An Infinite Dimension Store

298 The Power of the God King

The huge ceremony took two full hours to end.

The method of system recycling, no matter whether the defeated god or god, all the abilities are recycled in the past.

This is because the godhead gifted by Lu Yu is not divided from his own spirituality, but the godhead given to the Fusang god system, so he is not limited by his own spirituality at all.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Reimu immediately became happy, her legs were no longer sore, her back was no longer rubbed, and she began to hum a song happily.

Sky, sea, Hades, land, plains, swamps...

Generally four-digit numbers, that is, bronze-level gods and Buddhas who can explode stars, the number of godheads he can bestow is only in single digits.

Hakurei Reimu cried out bitterly, separated the crowd, and walked over with some staggering steps.

Is there any achievement award for obtaining the godhead of an entire god system?

She blushed.

Fusang Shinto and local gods, the famous and the unknown, were all summoned.

After deleting all the introductions of these newly acquired abilities, Lu Yu saw a special message.


The fear is purely because of the instinct of the creatures. Facing this peerless werewolf who has cut down an entire group of gods, let alone a weak witch like them, even a godslayer will tremble.

After counting the harvest, the witches also finished their work.

"Okay, okay, I know you're tired, what do you want to say?"

Of course, it wasn't the lowest star-burst God-Buddha-level deity, nor was it the silver-registered demon deity in the Demon World, but an orange-level deity.

Lu Yu immediately clicked on the detailed introduction of the ability.

"The host gathers all the godheads of the Fusang god system, becomes the master of the god group, and automatically obtains the ability [the prestige of the god king].

The powers of the entire Fusang gods 13, including the subordinate gods, were completely usurped by Lu Yu.

Ordinary godslayers cannot gain power by killing divine beasts or subordinate gods.

But Lu Yu is different.

Lu Yu has gained so much, and is naturally in a good mood. Plus, gold has no meaning to him, so he naturally nodded and agreed.

However, possessing the ability of 【The Prestigious Light of the God King】, Lu Yu can bestow more than 200 godheads, which is more than the ordinary almighty field.

The terrain of the entire mountain area, and even the surrounding mountain area, has all changed.

That is to say, even if it is any other god-killer, if he can slaughter a complete god system, he can also automatically obtain this ability called [The Prestige of the God King].

This isn't playing games.

"[The Prestigious Light of the King of Gods]: This is the ability only possessed by the Lord of the Gods. It is the power that can endow other beings or things with godheads, transform lives into gods, and transform objects into artifacts.

"Gold! Gold!

However, Lu Yu could see that Reimu wasn't really complaining, there was indeed a red mark on his calf, and it seemed that he was really tired.

However, this did not prevent them from showing the greatest awe to Lu Yu.

However, compared with the innate abilities of the natural gods and Buddhas themselves, the biggest feature of this ability is that the number is far less limited than other natural gods and Buddhas.

After the end, the number of powers in Lu Yu's hands has reached as many as two hundred.

Although it can't be said that there are no dead ends.

Hearing Lu Yu's soft tone, the red and white witch immediately lit up.

This made Lu Yu a little curious.

As a matter of course, Susanoo was summoned and killed again.

If it wasn't after the ceremony, Lu Yu used his time ability to reverse the surrounding area back to its original state, I am afraid the officials would have to announce that the Mount Fuji area was completely destroyed by meteorites or aliens.

And those who accept his gifts are still subject to divine restrictions and must obey his commands.

While rubbing her legs and back, she tried her best to hint and speak loudly about her hard work.

It's dazzling to see the new abilities acquired directly cover the page.

With such a big movement, the harvest is naturally quite rich.


But it can be said that everything is covered and comprehensive.

This is the innate ability of the natural gods and Buddhas.

Today, Lu Yu has mastered the power of the Fusang system, a whole mythology.

Lu Yu looked at Reimu amusingly, and naturally couldn't understand the little Jiujiu in her stomach.

Open the system prompt.

This ability, to be honest, is not rare in Hakoten.

Whether it is Bai Yasha who has received the divine status of Buddhism, or other four-digit gods and Buddhas, they all possess the power to bestow the divine status of others.

Even a white Yaksha with a huge spiritual power can bestow no more than ten godheads at most.

"I've been dancing for hours and I'm exhausted! 35

"Ah, this dance I feel like I'm going to lose 207 years of my life! 35

The introduction looks very simple, but the effect is no different from the sky-defying level.

Respect, because Lu Yu is a rare god-killer who will actively protect the witch, so this ceremony did not kill a witch! This is something that has never happened before.

After dancing for several hours, Reimu felt sore all over.

"Stop calling for gold, let's heal first!

Only three-digit, all-powerful gods and Buddhas can bestow more godheads, but generally it will not exceed one hundred.

The unusual news caught his attention.

The delicate little face did not lose its agile aura because of her obsession with money, but instead was full of joy and expectation.

According to the meaning of the system, the ability that Lu Yu obtained was not a gift from the system, but an ability that people who have fully assembled the godhead will automatically possess.

Compared to two hours ago, Mt. Fuji was intact except for the main shrine of Sengen Shrine.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!"

Simply put, this is the power that creates God.

Lu Yu pressed Reimu's forehead with one hand, and without being able to resist, he directly activated the healing power.

"You are also in the eye of money... If you add money, you will add more money, and I will give you a golden mountain!"

The experience during this period is like a dream, and they still can't believe it is real.

Reimu sat opposite Lu Yu, lifted up the skirt of her shrine maiden's dress, revealing her white and slender legs, and then kept rubbing her ankles.

Who knows, the most tiring part of this ceremony is not Lu Yu, but the dancing witch!

But this time Reimu really helped a lot, and dancing for so long without stopping must be very tiring, so Lu Yu didn't mind meeting Reimu's requirements.

As long as Lu Yu is willing, he can find anyone, and he can throw him a godhead and turn it into a god.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone, and I want it all.

"I have to pay more!"

Even the body of Mount Fuji, the greatest spiritual sustenance of Fuso, was completely destroyed, and the volcano almost erupted.

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