An Expert Is actually By My Side

Chapter 128 I'm the only one who doesn't know I'm a billionaire?

Chapter 128 I'm the only one who doesn't know I'm a billionaire?

Whether Su Xiaoqi believes it or not, one thing is certain.

That is "Boss Hao" is completely popular in the circle of friends on Jiangda campus!

Although he was once popular because of his status as the president of Yunmeng Group during the CCTV interview, but that time was far from the level that everyone has spread by word of mouth.

After all, the valuation of 500 million is really shocking.

Now almost everyone is unaware that a self-made billionaire emerges from the Soft Engineering Institute, and this topic is even hotter than a celebrity giving birth to twins.

There was even a video with a misleading title like "What's it like to be a billionaire with a buddy next door to the dormitory" on Bilibili. Even the school media and Jiangcheng's media went to the autumn recruitment fair. Come up to join in the fun.

And this really hurt Li Zongzheng.

Originally, after Hao Yun left with those three bosses, he finally received a few good resumes.

As a result, more and more people came to visit later, check in to take pictures, and inquire about Mr. Hao's relationship status and WeChat. On the contrary, there were not many people who applied for the job seriously, and all of them were driven out by bad money.

It seems that the whole world knows that Hao Yun has become a billionaire, only he himself does not know...

In a restaurant not far from the school, in a private room with round tables, Mr. Hao, the tens of billionaire in the eyes of the students, is racking his brains to think of a way, trying to sell the hop in his hand for a good price, and relieve himself. The high debts put pressure on Yunmeng Group.

Unfortunately, although in a sense, he did bluff the three big shots with his own talent, the development of the matter was slightly different from what he expected.

At this moment, Feng Zhengqing, who was sitting at the dining table, and Wang Dalong, who was from the Sea-Lion Group, both had unbelievable expressions on their faces.

Xu Qianshi who was sitting on the side laughed, as expected.

Hao Yun, on the other hand, took a sip of cold beer to moisten his dry throat.

He had been beeping for more than an hour before, but he was thirsty.

"...It's really eye-opening." Finally recovering from the shock, Feng Zhengqing looked at Hao Yun and said, "The things you said...who did you learn from?"

"...Uh, from the reference book?" Hao Yun said with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, scratching his cheek with his index finger.

In fact, feeling his conscience, he did not lie, but this answer is really hard to accept.

Unsurprisingly, Feng Zhengqing sighed, speaking with emotion.

"Too humble! If this thing can be seen in the reference book, I will order a truckload and distribute it to the employees in the software development department."

Obviously, he did not believe this explanation.

As for how the topic got here, it has to start from an hour ago...

About an hour ago, before the food was served, Feng Zhengqing took Hao Yun to chat about the magic number.

Hao Yun didn't want to talk too much at first, after all, he felt that intuition was really troublesome to explain, and he wasn't even sure if it had anything to do with the memory of his previous life. said a few words.


The development of things is very simple.

Hao Yun first talked about the mathematical logic of magic numbers, and then casually chatted about the various applications of underlying functions in information technology, as well as his imagination for the future development of information technology.

To be honest, half of the content here is what he read from the "Professor Lu's Notebook", he added a little bit of the reality of the world, and then it became his own.

However, what he didn't expect was that even though he was bragging casually at the wine table, without talking about any high-tech, he frightened Mr. Feng for a moment, and when he opened his jaw, It doesn't fit together.

It made Hao Yun startled by himself, when did he become so awesome.

It can be regarded as the end of bragging, seeing that the food is also served, Hao Yun was planning to take care of everyone to start eating, but was caught by Wang Dalong again.

"What about the applet?"

When Feng Zhengqing was stunned by the bluff earlier, he was beside him impatiently.

This time, he finally got the chance, Wang Dalong inserted the topic right where he needed it, and hurriedly asked the question in the tone of asking for advice.

"What do you think about the future of Mini Programs!"

Seeing the earnest expression on this man's face, Hao Yun didn't know how to refuse for a while, so he said in an ambiguous tone.

"Small program? Small program is good. This thing is really easy to use. Although users may not be used to it now, they will get used to it sooner or later when the product is integrated into every aspect of users' lives!"

"What does it mean to integrate into every aspect of life..." Wang Dalong frowned slightly, but he went to his heart and asked thoughtfully.

"That's the literal meaning. For example, if we eat this meal, order a dish or something, it must be more convenient to place an order directly with the applet than with a notebook? Of course, I just said it casually. In fact, the applet is such a thing. Personally, I feel...the breakthrough should not be those big companies, but the thousands of small merchants in Xia Kingdom."

"How do you say it?" Wang Dalong suddenly realized something, looked at Hao Yun and said.

"These merchants need to use WeChat as a tool to manage customer relationships, and it is more suitable for the realization of WeChat's traffic. In turn, those small and medium-sized merchants who use the mini program platform will also penetrate into the lives of users, thereby subtly changing WeChat users. Our usage habits of this WeChat product..." Hao Yun coughed lightly in embarrassment, "I just said it casually, so just take it as nonsense."


If he really took these words as nonsense, Wang Dalong felt that his position as the manager of the WeChat department would be for nothing.

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough. Although there are many flaws, it has pointed out a clear way for the WeChat applet that has been facing difficulties in promotion for several months since its release.

The promotion of Moments is one aspect, and the money-making effect is another aspect to attract major companies to settle in. But the most important thing is to construct an ecological chain that can produce intersections between WeChat users and large and small enterprises.

The ray of light in my heart is getting brighter and brighter!

He has already thought of a way to break the situation!

Wang Dalong was silent for a long time, then suddenly looked at Hao Yun, and spoke with sincere emotion.

"...Admiration, really admiration! I didn't expect that I, a manager of the WeChat project department, have a deeper understanding of my own products than you, an outsider. I used to not believe that there are geniuses in this world, but now I believe, it may be true Someone is the kind of omnipotent expert."

The expression on Hao Yun's face was a little subtle.

To be honest, he knew that these things had something to do with the vague memory of his previous life. After all, game designers can be regarded as half of the Internet industry practitioners. There are still some talents who understand this aspect among colleagues and peers, and they usually brag when they eat.

Although he can't remember many details, he still remembers the general direction.

It is certainly not feasible to apply those experiences mechanically to this world, but there are still many places that can be used for reference. If you can build a good relationship with the WeChat department of Sea Lion Group, maybe the buyer who is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions can also——

But just when Hao Yun was about to fall into a daydream, Wang Dalong continued talking.

"To be honest, before I came here, I had the idea of ​​acquisition, and I even thought that even if Yunmeng Group didn't accept the overall acquisition, I would at least sign Tiaoyitiao, but now..."

Hao Yun swallowed subconsciously: "Now?"

"I've changed my mind," Wang Dalong said seriously, "After listening to your words, I can feel that Yunmeng Group is just a springboard for you, and sooner or later you will go to a higher platform to learn more amazing achievements. "

Having said that, he smiled and continued in a joking tone.

"...Even if I persuade the board of directors to buy Yunmeng Group with a few hundred million yuan, I dare say that you will not be our real partner, and soon Haomeng Group or other companies with other names will kill you." come out."

Before Hao Yun could react, Mr. Feng of Longwei Group sitting next to him also nodded with a smile.

"Coincidentally, it seems that we have thought of going together. With Mr. Hao's ability and ambition, I am afraid that he is not a person who is willing to live under others for a long time. It may be a bit difficult to be your own person. Let's make friends."

Hao Yun: "???"

what's going on?

What about the agreed 500 million yuan, why not buy it?

"Oh, did you just find out?" Xu Qianshi smiled faintly, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the purpose of this trip was not achieved, it was a good achievement to prevent Longwei Group from acquiring Yunmeng Group. As for the magic number, he didn't understand it very well, and he planned to find out with the professionals at the headquarters when he went back.

The three big brothers reached a consensus inexplicably, only Hao Yun was stunned.

Isn't he the gold master's father who wants to be a master?

How did you become a friend?

"Anyway, I have to offer you a toast! Brother Hao's views on mathematics and informatics are so remote and reasonable, it makes people suddenly enlightened! After I go back, I plan to immediately propose to the higher-ups to set up a separate applied mathematics research center in the R\u0026D center in the central Xia area. So!" After speaking, Feng Zhengqing had already stood up, raised his wine glass with a smile.

On the other side, Wang Dalong also poured wine into his glass with a smile, and said freely in his heart.

"Listen to what you said, it's better than studying for ten years! To be honest, if you don't have any business, I will immediately offer you a salary of 1 million to be my assistant, in charge of product planning! But it's a pity, you are Hao In short, if I say this again, I will bury you. I will punish myself for this glass of wine! I almost have to leave after drinking. Just now, I sent a message to my assistant and asked him to book tickets for me. There's a departmental meeting waiting for me."

Hao Yun looked at him blankly and said, "...are you going back now?"

"Yeah, it's still important to work," Wang Dalong said with a quick smile after draining the wine in his glass, "Besides, I think what you said is really interesting, and the development strategy of the WeChat Mini Program really needs to be adjusted slightly. Take a moment. I plan to discuss this matter with other high-level officials in the department, and if there is no problem, it must be finalized as soon as possible.”

Xu Qianshi had an envious look on his face: "Look at the one who is proud of you, people who don't know think it's an idea you came up with yourself."

Wang Dalong blushed and argued reluctantly: "What's the matter, although I didn't come up with the idea, but I adopted it. Besides, I won't treat him badly. When I look back... I'll introduce you to a big client."

In the last half of the sentence, Wang Dalong looked at Hao Yun and said, but the latter didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

So forget about the acquisition?

To be honest, if Haishi Group intends to acquire Tiaoyitiao, he will definitely sell it if the price is right.

The traffic of this thing has indeed increased a lot recently, but the key is that the traffic cannot be turned into money, and it is very uncomfortable. It has completely become a promotion case for WeChat to promote its own mini program.

"Come on, I think you are addicted to copying." Xu Qianshi said with a laugh.

"...I'm too lazy to beep with you. If you have the ability, talk to our boss. Brother Hao, I punished myself for the previous glass of wine. I respect you for this glass of wine!"

Both the left and the right reasons are untenable, Wang Dalong didn't bother to argue with Xu Qianshi, he happily raised his glass and drank it, and poured the bottom of the glass towards Hao Yun.

"I wish you success in your career and wish your dreams come true!"

"I dare to assert that you will definitely have a place in the Internet industry in the future!"

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