An Infinite Dimension Store

216 Recruited teammates

"Oh oh oh! So handsome!"

Megumin's eyes lit up and she immediately applauded.

It seems that he quite likes this kind of middle-aged style.

A few minutes later, Lu Yu spread the basic information of the dimensional store to Megumin.

"I see, Lu Yu, you are from the Otherworld.

Megumin accepted this development calmly.

For the Crimson Demons, concepts such as gods, demons, otherworlds, and dimension stores are all types that sound cool, so they are completely acceptable~.

So Megumin easily accepted the concept of the dimensional store−.

However, her pair of red pupils were still frighteningly bright.

It means that she is not as calm as she appears.

"Otherworld... Then what purpose or ambition did you come to this world for?"

Megumin asked frantically.

"For example, the idea of ​​kidnapping a princess, building a kingdom, or conquering the world! Lu Yu, have you considered this?

When it comes to otherworld visitors, the easiest thing to think of is the apocalypse of invasion or destruction of the world.

Megumin asked, not really worried that Lu Yu would invade her world.

She just thinks these things are more handsome!

Therefore, her tone was more anticipation than worry.

If Lu Yu is really ready to conquer the world or something, Megumin feels that whether she becomes a hero to resist the invasion, or becomes Lu Yu's helper to fight against the world with explosion magic, it is a very exciting option for her.

It's a pity that Lu Yu's policy never had the option of conquering the world.

He prefers a community with a shared future for the world over that thankless choice.

Seek development in a peaceful way.


"you think too much!"

Lu Yu glanced at Megumin speechlessly.

"I didn't plan to do those troublesome things, I'm just here for inspection, and I'm going to open a shop in this world later.

Speaking of which, he thought of Aqua's entrustment.

"However, the crusade against the Demon King is indeed in my plan.

Anyway, the difficulty is not high, just leave it to Sister Misaka as a side task.

"It's so boring to open a shop—wait, there's really a plan to defeat the Demon King!

Megumin, who was still a little lackluster at first, heard that Lu Yu really had a plan to defeat the Demon King, and immediately cheered up.

She leaned in front of Lu Yu, coughed lightly, and said.

"The Demon King's Army has tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 of the Demon King's army."

"The combat effectiveness of these Demon King's armies should not be underestimated!

"So, if you want to defeat the Demon King, you can't do it alone, a team is essential. 35

Having said that, she stopped and looked at Lu Yu with expectant eyes.

"... um? So what? 99

Lu Yu asked pretending to be stupid.

"So you need a reliable teammate! 35

Megumin patted the chopping board in front of her chest and recommended herself.

"For example, a great magician like me."

"In this city full of novice adventurers, it is very difficult to find an ultimate magician who has mastered explosion magic! Don't let such a precious opportunity slip away!

Implied to the extent that it is almost explicit.

Huihui's young face was full of "Choose me, choose me"


Makes Lu Yu laugh.

"Actually, I just came here to investigate, it's not me who needs to defeat the Demon King.

Lu Yu shook his head and said.

For Lu Yu, the devil in this world can be easily eliminated.

However, even if he accepted Aqua's request, there was no reason why he had to get rid of the Demon Lord immediately.

For the dimensional store, the current confrontation between the adventurer and the demon king is more conducive to the development of their own business.

Therefore, it is a better choice to hand over the Demon King and the branch to Sister Misaka.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, the red light in Megumin's eyes dimmed.

She was embarrassed to say that, because she could only burst magic, and could only cast one shot a day, so she was always refused by other adventurers to form a team.

I am alone, and I cannot protect myself after releasing the explosion magic.

That's why she was so poor that she didn't eat anything for two days.

If it weren't for her poor family when she was a child, she couldn't get enough to eat, and she was patient with hunger, she really wouldn't be able to survive for long.

At this moment, Lu Yu's voice changed.

・・・ Flowers・・


"The clerk I'm going to arrange here really doesn't know enough about the world. 35

"And with that kid's strength, if you want to defeat the Demon King, you really need the help of your teammates. 35

"So, Miss Megumin, the great magician, can you help that child to defeat the Demon King together?"

After twists and turns, Megumin's heart fell from the middle to the bottom, and then rose to the sky again.

This roller coaster twist is really exciting.

After hearing Lu Yu's invitation, Megumin no longer implied as before, but directly held Lu Yu's hand.

"No problem! Please leave it to me!""

There is no reserve of the great magician at all.

No way, if you miss this wave, who knows if you will find teammates in the future.


Without her teammates, she couldn't make money at all, she could only starve.

"That would be great. 35

Lu Yu nodded, also satisfied.

Although the dimension store can prevent damage, Miss Misaka is relatively simple.

With Megumi by her side, it will not only help Miss Misaka gain new friends, but it will also be good for Miss Misaka's personality.

After agreeing to make Megumin and Misaka sister teammates.

Megumin suddenly remembered that in addition to being a native of Otherworld, Lu Yu was also the store manager of a dimension store.

"Lu Yu, is there anything in your dimensional store that can make my explosion magic stronger?"

she asked curiously.

As a magician who specializes in explosion magic, her greatest wish is to make her explosion magic stronger.

"There are many ways to make Explosion Magic stronger.

Lu Yu nodded and said.

"Increasing magic power, omitting chants, improving the efficiency of magic power utilization, and obtaining high-level magic augmentation equipment can all be done... However, most of them need to be obtained by drawing jars by chance."

"Um... luck!

Megumin puffed out her cheeks slightly and immediately shook her head.

A diligent and thrifty person like her is absolutely not allowed to spend money on chance, even if it is not money but the source, it is the same.

"Most of them there still a way to take no luck?

She grasped the point in Lu Yu's words and asked.

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