"Well, people get it!

Shokuhou Misaki nodded.

Although she would like to ask when Lu Yu met Misaka Mikoto, it is obviously not the time to say this.

After hearing Lu Yu's introduction, Shokuhou-san nodded politely, and then introduced himself.

"It turned out to be the third 'Super Electromagnetic Cannon', I am Tokiwadai's student of the same level as you, the fifth 'Psychological Master' Shokuhou Misaki in LV5, nice to meet you!

She had met Misaka Mikoto several times at school, but the two never met.

This is the first time that we will meet and greet formally.

"Ah... it's nice to meet you too.

Although she was very puzzled that she would be mistaken even though she was so close, Misaka Mikoto, who obeyed the etiquette, temporarily put aside her doubts and responded politely to the other party.

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki raised her hand after she finished speaking, Misaka Mikoto thought she was going to give a handshake, so she immediately extended her hand politely.

After Shokuhou Caoqi raised his hand, he put it into his handbag.

It wasn't a handshake.


Misaka Mikoto withdrew her hand in embarrassment, and then saw the blond girl took out a TV remote control from her handbag and aimed it at 13 herself.

"Although it's the first time we met, since you heard something you shouldn't know, let's temporarily erase such a memory."

Shokuhou Misaki said in a calm tone, although his attitude was gentle, the meaning in his words surprised Misaka Mikoto.

Erase memory?

No matter what normal person hears this sentence, they will subconsciously resist it!

This is outright brutality.

Thinking of the other party's nickname [Psychological Mastery], it is obvious that she can do this.

Misaka Mikoto suddenly became vigilant and got up subconsciously.

When she first saw this blond woman, what she saw was the blond girl's hostile eyes, and because of this, no matter how harmless the girl in the back seemed, no matter how enthusiastic she seemed. , Misaka Mikoto is still secretly vigilant about this woman in her heart.

Now it seems that her intuition is indeed correct.

This woman is not a good thing!

"Director Lu Yu! Be careful!

Then, subconsciously, Misaka Mikoto pulled Lu Yu and stood up together.

She had no other idea, but simply felt that she couldn't let the permanent director of Academy City be exposed to a woman who could use psychological control.

This is not a good thing for Academy City!

Maybe this blond woman will use her ability to manipulate Director Lu Yu for her own benefit!

Due to the fear of the ability of [psychological mastery], Misaka Mikoto made up a lot of things that she did not have, so she felt more and more terrifying about the ability of the other party.

On the other hand, Shokuhou Misaki saw Misaka Mikoto jumping up suddenly, but she was not surprised by her action.


"too late!"

The remote control was aimed at her, and Shokuhou Misaki didn't think Misaka Mikoto could escape.

However, the moment she pressed the button on the remote control, she heard Misaka Mikoto shout out Lu Yu's name in a hurry.

And he grabbed Lu Yu with a worried look, as if he wanted to protect this man in front of Shokuhou Misaki.


Shokuhou Caoqi felt that a tendon in his brain was snapped.

Is there something wrong with this scene?

"I'm here to see what your relationship is!"

Shokuhou Misaki's face turned dark, returning to the hostile expression he had initially.

She immediately switched the way of using her superpowers, and wanted to directly invade Misaka Mikoto's memory to see what the relationship between the super electromagnetic gun that suddenly popped up and the store manager.

"Da! 35

The plain hand with pure white gloves pressed the button on the remote control, and Misaka Mikoto didn't have time to escape.

The super power of [Mind Mastery] is activated.



An electric spark suddenly appeared near Misaka Mikoto's forehead.


She felt a feeling like being stabbed by static electricity, and the electric field around her body seemed to be half attacked by something invisible.

Even more surprised than her was Shokuhou Misaki who launched the attack.

"Huh? It doesn't work?!

Shokuhou Misaki was stunned.

In addition to the special equipment that shields the psychological interference in the talent workshop, this is the first time she has seen an example of her own abilities being ineffective.

Except for Lu Yu, of course.

However, Lu Yu is not a superpower, so for Shokuhou Shiki, Misaka Mikoto is really a special case that I saw for the first time.

On Misaka Mikoto's side, she naturally realized something.

"You mean, your brainwashing ability is ineffective against me?"

She showed a shocked expression. Before she was attacked, she didn't know that she could defend the brainwashing ability of LV5 level, so she was panicked before.

After knowing that the opponent's most deadly brainwashing ability was ineffective against her, Misaka Mikoto's smile gradually became arrogant.

"Looks like the affinity aspect of ability is in my favor!

She was gearing up, and the smile on her face was a little dark.

The fear of being almost brainwashed should be returned no matter what, at least to teach this woman who brainwashed others a lesson at will.

"To treat other people's memories so casually, it seems that I need to teach you a lesson—"

The fingertips emitted electric light, and when Misaka Mikoto was about to use her ability to electro-medicate the Shokuhou exercise in front of her, she was interrupted.

A waitress at a dessert shop.

"This customer, please don't use your abilities in the store!

The surrounding diners also heard reproach.

"How can you discharge electricity in a dessert shop, it's so uncommon!"

"That's right, no wonder the body is so poor, probably because I think about using superpowers to make fun every day! 35

"Looking at school uniforms or students of Tokiwadai Middle School, is this the education of the eldest lady's school? That's all?


The chatter of the diners was just enough for Misaka Mikoto to hear.

For a time, Misaka Mikoto, who had never been blamed by so many people at the same time, flushed red.

"No, no, I was almost brainwashed by this person just now! It's just a subconscious defense!"

She pointed at the culprit, Shokuhou, and explained at a loss.

And then got a stronger rebuke from the crowd.

"It's obvious that you're the only one who uses your abilities!"

"How could this beautiful girl use her powers against you, a flat-chested girl?

"Are you thinking too much?! What an excess of self-consciousness!"

Even the waiter had a "this kid is telling a lie" look.

Misaka Mikoto was immediately stunned. She had never been resisted by so many people at the same time.

Just when she didn't know what to do.

Lu Yu's voice sounded.

"Xiao Qi, stop playing, be careful to cause a psychological shadow to this child."

While speaking, Lu Yu pulled Misaka Mikoto back to her original position.

Misaka Mikoto felt a little relieved, probably because Lu Yu was the only one who didn't blame her for being hostile to her.

"Well, since the store manager said so."

Shokuhou Misaki nodded, seeing Misaka Mikoto's shocked expression, she had already satisfied it, and since it was Lu Yu's request, she naturally wouldn't refuse.

"Everyone, leave!

She pressed the remote.

Immediately, the noisy sweets shop quieted down, and the guests and waiters who had been accusing Misaka Mikoto before also lost their voices.

Two seconds later, the quiet sweet shop returned to its previous atmosphere.

"Hey, why am I here? 35

The waiter froze for a moment, then walked away with the tray.

The other guests also had normal expressions, seeming to have forgotten the previous collective denunciation, but continued their respective topics.

Misaka Mikoto realized something.

She tapped the table lightly, showing a displeased expression.

"So, those people said those words just now because they were your fault?!

She felt wrong at the time.

Even if it's a misunderstanding, it doesn't mean that every word has to poke his heart, and he has to whip his body.

It turned out that these words were all controlled by this woman!

Too Damn it!

PS: A few days ago, the update slowed down a lot, and the normal update speed will resume tomorrow.

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