An Infinite Dimension Store

353 Ye Bo of the Flame Light

"Terrorists... do you mean the remnants of the Black Death Royal faction?""

Lu Yu shook his head and said indifferently.

"You don't have to worry about those people, the attack location they chose was not inside the city. Besides, Nayuki-chan, you are now my maid according to the agreement!"

He is familiar with the plot, and he is very clear about the movements of the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction. If he is going to intervene in the digging of the Fourth Primogenitor incident, he will definitely meet these people, so there is no need to worry about these now.

Compared to those orcs, Lu Yu was more interested in Nangong Nayue's current state of maid.


Nangong was stunned that month.

"It's not until after I change those clothes-"

Halfway through the sentence, Nangong looked down at Nayue and suddenly remembered that he had just changed into this maid outfit.

However, she had something to say.

"No! This suit shouldn't be—"

She was about to say that she hadn't paid yet, so it shouldn't be counted in the penalty.

Then I saw the waiter trotting all the way over and handing the receipt to Erica.

"I've already paid! That month sauce!"

Erica shook the receipt in her hand with a sly smile.

"I really got you guys! 35

Nangong bowed his head that month, which was regarded as a confession. 13

This pair of master and servant dug a pit and buried a man, and it was really a perfect match.

She reluctantly called out to Lu Yu.


"Well, although it's a little lacking in emotion, the slightly cold Loli style is your characteristic of Nayuki-chan, and it's not bad."5

Lu Yu commented on the owner of this voice.

Nangong that month cast a "you're really hopeless" look at the Lord God in front of him, but now is not the time to care about this.

"Master, master... You said just now that the remnants of the Black Death Royal faction will not attack the city. Did you have any information?"

she asked very concerned.

Obviously it was his own world, so it stands to reason that Nangong knew more about the information about the Black Death Emperor Sect that month.

Even the gods should not notice this small local gang.

——She thought so before.

Now, however, she found that the gods are worthy of being gods, and they are beyond the imagination of human beings in every aspect.

Obviously, there is one of the three major night empires [Battle King Domain] to provide information, but it seems that this god knows more things than himself.

Hearing Nangong's question that month, Lu Yu patted the little maid's head in a wicked way.

In the past, Nangong would have avoided that month, but as a maid, she naturally couldn't refuse the master's request, so she stood there and did not move.

After the hand addiction was over, Lu Yu asked in a leisurely tone.

"Ye Bo of Flame Light, have you heard of it?"

"Ye Bo of Flame mean the rumored Fourth Primogenitor?"

As a magician, Nangong Nayue was naturally well-informed, even if it was an urban legend, she knew something about it.

Moreover, she also knew that the Fourth Primogenitor was not a fictional existence, but a real person who existed.

It was the strongest weapon made by the gods. It was divided into twelve bodies and sealed because they resisted the gods. Each body held a beast of the true ancestor level, sleeping in its own sealed place. , waiting for the day when he was awakened.

Nangong Nayue naturally didn't believe that Lu Yu would aim at nothing, since he mentioned [Yebo of Flame Light] at this time, that is to say—

"That group of orcs actually found one of the bodies of the Fourth Primogenitor?"

Nangong was a little excited that month.

If this is the case, although it will not cause a large-scale terrorist attack, it is still a major event that can affect the international situation.

The Fourth Primogenitor is called the strongest Primogenitor.

Who knows what will happen if the terrorists get their hands on it?

"Although they didn't find it, and they didn't even know what location they were looking at, they were indeed preparing to start a riot in the sealed graveyard of the fourth primogenitor body. 99

Lu Yu didn't seem to be in a hurry.

After all, even the True Ancestor in his heyday was just a weak chicken in front of him.

"Count the time, it's almost time now.

"Time? What time?"

Nangong was a little confused that month.

All she knew was that she changed clothes for an hour or two.

"It's time to catch terrorists, of course.

Lu Yu stood up.

"Although the heroes appear at the last minute, I am more often called the Demon King than the hero. It would be better to resolve this riot in advance before the dead!"

With that said, when Nangong Nayue hadn't reacted yet, he grabbed Nangong Nayue's hand and directly launched the space transfer.

Target - Gozo Island, Underground Ruins "Fairy Coffin"

Back in time a few minutes ago.

Sister Xiao Gucheng and Xiao Nagisa, who had a chance encounter with Lu Yu and his party before, had already arrived near the ruins where their father was working.

It was the female vampire Liana Karjana from the [King of War] who went to the airport to pick up their brother and sister.

This female vampire serves as the guardian of their father's investigative team.

As the daughter of an earl-level vampire, although her family was in the middle of the pack, her strength was considered an elite among vampires, and she belonged to the aristocratic level of the old generation.

"Is Liana back..."

The dark-skinned middle-aged man saw the car that was gradually accelerating, parked on the side of the ruins, and recognized Liana in the cab.

"In that case, Gujo and Nagisa have already been brought back!

Before he finished speaking, the rear door of the car opened.

"Tooth City-kun!"

"Daddy asshole! 9

The siblings got out of the car and greeted their father with completely different attitudes.

Of course, in the face of this different style of greeting, Xiaoya City, as a father, treated him differently.

"Nagisa! It's been a long time since I haven't seen her and she's getting more and more beautiful... It must have been a lot of work to come here, isn't it tiring?"

With a kind smile on his face, he cared about his daughter.

"Not too tired, Gu Chengjun has been helping me with things!

Xiao Nagisa shook her head, her spirit indeed seemed very lively.

"That's 240 so good!"

Xiaoyacheng looked relieved.

"Daddy bastard, why did you call Nagisa so far!"

Xiao Gucheng was used to being treated as an adult, and he didn't care that he was not concerned, but raised his own questions.

"It wouldn't be a dangerous life, would it?!

"Tsk, you are getting more and more long-winded about the ancient city!

Xiaoyacheng treated his son unceremoniously: "Compared to this kind of thing, you should take Nagisa around to familiarize yourself with the scenery! It's a rare visit, but you can't go back without remembering anything! 99

"Walking around?"

Xiao Gucheng looked at the desolate surroundings, and then looked at his father like a fool.

"How can anyone let two children watch the scenery in such a desolate place, daddy bastard, did you call us all the way to get rid of the two children reasonably?"

"Even if I lose you, I can't bear to lose Nagisa, so don't worry!"

Xiaoyacheng waved his hand.

"Don't look at anyone nearby, the ruins are surrounded by security guards, and the safety factor is even higher than inside Fusang, how could something go wrong?! 35

"Why does this sound like a death flag?

Xiao Gucheng ruthlessly complained.



A loud bang, sound waves and wind waves swept all around.

Xiao Gucheng and Xiaoya City looked at each other.

So, which one of them is the crow's mouth?.

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