An Expert Is actually By My Side

Chapter 132 The real prophet? (3/3)

Chapter 132 The real prophet? (33)


A loud swearing resounded through the empty apartment.

Staring fixedly at the computer screen, looking at the pork futures price that was pulling upward like an antenna, Gou Qiaozhong's eyes were bloodshot, his whole body was surging, and he almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on the screen.

About half a month ago at the dinner, he received a call from Lin Jun, and heard that the little junior had bought 20,000 pigs. At that time, all the bigwigs at the wine table laughed and joked that if they operated in the opposite direction, they might make a lot of money.

Although it was just a joke, no one took it to heart at the time, but after the wine sobered up, Gou Qiaozhong's heart was moved.

The import and export data for October are there. No matter how you look at it, the price of pork in the future will surely fall.

So, smelling a business opportunity, he immediately moved his mind, took out all the 200,000 savings he had accumulated over the years, doubled his leverage, and started shorting pork futures.

Sure enough, the market verified his guess!

In just half a month, the market price of pork fell from 10 yuan to 7 yuan, and the price in the futures market plunged again after going sideways at a low level. With the floating profit of his futures account full of empty orders, he directly It broke a hundred.

Breaking a hundred here is not a hundred yuan, but a hundred points!

400,000 turned into 800,000 in an instant. After removing the leverage and interest of 200,000, his assets tripled from the initial deposit of 200,000! And all of this in less than a week!

In those few days, he felt as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life. He wished he could buy two cups of soy milk for breakfast, drink a cup and toss one away. When he walked, the soles of his shoes caught the wind, and from time to time he took steps that his relatives did not recognize.

Unfortunately, however, the good times didn't last long.

Since a week ago, the prices of the pork and hog futures market suddenly changed from a unilateral drop to a sideways fluctuation, and finally pulled up 10 points without warning in the intraday, and then stopped at a high level. The short sellers were caught off guard.

Losing tens of thousands in an instant, Gou Qiaozhong was of course unwilling to just cut his flesh and leave.

His rich investment experience tells himself that this kind of bottom volume without warning is mostly a technical rebound caused by oversold, and it will hit a new low soon after the volume is heavy.

Therefore, he didn't realize that the risk was approaching, and immediately raised tens of thousands of empty orders.


He was completely taught by the market to be a man.

Three days of continuous price increases made the short sellers unable to find their way. Three days later, the outbreak of the epidemic on the west coast of North America directly doubled the futures prices of Xiaguo's pork and live pigs. Buried alive.

And Gou Qiaozhong's account is also one of these hundreds of thousands of accounts.

Although he is not the worst, this double leverage is enough for him to drink a pot.

Because the news happened so suddenly that he didn't even have time to close the position and stop the loss, and he was directly pressed against the ceiling to blow up the position, and the account balance became negative.

Not only did he lose his 200,000 deposits, but he also owed nearly 50,000 leverage to the securities company, forcing him to scrape together to borrow money to fill the hole.


He has the opportunity to leave with the principal.

But human nature is often greedy.

When you make money, you want to earn more, and when you lose money, you always feel that you can get it back. He didn't fully wake up until the price of pork in the vegetable market rose to more than 10 yuan.

By then, however, it was too late.

When the news was fully announced, the panic selling triggered, so that he who wanted to close his position could not even find the counterparty for the transaction. Seeing the long and short positions all the way up, the short comrades liquidated their positions one after another.

Not to mention a small leek like him, even a big boss he and his mentor met at the dinner last time was said to have suffered heavy losses, and the company's capital chain was almost broken.

The past few days have been living like a dream, Gou Qiaozhong feels as if he has aged ten years overnight, and he can vaguely see a few strands of white hair in the mirror.

This is his savings for six years!

Some of them were earned from part-time jobs, some from mentors, and 50,000 from cheating juniors...

And now, it's all gone.

Staring at the screen in dismay, he suddenly remembered the 20,000 pigs that his younger brother helped Yunmeng Group buy.

Thinking of how he used this incident as a joke at the wine table, he felt as if he had overturned all kinds of flavors in his heart, and it was not a good taste to mix sweet, sour, bitter and spicy.

In fact, from a conscience point of view, Junior Brother Lin's professional level is actually very strong. He published a lot of papers during his undergraduate studies, and was even more eagerly sought by his tutors when he was a master's student.

At that time, his position in the office was exactly the opposite of what it is now.

Although he is a little better than Lin Jun, his academic ability has been crushed by this junior. It is precisely because of this that he has always been jealous of his junior brother, but he has not shown it particularly clearly in front of others, and it is even more impossible for Lin Jun, the person involved, to feel it.

Afterwards, the Xiabei Animal Husbandry incident happened.

Because of the impact of that incident, Lin Jun's status in the mentor's mind plummeted. Only then did Gou Qiaozhong find an opportunity to step him into the ground.

After all, investing in this thing is talking about the winning rate and looking at the results. If you let the theory be hyped up and the data is clearly listed, it is empty talk if you can't show a real record.

And this is why many experienced old leeks look down on fund managers.

Many fund managers who graduated from prestigious schools write beautiful research reports, but when it comes to real trading, they operate like a tiger. They can't even win the index funds invested by fools. Customers are screwed.

In the end, his junior brother Lin may have been a little bit bewildered, as if he had gone mad, never published papers, and never wrote research reports. In the end, even the tutor gave up on him.

As for his ending, Gou Qiao Center was naturally extremely happy. In addition, he happened to make a few successful investments during that time, and his status in the mentor's mind rose sharply, directly replacing Lin Jun's position.

But this thing of fate...

Sure enough, it never gets boring.

The nails pierced deeply into the flesh, and the pain caused Gou Qiaozhong's facial expression to gradually change from numb to distorted.

As his shoulders trembled, he punched the table hard.


"What the hell is this!!!"

Anger swept through every cell in his body.

At this moment, Gou Qiaozhong suddenly remembered something, and hastily held the mouse to open the folder, and found the research report written by his junior brother before.

Xiabei Animal Husbandry!

The leading enterprise of domestic raised pork!

Swallowing, he opened the research report that he had sniffed at once, and read it line by line, trying to find the answer to all this.

Finally, his eyes stopped on the last page of the research report——

【…In the case of stable domestic pork demand, the sharp increase in imports will further reduce the gross profit margin of small and medium-sized breeding enterprises, forcing the domestic animal husbandry industry to shift from decentralization to concentration, and eventually form a scale effect to effectively integrate social resources. Reduce asset risk...

As a leading enterprise in the domestic animal husbandry industry, Xiabei Animal Husbandry has a unique advantage in operating costs and is less sensitive to market price fluctuations. It is most likely to absorb the means of production of small and medium-sized breeding enterprises and become the final result of this industrial structure change. beneficiaries.

In the short term, the impact of imported pork may have a certain impact on the net profit and gross profit margin of Xiabei Animal Husbandry. Development is beneficial instead.

Therefore, according to the evaluation based on the report data of the last four periods, a target price of 100 yuan is given, corresponding to a market value of 300 billion...]

This is the research report that once made people laugh out loud!

At that time, the stock price of Xiabei Animal Husbandry was only 45 yuan, and the entire pork market was in a downturn. Someone actually reminded customers to buy the bottom? And also gave a target price of 100 yuan?

Is this not a dream?

But looking back now...

The outcome predicted in this research report seems to be becoming a reality. Xiabei Animal Husbandry is indeed actively accepting breeding pigs from bankrupt farms, assuming social responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise, and doing something that investors are least optimistic about.

And swine fever...

It just speeds up the process.

Even without this plague, this enterprise is destined to become the last hope of Xia Guo's animal husbandry industry after completing the slow integration of resources.

Gou Qiaozhong swallowed, and entered the stock code of Xiabei Animal Husbandry on the webpage.

Soon, the candlestick chart appeared on the screen.

Compared with the stock price of 45 yuan when the research report was published, the stock price has risen by 15%, and the closing price is 51.75 yuan. And compared to the end of last month, this number has doubled directly from the bottom, showing a long-term trend in form...

A trace of remorse flashed in his eyes, and it was only then that Gou Qiaozhong realized how excellent his junior brother's research report was, and there were so many mysteries hidden in those unimportant data.

If, as predicted in this research report, the price of pork has bottomed out, it will stand at 15 or even 20 yuan within this year...

According to the operating data of Xiabei Animal Husbandry's first and second quarter reports to recalculate the valuation, it might really be possible for the stock price to break through 100! ?

The color on his face gradually lost, Gou Qiaozhong leaned on the chair slumped as if he had lost his soul.

Now let's see...

The shame of being a teacher in the eyes of everyone may be the real prophet!

And accepting this cruel reality is even more difficult for him to accept than the loss of money...


(Friendly reminder, although the inspiration of the story comes from reality, don’t take the research report in reality too seriously, sometimes you even have to look at it backwards. Don’t take it for granted, after all, they are two completely different worlds.)

(Also, since we didn’t bother to update on our birthday today, and even added a new chapter, can you ask for a ticket weakly? Please! You have called me the second-gen beast for several years, I've worked really hard this time!)

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