An Infinite Dimension Store

367 The original man

The powerful physical quality and the magic power above the dragon veins, this comprehensive increase and the elimination of weaknesses, made Yuan Chu feel an invincible power.

There is nothing more pleasant than "killing the enemy".

"I care more about how you feel now than how I feel?"

The original wild laughter interrupted Lu Yu's thinking.

In her mind, Lu Yu's danger level was raised by another level.

The original man, this is a concept in the mythology of the Cross, which means the original human being.

Cain was originally a primitive man, but later he committed the crime of murder and was cursed by Abel's crime, and his descendants gradually degenerated into vampires.

Not only strength, but also the transition of life level.


Trust: -90

"Humph! 35

She had a happy expression on her face and opened her arms.

Compared with the enhancement of strength, what is more critical is the change of race.

Although she knew that the shopkeeper's strength was enough to destroy the world, she never imagined that Lu Yu was not only powerful, but even the creatures he transformed had the ability to destroy the world.

Facing the murderous fourth primordial ancestor, Lu Yu still looked unhurried.

Lu Yu looked at the original in front of him with great interest, and opened the system panel to check the current status of the original.

"Is this the evolved form..."

Her pupils were full of scarlet blood, and the look in Lu Yu's eyes was full of playfulness.

"Did I never dream that I would be able to overcome the pain and bring this invincible power into my pocket?"

Even if they were driven out of the Garden of Eden, the beasts posed no threat to them.

"It seems that you need to use force to wake you up completely before you can understand your situation! 35

"What kind of monster is this made!

Originally sneered.

"Ha ha ha ha!

And what was done just now on Yuan Chu was the elimination of the bloodline curse.

Even if there was no cold air, the surrounding of the Beast began to spread ice patterns involuntarily, and the moisture in the air immediately began to condense. 3.1

She looked at Lu Yu with a playful look on her face, like a confident hunter looking at his prey, her expression full of confidence.

Later, the boy and the girl gave birth to the eldest son, Abel, and the second son, Cain.

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If the vampire is a product of the cursed "two-five-zero" and belongs to the demon clan, then the original atmosphere in front of him has changed at this time.

In the face of this level of power, that month Nangong felt how terrible the Fourth Primogenitor was after being reborn.

"Discomfort? Nothing like that at all, I've never felt better! It's the highest pleasure!"

She is so happy now.

Even the shackles that Lu Yu froze her directly before were completely freed by her now.

He was already invincible - he believed so exactly at the beginning.

Ability: Demon's Cang Bing

"Are you still pretending!""

This is god-level power!

"Did you feel any discomfort?"

Guest: Fourth Primogenitor

The huge beast, even if it is just the breath it exudes, is enough to freeze the current ruins and even the entire island.

"The original people..."

Moreover, this scene is not an illusion, she does have the power to kill all the opponents - at least she thinks so.

Compared with modern humans, primitive people are completely different creatures of the age of gods, almost equivalent to another race.

At least in her knowledge, she has never seen a more powerful force than this.

At first, he had a malicious expression on his face.

The most famous primordial people, and the first two people to be born, are Adam and Eve.

The improvement in the original strength has already been an earth-shaking change, but the level is not obvious.

After its own magic power became stronger, the posture of the Beast also changed, becoming larger and full of power.

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, clicked on the detailed introduction, and then understood the meaning of this sentence.

That is the physique in mythology that can be equal to mythical creatures such as angels.

"The experiment turned into a powerhouse that could take your life, and gained the power to dominate your destiny... How do you feel now, do you want to leave a last word in advance?

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction, it seems that this usage can be popularized.

She looked at Lu Yu with a headache.

This man must pay the price!

A beast that was half a mermaid and half a demon bird appeared behind her.

The level of strength is not surprising, even if it is the evolution of life level, it is not so simple to reach the bronze abyss.

At this time, they possessed power equal to or even surpassed in some places by angels, and they must not be regarded as ordinary human beings.

Compared to the cursed demons, she is more like a natural spirit now.

She summoned the only beast at present, Cang Bing of the enchantress.

Release the curse of the blood of the vampire and return it to the original original person.

In fact, even within the orange level, there is a world of difference between the weakest and the strongest. The gap between the same level is bigger than the gap between purple and white.

Race: Primordial, Vampire

Combat Strength: Orange

They are all primitive people.

"In other words, is it completely adapted to the new power. 35

Looking at the blond girl in front of him, Lu Yu could feel her strength increasing.

If the enemy didn't show panic and misery, wouldn't her suffering just now be in vain?

Being stared at by the murderous Yuan Chu, Lu Yu didn't panic at all, but still acted like a calm experimenter...

Seeing Lu Yu's calm face, Yuan Chu finally couldn't help it.

No wonder she swelled.

The human beings at this time are different from the human beings in the later generations. They have an incomparably long life and an incomparably powerful force.


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