An Infinite Dimension Store

206 I will not destroy the world anymore

As long as it is not an absolute deterrent, people will have luck.

This is unavoidable.

Therefore, absolute deterrence is difficult to exist.

However, in Lu Yu's view, this is not a problem.

"There is no need for absolute deterrence, as long as there is a relatively evil and powerful thing, then people in the ninja world will inevitably resist, but will unite to deal with this biggest 'evil' together, just like the comics you read , the composition of the ninja alliance is the same.

Lu Yu came up with an idea.

"To persuade good with evil is not an option. 95

Although he himself does not believe in the dualism of good and evil in Zoroastrianism, he still does a lot of research on it because of the technique.

If a world can be run according to this theory, it will also have many benefits for Lu Yu~.

He felt that using the world of Naruto as a test field to implement the cosmology of the dualism of good and evil is a good thing, whether it is for the world of Naruto or the perfection of the cosmology of the dualism of good and evil.

"Ninja Alliance..."

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Madara Uchiha thought of the ninja alliance in the comics.

In a sense, the allied ninja army with Akatsuki as the enemy has indeed eliminated hatred to a certain extent, and has given the ninjas of the five major ninja villages the soil for mutual understanding.

Therefore, if you act as the 'evil' and let the rest of the world unite, with the goal of defeating your own evil, and help each other, you can indeed achieve a more real and lasting peace than your own plan.

As long as he becomes a ten-tailed man, he will never die.

Then as the ultimate "evil", everyone in the ninja world will be united with each other because of him.

"Sounds doable. 35

After Uchiha Madara pondered for a long time, he did not find any major loopholes.

"As long as I continue to plan, after becoming a Ju-Tailed Juri, and the ultimate sin against everyone, then everyone will be united because of me, thus creating a peace that surpasses the pattern of one village and one country.

Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up.

"In this case, my pattern will completely overwhelm the column, and I can completely create a better peace than the column's idea! 35

Whether it is establishing new ideals or having a chance to win over Hashirama, Madara Uchiha is very satisfied.

"Do you have to bear the wicked yourself?"

Lu Yu was a little helpless.

He feels that Madara Uchiha still has a kind of chuunibial disease, and that he is burdened with the evil of the world, and then waiting for the crusade of the ninja coalition like a demon is a mission that must be undertaken by him alone.

Although this idea is not completely impossible.

But in the ninja world, Madara Uchiha is not needed to act as this villain.

"Actually, for the Ninja World Continent, there is a very evil and very powerful organization, and it is the enemy of destiny."

Lu Yu said to Madara Uchiha.

"You don't have to act as the villain yourself. The villains of the Otsutsuki family completely meet your needs. I think you can lead the ninja world to fight back against those who treat people as leeks as a hero of salvation. 35

In the Naruto world, there are aliens like the Otsutsuki clan who came from outside the sky.

These villains are powerful, and they do not regard the humans of the Ninja continent as human beings, but as low-level creatures, and want to collect the chakras of the Ninja continent.

They are simply born villains, and have just the right amount of power, and have a full-scale malice towards the ninja world from the awareness of the physical level, which is enough to unite the ninja world.

"Otsutsuki clan?"

Madara Uchiha wondered.

"Manager, are you talking about Kaguya Otsutsuki's family?

He was watching Naruto, so apart from Kaguya, he didn't know anyone like Otsutsuki Kinshi.

"Yes, at that time, Kaguya Otsutsuki was sent to the Shinobi World to plant the sacred tree. She was not the only one in their family, otherwise Kaguya would not want to recover all the chakras because of the fear of the people from the family. ""

Lu Yu introduced Madara Uchiha.

"It won't be long before the millennium expires, and many people from the Otsutsugi family will come to the ninja world. At that time, there will be more than one or two enemies in the ninja world, and with your current strength, it will be difficult to deal with.

"Oh?! 99

Hearing that the enemy's strength is difficult to deal with, Madara Uchiha is very interested.

He felt that he who knew the plot would probably be invincible in the ninja world.

I didn't know there were aliens out there.

"There are quite a few aliens in the Otsutsugi clan with eyes of reincarnation, and no one knows how many people there are in their clan.

・・・ Flowers・・

Although in the biography of Bo Ren, there are several members of the Otsutsugi clan who came to the ninja world.

But these people should not be all of the Otsutsuki clan.

After all, there is not only one planet in the Ninja World in the universe, but there must be many people who plant divine trees in other places.

Therefore, even if Uchiha Madara's battle is extraordinary, if it is only the current reincarnation eye posture, it may not be able to deal with the wheel battle of the Otsutsuki clan.

In the following time, Lu Yu gave Madara Uchiha a good science about the behavior and purpose of the Otsutsugi clan.

Uchiha Madara is naturally very dissatisfied with this.

Although he said that "the world of ninja is so small, it's barely enough for me to toss alone", but not everyone can spread wildness on his three-thirds of the land.

The Otsutsuki family, naturally, can't do it!

Therefore, Madara Uchiha decided to be immortal! He is going to become the savior of the Ninja World!

In the hands of the evil Otsutsugi clan, lead all ninjas in the ninja world to defend their blue and clean home together.

"Thank you for the pointer! Next time I come, I will bring a gift to the manager!

Before leaving, Madara Uchiha bowed deeply to Lu Yu and thanked him.

Even a proud person like him has to admit that if he hadn't encountered the Dimension Store, his fate would have been completely different.

Without the kind guidance from Lu Yu and the information he disclosed, even if he knew his own destiny, he would not be able to know the evil Otsutsuki clan behind the ninja world.

Lu Yu's help to him can hardly be measured by the origin point.

"Don't bother giving any gifts."

Lu Yu waved his hand, as if he didn't need to give a gift.

Then casually.

"But if you can get a Tenseigan on the moon, that would be great.

By copying the card, he has obtained Madara Uchiha's reincarnation eye.

Therefore, from the single-gou jade writing wheel eye to the template of the nine-gou jade reincarnation writing wheel eye, the dimensional store is automatically equipped.

The three major pupils in Naruto are almost blind.


Madara Uchiha was taken aback by Lu Yu's words, is this a gift or not?

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