An Infinite Dimension Store

283 The Threat of the Demon King

"I don't need to talk about it. Now that you know me, it's easy to handle. At the invitation of your sister Xiaoguang, we need to stay here for a day, no problem?

Lu Yu negotiated.

"No, no problem!

Wanligu Yuri naturally did not dare to resist the Demon King, and tremblingly agreed to Lu Yu's request.

In her opinion, it is good for the godslayer not to kill her, and there is absolutely no reason to refuse to use the shrine.

Seeing Yuri Wanligu's trembling appearance, Hakurei Reimu couldn't help but complained to Lu Yu:

"Tsk tsk, you look like some kind of world-destroying villain! What bad things have you done to make them so afraid of you? 35

If it wasn't for Hakurei Reimu who felt that she knew Lu Yu a little bit, just looking at Yuri Wanligu's reaction, she would really think that Lu Yu was some kind of terrifying big devil.

I heard Hakurei Reimu's complaints about Lu Yu.

Wanli Guguang pricked up his ears curiously.

Banligu Yuri, who was kneeling on the ground, fell into a panic.

How dare you rant about the godslayer in such a small way?

In Wanligu Yuri's view, this is completely courting death. Maybe the next moment, the cruel and ruthless godslayer will behead the strange red and white witch on the spot.

It's so tragic, there's no good end to disobeying the Demon King!

She couldn't bear it, and wanted to step forward to stop it.

However, since his sister is here, if he persuades the angry Demon King, it may affect his sister.

In the hesitation, Wanli Gu Yuri was already mentally prepared for the blood spatter on the spot.


Next, what she heard was not the scolding and anger of the demon king in her imagination.

It's a normal tone like chatting with a friend.

"Who knows, it stands to reason that among the godslayers, I am the one who caused the least damage to the city, and it stands to reason that my image should be more close to the people... I am so afraid of me probably because I am too strong!

Lu Yu said casually.

It's true, Lu Yu is one of the rare types who will try to avoid civilian casualties in battle, plus he is inherently stronger than other godslayers, so in general, the losses he inflicts add up Not as good as the disaster caused by other godslayers at one time.

Although the reason why Banligu Yuri is afraid, it has nothing to do with this.

"Because it's too strong, so you're afraid..."

When Reimu heard this, she nodded with empathy, and looked at Lu Yu with a somewhat similar look.

She belongs to the type that is too strong, so she is feared by both humans and monsters.

If it weren't for the aliens among humans like Marisa, maybe she wouldn't even have a human friend.

Hear the exchange between Reimu and Lu Yu.

Wanli Guguang, who was originally a little afraid of Lu Yu because of her sister's actions, has disappeared.

In her eyes, the big brother in front of her is clearly the type that is easy to get close to.

Recalling the scene when Lu Yu told himself stories on the mountain road before, Wanli Guguang was even more sure of this.

My sister must be too sensitive!

So, she asked boldly and curiously.

"What's the relationship between sister Reimu and brother Lu Yu? 35

The combination of the witch and the devil makes Wanli Guguang easily think of the scenes of fairy tales.

"emmm, it's hard to say, the relationship between the boss and the employee?"

Lu Yu thought for a while and said.

"Huh? Isn't it a couple?"

Wanli Guguang was a little disappointed.

She is also aware of the existence of the godslayer, and because of her own interests, she is very interested in the love story between the demon king and the witch.

"Unfortunately, not. 99

Hakurei Reimeng touched Wanli Guguang's little head with a little regret.

There are no other witches in Gensokyo, so she has a natural affection for this little witch in front of her.

"Huh? Sister Reimu's words mean that it's still possible?"

Wanli Guguang's eyes lit up.

"It's a pity that you can't divide your property! 35

Lu Yu was very familiar with Hakurei Reimu's temperament. After complaining, he turned his gaze back to Wanligu Yuri, who was already kneeling on the ground.

"It's time for you to get up too."

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Wanli Gu Yuli's body trembled slightly, but instead of standing up, he gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground.

"I'm so sorry! All the fault is my poor discipline of my sister, so I let the sister be so arrogant, so if the sister's gaffe offends you, it's only my fault. Please raise your hand high, and put your anger only on you. Vent on me alone - 39

She seemed to think that Wanli Guguang's speech made Lu Yu unhappy, so she tried to take the blame on herself.

"So I'm not angry, your sister is more sensible than you, stand up and talk!

Lu Yu said slightly speechless.

"...Do you mean to think that just punishing me alone is not enough to satisfy your anger? Even if you take my life, it doesn't matter, please don't take your anger out on innocent people.

Wanli Gu Yuri seemed to be convinced that Lu Yu would definitely do a brutal act.

"It looks like we can't communicate properly."

Lu Yu makes a judgment.

In the original book, this witch is also so disobedient, once she believes that the other party is the great devil, all words are concealed in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lu Yu, my sister has always been like this!

Wanli Guguang said with some nerves.

She also has nothing to do with her sister's victimization paranoia, and her stubborn sister can't be changed for her.

"It's okay, it's easy to fix."

Lu Yu gave Wanli Guguang a gentle smile, looking like he didn't care.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at Yuri Wanligu.

Although his expression remained the same, his tone suddenly switched to an icy mode.

Lu Yu's eyes stared at the witch kneeling on the ground in front of him, and the oppressive gaze made Yuri Ritani even more terrified.

"Yuri Wanligu, isn't it! You're right, I'm the willful Demon King!"

"So, I inform you now that if you do not obey my orders, I will not be violent to you, but will take everything out on your sister. 99

"If you continue to disobey my orders, I will take your sister away from you and recruit her as a concubine!"

Dealing with the Virgin is naturally the most effective threat. Lu Yu does not intend to play the set of the original protagonist, Godou Kusanagi, Naasahi.

King, domineering, as long as it is useful, he doesn't mind using it at all.

With some violent remarks, Wanli Guguang, who knew that he was only using it to scare his sister, let out a small exclamation.


When Yuri Wanligu heard this, he panicked immediately.

She fell to the ground even more terrified.

"Just because this child is still young, he can't do such a thing! Please take back the fate of the king, and I am willing to replace my sister!"

"Let me take my life back, are you teaching me to do things?"

Lu Yu said mercilessly.

"This is the last time I heard you disobey my orders. If you talk like this again, I will take your sister now, and then every time you don't obey, your sister will have to give birth to a child because of your fault, you Every time you make a mistake, the punishment will fall on your sister, and every time you are disobedient, you will have an extra niece.

Seizing the weakness of Yuri Wanligu, Lu Yu spoke out a shocking but miraculous punishment.

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