An Infinite Dimension Store

371 Private life (big fog)

In the camp of the investigation team, Xiaoya City was extremely fortunate that he had made a decision not to retreat immediately.

Otherwise, they'd have to be frozen into dogs.

On the mission on this tropical island, they didn't bring any cold clothes.

If it wasn't for the temperature of the tent, they couldn't stand the climate that suddenly became polar, not to mention that there were still children here~.

"Hey! This kind of power is a little too scary! Is the so-called true ancestor actually a monster of this level?!"

Xiaoyacheng leaned against the door of the tent, looked at the snow-white world outside through the transparent window, and said with a trembling teeth.

He did not belong to the short-sighted type, but he was still shocked by this unusual scene.

The other three True Ancestors are not without records, but they have never caused such a level of change in the world.

Xiao Gucheng, who was beside him, was a little stunned when he heard this.

"Daddy bastard, are you saying that the frost that covers the entire island is not a natural phenomenon, but caused by the True Ancestor?"

His worldview collapsed.

How could such a sight be man-made?

"Other than that, there's nothing else possible."

Xiaoyacheng said halfway through, and suddenly shook his head again.

"No, other than the Fourth Primogenitor, that man's words are also possible.""

He was reminded of the existence of Lu Yu.

Killing the beast-like orcs in one blow, and only using pure physical fitness, and did not reveal more information.

Xiaoya City was naturally impressed by such a mysterious powerhouse.

Not to mention, even the witch Nangong in the gap seems to be in charge of him that month.

If it was this mysterious man, he might be able to do something like this.

"That man?"

Xiao Gucheng was a little puzzled at first, and quickly remembered who his father was referring to.

"Oh, that kind man!"

Previously, Lu Yu and his party stopped the pickpockets and allowed Xiao Gucheng to retrieve his luggage. This act of bravery made Xiao Gucheng have a very good impression on them.

"What? Are you talking about the big brother?!"

Xiao Nagisa also came over.


Xiaoyacheng grinned when she saw her daughter's interest.

If it wasn't for the fact that his daughter had a relationship with that existence before, he and others might have been killed by the "dead emperor brother".

From this point of view, my daughter is really a lucky star.

Of course, you also have to thank the other party for your life-saving grace.

It's just that I don't know what's going on in the ruins now, and I don't know if that existence has successfully subdued the sealed "Ye Bo of Flame Light".


While he was thinking about these things.

The companion in charge of observing the situation at the ruins, Demas Karu called out loudly.

"GAHO! Someone seems to have come out from the ruins!"


Xiaoya City immediately leaned over, and indeed saw six figures appear.

There were only five people in Lu Yu's group who entered the ruins before, and they knew that the extra person was the body of the Fourth Primogenitor.

"Sure enough, it's not a normal person!"

Xiaoyacheng couldn't help sighing.

No matter who caused the previous astronomical change, Lu Yu, who successfully subdued the fourth primordial body, has absolutely no doubts about his power.

Seeing several figures approaching, Xiaoya City decided to go to meet them.

Although their own investigation team is considered to be intercepted, but with the strength of the other party, there is no need to worry about the MAR group, and they have enough reasons to shirk when the fourth primogenitor body is taken away by such a strongman.

Coupled with the fact that the other party still has a life-saving grace for themselves and others, there is no reason for them to turn a blind eye.

Originally, Xiaoya City planned to go there alone.


"Is the big brother here?! I'm going too! 95

His daughter, Xiao Nagisa, also wanted to follow him.

Xiaoyacheng originally planned to refuse, but after thinking about it, the adult seemed to like Nagisa's appearance, and it would be okay to take her there.

"Be careful not to be rude!"

After instructing his daughter, Xiaoyacheng put on a few more coats from the other members of the security team, and then opened the tent's chains.

"Daddy asshole!

Watching her sister go out, Xiao Gucheng, who was a little worried, also wanted to follow.

But was flatly rejected by his father.

"You kid, just stay here in peace!

Xiaoyacheng pressed his son back.

"Anyway, Nagisa can win that adult's love with his cuteness, so forget about you!"

Although Xiao Gucheng was a little angry, but thinking about it, if it was the kind person who helped him, he should be relieved.

It seems that the adult appeared before because of Nagisa, so Nagisa should be fine if he passed by, so he did not insist on going out.

With his daughter, Xiaoya City soon met Lu Yu and his party.

After seeing Aurora, the sharp-eyed he became more convinced of his judgment.

"Lord Lu Yu, I'm so sorry just now that I forgot to thank you for saving your life.

Xiaoyacheng scratched his head and said respectfully.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

He had learned Lu Yu's name from his daughter.

"You're welcome, I'm just taking it easy.""

Lu Yu shook his head and didn't care.

"Big brother!"

Xiao Nagisa happily came over and asked curiously.

"It just suddenly started to snow, and the whole ground was suddenly covered with a layer of ice. Yacheng said that it might be done by big brother... Is this what big brother did you do?"

Xiaoyacheng froze awkwardly.

The speculation behind it, told by her daughter, always makes people feel a little subtle.

Fortunately, Lu Yu didn't care about these words.

"Do not.

He shook his head.

"My shot won't spread so widely, this is what the Fourth Primogenitor did.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Xiao Nagisa didn't notice anything, but Xiaoyacheng realized Lu Yu's hidden meaning.


In other words, this man also has the same or even more than the fourth primogenitor's freezing ability, but it is not used.

The strength of this man was even more exaggerated than he imagined.

"The Fourth Primogenitor?"

Xiao Nagisa tilted her head ignorantly, and then noticed the blond girl hiding behind Lu Yu.

"Huh? Who are you, an acquaintance of the big brother?"

She spoke to Aurora very familiarly.

Aurora was startled at first, but after seeing the bright smile on Xiao Nagisa's face, she eased her anxiety.

"I am the Fourth Primogenitor, the one who promised to live together with Lu Yu in the future!"

She puffed out her small chest and murmured softly.

If Xiao Nagisa was not close enough, I really couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Oh oh oh! Are you the fourth primogenitor!

The little witch's face was full of interest, and she moved directly in front of Aurora.

"What's the matter with the life-long agreement with the big brother? Are you and the big brother a couple? Also, did you make the snowflakes here? It's amazing!"

Xiao Nagisa, who was a big kid, asked a series of questions with a curious look on her face.

"Love, couple? What is this?"

Aurora couldn't cope with Akisa's question, and asked with some doubts.

"Couples are two people who have agreed for life... It should be like this. In fact, I have only seen it in TV dramas."

Xiao Nagisa enthusiastically explained to Aurora the terms she didn't know.

Although Aurora was a little afraid of life, Xiao Nagisa's familiarity directly ignored this.

The two young girls got together, but they were unexpectedly in harmony, and they quickly became acquainted with each other.

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