An Infinite Dimension Store

308 wins and losses, the protection of the wind

"Isn't it powerful?"

The terrain is open, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, it is a good place for a duel.

Coupled with the similar styles of the two, it is also possible that the winner will not be determined for a while.

Anyway, she was also seen a lot by Lu Yu just now.

Although she was using the magic sword silver master, Liliana seemed to judge that it was not necessary to use the magic sword ability, and just used it as an ordinary rapier.

After continuing to observe carefully for a while, Erica made her own judgment again firmly.

"...What a pity. 99

she asked very concerned.

"It looks like I said something wrong just now, but if the lord wants to do something to me, it's fine without a bet!"9

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, Ais revealed her trump card.

"Is there anyone stronger than you? 35

And on the battlefield before them.

As soon as the voice fell, the space changed, and several people found that they were transferred to a prairie in an instant.

With a sudden fake action, Liliana directly cut to Ais' shoulder.

There is a hint of fascination in the words.

The silver-haired girl drew out the silver master, and then showed that she was ready with knight etiquette.

"Like what I think, it seems that there is no way to make a bet with you.

The confrontation was like a shower, and the sword flowers of the two girls waved afterimages.

Only if one side bet on the winner and the other side bet on the loser, it is possible to set up a betting contract. Lu Yu means that he is also optimistic that Lily will win.

The information given by the dimensional store before, this is the Otherworld, probably does not need to abide by their regulations.

Although Ais is currently only level 5 in the dungeon, she did not rely on swordsmanship to get to the present.

"What do you think now?

Although there is a custom that they have to marry before they are seen, Erica has already identified Lu Yu alone, so she doesn't mind having a closer relationship with the master.

"For a duel, change the venue.""

"Lord God is different.

In other words, Liliana was only fighting with her own great knight-level power.

"Erica, who do you think will win if Lily doesn't liberate the Silver Master?

"Isn't your lord much stronger than me!"

Hearing Lu Yu's question, Erica carefully observed the situation, and then judged confidently.

Lu Yu asked again.

The confrontation lasted about ten seconds.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

This is a completely one-sided battle.

"Liliana Cranichal, please advise!"

"I'm not afraid that Lily will be jealous, no wonder Lily keeps saying that you often bully her.

Watching the battle, Lu Yu casually asked Knight Ji next to him.

Just as Lu Yu and Erica judged, the seemingly even situation quickly turned around.

This is probably why Ace chose Lily as her opponent instead of Erica.

Lu Yu chuckled and pinched Erica's nose.

"So, can we fight now?"

Liliana easily brushed aside Ais' attack and switched her pace to shreds - this was a precursor to an attack.

"This is……"

Liliana looked calm, not like she was fighting hard, but like she was warming up.

So, Ais regained her energy, forgot what happened before, pulled out the rapier from her waist, and invited Liliana to fight.

Isn't this something that can be easily seen?

Although the sound of the rapier clashing was very subtle, it sounded like it was evenly matched.

She is also a warrior, and her understanding of combat is not low.

"Ace Wallenstein.

Unlike Ais, who was attacking with all her might, Liliana seemed to go all out, but in fact she always had room for her.

However, Erica would not make such a superficial judgment.

"no problem!"

The sharp magic sword stayed in front of Ais' neck skin, and it was only half an inch away from breaking through.

After a few seconds, the two thin swords intersected again.

The improvement of this magic is obvious.

Ais shook her head, of course she knew that the gods were the strongest.

- The victory and defeat have been decided.

The gods who have descended to the heavens should not be allowed to use divine power.

However, how could Liliana, who was waiting for this opportunity, miss this opportunity, and the power she had been hiding suddenly burst out.

Hearing this, Erica blinked and smiled.

When she originally fought against Liliana, Ais was still at a disadvantage. After liberating this wind protection, her agility immediately improved a notch, and she was gradually able to compete with Liliana.

But just look at the expressions of the two to know.

This is the hardest center to defend.

The sluggish Ais realized the particularity of the dimensional store.

The silver-haired girl knight pressed the rapier at her waist and agreed to the opponent's request for battle.

Ace's expression was a little moved.

For example, Liliana in front of her.

Wrapping her body with wind can improve attack, defense, speed, and short-range flight ability. It is a very suitable auxiliary magic for a rapier user like her who is good at agility.

The two girls who were proficient in swordsmanship looked at each other with sharp eyes.

I have to say that, apart from the difference in hair color, the two girls are quite similar in terms of fighting style, weapons and personalities.

"Winning must be Lily!

A whirlwind wrapped Ais' whole body.


Liliana said with some doubts.

The bedroom is not a good place for a fight.

Whether it was Ais, who looked dumb just now, or Liliana, who was always in the position of being teased by Lu Yu and Erica, the eyes at this moment were very oppressive.

The divine power of this god-sama has not been sealed?

Lu Yu smiled.

On the contrary, "Jian Ji" Aisi looked tired, and her pretty face was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Lu Yu clapped his hands.

The price of the exchange has been paid, and the next battle should be the battle she asked for.

"Do you have so much confidence in Lily?""

Liliana looked towards Lu Yu and saw her master nodded.

"It must be Lily who will win.

Then, Ais took the initiative to attack!

Ais was also a master at using a rapier, and immediately raised her vigilance.

With her long golden hair fluttering, she used extremely agile movements to start the battle directly with a rapier thrust.

Lu Yu smiled: "The girl called Sword Princess by the gods is not so simple!

At this moment, a crisp voice pulled her thoughts back to reality.

The difference in hard power between Ais, who used Blessing, and Liliana, who did not use Silver Master, was not obvious.

Ais was startled, and a gust of wind erupted around her body, trying to leave the opponent's attack range.

This is the magic possessed by the girl named "Sword Princess", who can obtain the protection of the wind.

Then, when the opponent was defending, the rapier turned straight down and attacked the abdomen.


But the gods are insurmountable, and there is no possibility for human beings to learn the power of gods. Only the way of human beings has the meaning of learning.


Before the wind's protection had time to disturb the airflow, he directly fought in close combat, piercing Ais' neck armor with his rapier.

Ais was stunned when she heard Liliana's words.

Ais followed Liliana's example and called out her name, and then drew out her own sword, the Sword of Despair.

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