An Infinite Dimension Store

155mega fire breathing dragon

Absorbing the sacred flame of Ho-oh, and relying on the dragon-killing magic of fire, the fire-breathing dragon quickly mastered a new mode.

Hoo Mode!

It was already exhausted, and it was like a new life in an instant.

Fully recovered.

Not only that, but there has been a considerable increase in strength and flame intensity.

Feng Wang was dumbfounded.

It continues to make new golden flames.

The fire-breathing dragon is like waiting for a rabbit, waiting for the golden flame to ignite before swallowing it.

One makes, one devours.

After half an hour, the fire-breathing dragon was finally full.

Feng Wang was also tired and paralyzed.

The idea of ​​​​trying to burst the fire-breathing dragon failed.

"Crack! 99

Lu Yu threw a Pokémon ball at Ho-oh.

The defenseless Hoo was directly put into the Pokémon Ball.

"At this time, should I say that I got Ho-oh?"

Holding the baby ball in his hand, Lu Yu remembered that he didn't have a baseball cap and couldn't seem to be in a classic pose, so he gave up.


The fire-breathing dragon brought his head closer and looked at Lu Yu expectantly.

"It's qualified."

623 Lu Yu nodded in approval.

The fire-breathing dragon immediately wagged its tail happily.

The flame on the tail had been dyed golden at some point.

"Let me study the new ability."

A copy of Lu Yu was shot on the fire-breathing dragon.

Fire-breathing dragons naturally do not rebel against their masters.

As a result, Lu Yu received Ho-oh's sacred flame.

Card Type: Ability Class

Card Quality: Orange

Card description: life and death, flesh and bones, the fire of life that promotes the evolution of species

Card Introduction: Holy Fire

Evaluation: The power to move forward the evolutionary tree, to give a species a past or future posture

If the power [Lord of Ten Thousand Arms] is the power that can evolve weapons, then the sacred fire is the power that can make life evolve.

"If you say that..."

Lu Yu put the card on himself and accepted the [Holy Fire].

"Do not move!"

Then a hand was placed on the body of the fire-breathing dragon (bbbj).


The fire-breathing dragon tilted his head, wondering what Lu Yu was doing.

"This flame should also strengthen you!"

Lu Yu muttered so.

Then concentrate the magic power on your body.

The ability of 【Holy Fire】was activated, and the golden flames burned around his hands, gradually spreading from the palm of Lu Yu's palm to the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon felt a burst of warmth and comfort, and the whole dragon was warm.

This feels familiar...


This is the warmth I felt when I evolved before!

The fire-breathing dragon was instantly excited!

Could she still evolve? Listening to other Pokémon, she is already in her final form!

When it was waving its tail excitedly, Lu Yu slapped it directly.

"Don't worry! You can try it with your own flame too!"

The same is [Holy Fire], the fire-breathing dragon will only be used to restore stamina and energy.

In the hands of Lu Yu, it can directly promote the evolution of fire-breathing dragons.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a matter of ability, but that the fire-breathing dragon has not properly grasped the use of flames.

After being patted by Lu Yu, the fire-breathing dragon calmed down.

So he started to cooperate with Lu Yu, entered the Ho-no mode again, and integrated those golden flames into his body.

Under the guidance of Lu Yu, the fire of life quickly filled the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon.

White light lit up.

The evolution light exclusive to Pokémon has appeared!

Lu Yu then increased the magic input.

The white radiance flourished, cutting off Lu Yu's magic power.

After a few seconds, the white light completely disappeared, and the new form of the fire-breathing dragon was revealed.

Compared to before, its body has grown a lot, its height has risen to at least 20 meters, and its wingspan has grown a lot.

Not only did the flames on the tail have a golden brilliance, but even the wings had a metallic luster, which was much prettier than before.

After the fire-breathing dragon evolved, the continuous rain in the sky also dispersed without warning.

"Is this, the sunlight characteristic?"

Lu Yu touched his chin.

"It seems that this change is equivalent to a Mega evolution, but the fire-breathing dragon chose to evolve into the mega fire-breathing dragon Y, so there is not much difference in appearance. 35

"Mr. Manager, can the fire-breathing dragon evolve again?"

Seeing the changes in the Pokémon in front of him, Sakagi couldn't believe his eyes.

If he used other abilities, he could still accept it.

However, the evolution of the fire-breathing dragon is the way the iconic Pokémon evolves, which makes Sakagi, who has always thought that the fire-breathing dragon is the end, doubts reality.

"Yes! But for other Pokémon, this evolution is temporary.

Lu Yu felt there was no need to hide.

"This evolution generally requires evolution keystones, which are only produced in the Carlos region. If you are interested, you can go there and look for them."

"Oh, so it's the way it evolved."

Sakagi nodded, but he was very surprised.

Why is the store manager more familiar with the world than himself?

Even he didn't know that a new way of evolution had been discovered in the Carlos region.

But he soon discovered a problem.

"Since golden flames can guide evolution, why didn't Ho-oh evolve himself during the battle?"

A dignified first-class mythical beast, if he evolves himself, I am afraid he can hang his Pokémon!

It wouldn't have let Sakagi escape for so long.

"...You put this question well, maybe it's because Ho-wang himself is the result of self-evolution?

Lu Yu suddenly remembered an urban legend.

According to legend, there is no Ho-oh.

It is a shining big-billed sparrow. After Mega evolved, he mastered the power of the fire of life, and has since been revered as the king of Ho.

This legend is naturally a joke.

However, it seems that Ho-oh really does not have a mega evolution route.

The biggest possibility is that it has evolved to the end, and there is no way to continue to evolve.

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