Although Silk Banner's favorite is LV4, she is not considered weak in Academy City, but her origin points add up to 1,000, which is only one-tenth of the price.

But despite this, Lu Yu gave her the card—on credit.

"Does that mean I owe you nine thousand Origin Points now?"

Silk flag love doesn't know whether to be happy or distressed.

"I don't think I can finish my life!"

"Then pay it back in a lifetime!"

Lu Yu didn't feel that he was at a loss.

"In the future, in addition to the work of ITEM, I will sometimes have things for you to do. At that time, your remuneration will be deducted from the debt!"

He wanted to recruit Silk Flag as his favorite fighter. After all, no matter how powerful he was, he was only one person, and he lacked skills. Sometimes he still needed someone to help.

No matter in terms of trustworthiness or reliability, the silk flag favorite is a good candidate.

"...So that's what you meant, you scared me to death!"

For some reason, his heart was pounding with fright, and after listening to Lu Yu's words, Kinabalu's favorite breathed a sigh of relief.

After agreeing to Lu Yu's request, Silk Flag Favorite was about to use this purple card when suddenly, the phone rang.

"Hey! Mai Ye? What's wrong, you suddenly called?"

Silk flag is a little bit puzzled the most, although it is an organization, and because of the friendship between the girls, they often go out to play together, but they are quite free outside of the task, and if there is no urgent matter, Mai Ye Shenli will not look for them.

"Silk flag, we have a mission."

Over the phone, Mai Ye Shenli's tone was very calm.


Silk Flag asked most of the time, "Is it the task given above... or?"

ITEM is an organization directly under the management council. If it is a task assigned by the upper management of Academy City, they have no right to refuse.

"No, it's just extra money."

Mai Ye Shenli's tone was relaxed.

"Come quickly! Silk flag! Otherwise, all your bounty will belong to me!"

Fran|Da's voice came from the phone, and it seemed that she couldn't wait to be dispatched.

"Silk flag... where are you now?"

Takitsubo Rikou's lazy voice also came over.

"Nowhere, I'll be there soon!"

Silk flag favorite felt wrong and immediately hung up the phone.

"Is there another mission? You Anbu are really busy."

Lu Yu was not surprised, and Academy City was not as harmonious as it seemed on the surface.

"Well, please remember to call me if you have anything in the future! I'll go first!"

Silk flag loves to pinch the card open and use it, and then rushes out.


Lu Yu shook his head and closed the door of the store again.

Just as he turned around, the sound of the door being pushed open came from behind him.

"Have you forgotten anything, silk flag..."

Lu Yu thought it was the silk flag's favorite and returned, but when he looked back, he found that this was not the silk flag's favorite.

"This is... a new guest?!"

Standing in front of Lu Yu was a little boy who looked only seven or eight years old. He was a little shorter than Silk Flag's favorite, with blond hair and red pupils.

"Hello, big brother!"

The little boy with blond hair and red eyes greeted politely.


Lu Yu nodded politely, but there was some doubt in his heart.

Obviously he has never seen this child, why is there a strange sense of familiarity?

"Have I seen you before?"

He couldn't help but ask.

"Huh?! Big brother thinks so too!?"

The little boy's eyes widened, showing a rather happy expression.

"I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I always felt that you and I knew each other before, and there was a strange sense of familiarity!"

The little boy said with a smile, and then for some reason touched his waist.

"I always feel a little cold in my waist here..."


Hearing this, Lu Yu finally recognized the identity of the child in front of him. Isn't this the flashy form of Gilgamesh killed by himself? !

The waist is a bit cold here... Is that because he stabbed Tyrant Flash in the waist? !

"Big brother, what's the matter, do you remember anything?"

Young flash asked with a wink.

I have to say that Gilgamesh in Young Flash is very likable, not only polite, but also kind and friendly.

"Leave that aside, let me introduce myself. My name is Lu Yu, and I'm the manager of this dimensional store."

He has no habit of expressing his anger. Although Tyrant Shan and Young Shan are the same person at different times, they are different individuals after all, so Lu Yu took the initiative to reach out and "re-introduce" himself.

"Gilgamesh, Big Brother Lu Yu, just call me Gil!"

You Shan shook his hand obediently and introduced himself.

……Everyone in the book review area is right, then I will not suppress the update and prepare to fight for a long time…………

...... By the way, due to the relatively low level of the author, there is no way to speak in the book review area, so I can only selectively reply at the end of the article, please forgive me......*

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