An Infinite Dimension Store

275 Nangong that month

"Huh! How dare you say it!

The girl had no intention of believing Remilia's words at all. She was someone who had experienced many battles, so naturally she would not be easily disturbed by the words of others.

In addition, being identified as a witch also made the girl quite unhappy.

"It seems that I need to teach you a lesson, let you know why the name of the witch in the gap is feared by many demons!

The girl turned the parasol, exuding a magical momentum all over her body, and it seemed that she planned to do it too.

At this time, Lu Yu, who was on the sidelines, finally remembered the identity of the girl and stepped forward to stop it.

"Don't quarrel, you are a witch who has contracted with a devil on one side, and a vampire and a devil on the other, shouldn't you be a family!

"Humph! Who is a family with this witch!

Remilia hummed in dissatisfaction.

She, who has just been sanctioned, is still very clear about the rules of the dimensional store, so she never thought about doing it.

"Vampire and devil?"

Although the girl did not agree with this statement, she was more concerned about what Lu Yu said.

She had heard of vampires with orc attributes, but this was the first time she had heard of vampires with demon attributes.

"Well, yes, maybe the world on your side may not have it, but as Remilia said, this place is already another world, and you should have relevant information in your mind.

Lu Yu reminded.

Originally, this information would be passed into the guest's mind immediately, but if he focused his attention on the quarrel with Remilia from the beginning, it is possible that he did not notice it.

"Information? Well...

Mentioning this, the girl involuntarily had an association, and then she got the basic information related to the dimension store from her mind.

"It's actually a dimensional store..."

Even with a girl's experience, she couldn't help feeling incredible.

Thinking of her gaffe before, her face was a little ugly, but her sense of responsibility as a teacher made it impossible for her to act like nothing happened.

So, she put down her parasol, and although she was not so willing, she honestly apologized to Remilia in front of her.

"Sorry, I was rude just now!"

Since he is a vampire from the Otherworld, he naturally doesn't need to treat him from his original world's point of view. From this point of view, he who doesn't understand the situation is the one who is disrespectful.

Seeing the girl in front of me saluting honestly (bddb) apologized.

Although she is not broad-minded and easy to get angry, Remilia is also the type who is easy to coax and easy to get angry, so she forgives the other party in a happy mood.

"Well... I can't blame you if I don't know the situation. I accept your apology."

The young vampire nodded to show his understanding, then called out his name and stretched out his petite right hand.

"My name is Remilia, Remilia Scarlet.""

In their etiquette, this is the word for wanting to get to know each other.

"My name is Nangong Nayue.""

The girl also had some understanding of Western etiquette, and after reporting her name, she also reached out and shook hands.

"Miss Remilia, nice to meet you.

Although there were some misunderstandings at first, the two Loli-shaped girls quickly came to an understanding.

"Next time, if you're free, welcome to Gensokyo as a guest, I'm very interested in your True Ancestor. 35

Remilia invited it before she left.

"Gensokyo? I understand, and you are welcome to Itogami Island as a guest."

Nangong Nayue also said politely.

For vampires, she has no particular ill will, since the other party is not malicious, she will naturally not reject the other party.

In addition, she is very fond of Remilia's infant body, and it is rare to see a type smaller than herself.

"Then see you next time!

Remilia pulled up her skirt and said goodbye with court etiquette.

"excuse me!

Izayoi Sakuya then bowed.


After Nangong returned the salute that month, he watched Remilia and the silver-haired maid disappear into the portal.

"The combination of vampires and's amazing.""

she exclaimed.

Generally speaking, vampires will convert their trusted servants into their own vampires, which not only builds higher trust, but also enhances human physical abilities.

It is very rare to serve vampires as a human, and the combination of master and servant seems to have such a high degree of trust.

In her world, she had never seen such a combination.

"The world's great wonders.

Lu Yu spoke up at this moment.

"In the infinite dimensional world, any possibility can exist.

Originally just casually uttering a sentence to expand the topic, after Nangong listened to it that month, he showed a thoughtful expression.

"...any possibility exists..."

She murmured softly, then raised her head to look at Lu Yu.

"I want to ask, is there an ordinary world where there is no demons, no magic gods, and nothing but technology?

Her eyes were very serious, as if she was asking a question in life.

Lu Yu knew that it was related to her previous experience.

Nangong Nayue's former close friend, Xiandumu Aye, who is also a witch, her dream is to eliminate all magic and spiritual power and turn the world into a world without mystery at all.

For Nangong Nayue, the world where magic technology has become a part of life, that kind of thinking has completely belonged to the category of terrorists.

But in the infinite dimension world, it may not be like that.

If such a world really exists, for Xiandumu Aye, it must be a utopian existence!

Therefore, this information is very important to Nangong that month.

However, Lu Yu did not have the habit of selling this kind of news that only requires a little thought to get the answer as a commodity.

That can only make short-term profits, but it is a hindrance to the trust of long-term customers.

So, he answered affirmatively.

"Of course there is, of course there are worlds without all kinds of mysteries and wonders!35

There is absolutely no doubt, because Lu Yu himself once lived in such a world.


Hear Lu Yu's affirmative answer.

Nangong showed a relieved smile that month as if he had been enlightened by a god.

"So that guy...isn't a complete lunatic either."

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