, the God of the Sky spoke in a comprehensive manner.


Actually, you don’t necessarily have to fight and kill to vent your anger. Anyway, the invaders were wiped out outside the Kyushu. At most, Zhang Ke spent a little mana, but other than that, there was no loss. Okay, he admitted that he was moved. .

There was no way, He gave too much, and it was hard for Zhang Ke to refuse.

Although, facing this low magic plane, Zhang Ke's strength is almost overwhelming.

How do you say that: If I kill you, all the gold bars will be mine!

But for a group of flies, it would take a long time to fumigate them with pesticides, not to mention that these local gods are not pure weaklings. The analogy to flies is too much, but it is almost the same as pigs.

Burning the pig farm will take even more time.

Rather than slaughter all the gods and then pack the world away, it is better to accept the goodwill of the sky god.

Although it is small, it is fast. With this skill, Zhang Ke can rob (not) a few more worlds. If you add up a small amount, the harvest may not be less than killing them all in the same time.

I finally relented.

After thousands of miles of frozen soil and turbulent oceans were contained by Cangyu, Zhang Ke was sent out of the country as a gift.

Standing at the edge of the huge hole where the barrier was broken, the God of the Sky breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the figure wrapped in flames and quickly retreating away.

Although the barrier is broken,

Although there are fewer plots of land,

Although many gods will lose their power and return to the mortal world as a result, the world will even have to face a violent regression.

But in the end, the authority of his supreme god has not been lost. Everything else is considered a trivial matter. The loss can be made up for elsewhere, and those gods who fell because of this matter are unable to resist the results that have been implemented.

After all, the losses of most gods are counted, right?

There are not many beings as wise as the God of the Sky who dare to choose to cede before the outbreak, but they are also hard-core.

In a world with psychic energy and steam as the background, and controlled by superpowers, Zhang Ke encountered fierce resistance, and supernatural beings as powerful as gods tried their best to attack him.

The torrent of spells, dense enough to cover the sky, hit the giant shield one after another.

Break defense?

It was indeed done. Some spells with tricky angles bypassed the blockage of the giant shield and hit Zhang Ke, leaving many marks, but that was all. There were no wounds that did not penetrate the skin. Breathing time will heal and be as good as before.

Instead, as Zhang Ke got closer to the ground, violent flames fell from the sky and burned crazily on the ground.

As time goes by, with the support of burning matter and sufficient mana, the surface of the world is being eaten away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The entire surface of the planet was burning and dissolving. The magnificent and gorgeous scene even Zhang Ke, who was familiar with this, was a little shocked when he saw it.

But here, the extraordinary ones all returned to dust.

I don't know how much time passed, but when the last superpower user's defense was broken by the burning fire, his soul and body were turned into flying ashes in the high temperature, the fire that melted all things was finally extinguished.

Ordinary people who were "lucky" to survive in the raging fire looked at the majestic body in the sky blankly and helplessly.

But Zhang Ke ignored them.

After scanning around, he found a continent that was not very densely populated and had not yet been developed. After transferring all the creatures on it to other lands, Zhang Ke used beryl to collect the continent and the surrounding sea water.

A large amount of material poured into the green jade continuously, making the already overflowing space even more crowded.

After doing all this and calming down the turbulent sea, Zhang Ke turned around and left this world.

Revenge does not mean destruction.

He only came here to collect compensation and deal with those who were associated with the invaders. As for ordinary mortals, Zhang Ke was not cruel enough to pack them away together.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people don't understand Zhang Ke's forgiveness, it's just another chance.

However, if they are not fast enough, then it may not be Zhang Ke who comes in the future, but the human army from Kyushu in the future.

To be honest, Zhang Ke originally wanted to eradicate the root cause and bring burning destruction to these worlds.

But maybe he made too much noise, and some worlds received the news. When Zhang Ke went to the fifth world, which was also the second world he was preparing to destroy, the coalition forces from the upper plane arrived.

It involves dozens of low-demon planes and a huge coalition of three multiverses.

The two sides started fighting for several days after a disagreement.

In the final result, it can only be said that Zhang Ke was slightly better, but not by much.

There were too many layers of qianqi, and Zhang Ke gradually became powerless. The coalition forces on the opposite side could not bear such terrible losses, and in the end both sides took a step back.

Zhang Ke can divide the world to the greatest extent and take away the compensation he deserves without causing the world to fall down. However, if he encounters resistance, he can resort to war, but the targets of killing are limited to extraordinary individuals and cannot be used against him. Ordinary creatures take action.

After the revenge is completed, you should immediately leave the current world and not look back.

As a deal, they will send beings from the upper plane to open the world's barriers for Zhang Ke to facilitate his entry.

The scope of protection is limited to this war of conquest. If the war world still does not repent, the coalition of worlds will not protect these evil worlds again. Of course, the premise is that Zhang Ke cannot attack these worlds without any reason.

Zhang Ke only thought briefly before agreeing to the transaction.

When the earth breaks free from the shroud of the apocalypse, it means that it also has a place in the void. The protection of Wumo is no longer there, whether it is long or short, and some eyes passing by accidentally will always notice this new world.

Compared to taking revenge with anger when things come to an end, or after paying the price.

Zhang Ke prefers to nip everything in the bud before it happens.

A revenge that affects many worlds is enough to spread the name of Kyushu in the void for future generations. Those who dare to covet him must weigh whether this tyrannical guardian will come to their doorstep.

And his reputation will spread from these worlds to the void after this journey is over.

I can't guarantee anything else. At least in the area close to Kyushu, there won't be too many lunatic individuals looking for trouble.

Due to my family situation, I can only do the Mid-Autumn Festival shopping this year, which resulted in insufficient updates today.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. If I stay in the Internet cafe and code, I will definitely guarantee more than 7k.

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