An Infinite Dimension Store

402 from Otherworld

As soon as I came over, I saw a red-haired girl rolling on the ground.

Lu Yu was startled.

Due to the physique of the godslayer, he couldn't be more sensitive to the breath of gods, and he could naturally judge that it was the god Loki who was lying on the ground and rolling.

"Is this a welcome ceremony unique to Orari?"

he asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, the head of the regiment Finn showed an embarrassed expression.

"No, it's not like that, it made you laugh.

He immediately stepped forward respectfully and explained sincerely.

"Lord Loki is just a temporary convulsion, it will be better soon, please forgive me."

Loki, who was said by his family members to have a convulsion, was still lying on the ground without the appearance of a god.

"Understanding understanding. 35

Lu Yu nodded, wanting to laugh a little.

From the voice of Loki's broken thoughts, he understood what "two seven seven" was all about.

Just jealous because of Ace.

A dignified god, to actually act like this, is considered a marvel among thousands of worlds.

"It's great that you understand."

The man in front of him didn't seem angry.

Finn breathed a sigh of relief, and had a better view of this mysterious god.

As expected of a god who compares Lord Loki in terms of majesty and temperament, he has a broad mind.

Everyone else was relieved, and then compared the still rolling Lord Loki with this gentle and generous strange god in front of him.

——So how did Lord Loki become a god!

Only Ace was different. When she heard Finn's words, she really thought Loki was sick.

So she stepped forward blankly and approached Loki.

"Oh oh oh!"

Loki was moved to tears for a while.

"Sure enough, does Essie still have me in her heart?

She didn't care that she was covered in dust and was about to take the opportunity to hug Aisi.

Then, Ais separated it with the scabbard.

The blond-haired and cute girl used the scabbard to hold up the body of the god Loki, keeping her one meter away from him, and then said it earnestly.

"Lord Loki, you are too dirty.


Being treated with such disgust by Ais, Loki felt like he was shot in the knee.

"I'm not dirty!

She almost cried.

Although he was hurt by Ais' actions, after all, he was a god who had lived for countless years, and Loki quickly sorted out his emotions.

After carefully tidying up his clothes, Loki cleared his throat, looked straight, and said seriously to Lu Yu.

"I am the god Loki, welcome you to our Loki family as a guest!

At this time, she seemed a little god-like.

Lu Yu nodded and introduced himself.

"I'm Ace's swordsmanship teacher named Lu Yu, nice to meet you.

The rest of the Loki Familia also began to introduce themselves.

Just after introducing himself, Loki came over curiously, blinking his eyes and staring at Lu Yu curiously.

The whole person almost stuck on Lu Yu.

"What are you doing? If you have any questions, just say it, don't stick it so close."

Lu Yu ripped off Loki with his hands in disgust.

It would be fine if it was a beautiful girl, but Loki is really peaceful.

It's probably on the same level as Misaka Mikoto, maybe even worse.

"Lord Loki is disgusted...


The members of the Loki Familia gave subtle expressions, and they seemed to feel embarrassed.

Loki didn't care, her eyes lit up when she heard Lu Yu's words, and she said excitedly.

"You can really ask anything, right? You can ask anything, right?!

"Of course, I only answer the questions I am willing to answer.

Lu Yu said.

With the relationship he had just met with Loki, he wouldn't be able to know everything.

When Loki heard this, his interest remained undiminished.

"Then I asked, Lu Yu, where exactly are you a god? Why I don't know you at all, and I don't have any impression of you at all, but don't say that you are a remote god of the gods, those long hours in the heavens I know all the gods in here, but I have never seen you!"

She stared at Lu Yu with a curious look on her face, forgot all her jealousy because Ais was close to him, and focused on exploring Lu Yu's origins.

For the gods of this world, boredom is the biggest enemy, and if there is anything interesting, they will immediately regard it as the greatest source of entertainment. …

If those human children don't know this god, it's totally normal, but a god that Loki doesn't know himself is a big problem!

This cannot be explained by mere mystery!

"A god that Lord Loki has never seen?"

When others heard this, they were also a little puzzled.

"Didn't Lord Loki boast that he knew all the gods? 35

Riviria and the others looked at each other.

"This is not to brag, I really know all the gods!

Loki corrected his family's inappropriate words.

"Because of this, not knowing this god named Lu Yu is a big event! Even though he has the aura of a godhead, he is definitely not a human being, but why don't I know him!"5

She blinked her eyes and leaned over to Lu Yu's side again, looking forward to Lu Yu's answer.

Although the divine power has been sealed after the lower realm, the eyesight of the gods is still enough, and at a glance, it can be seen that Lu Yu also has the aura of the gods.

"Well... it's not a difficult thing to answer. 35

Lu Yu did not expect that Loki could be so bored that he knew all the gods.

However, he had no intention of concealing it, so he said bluntly.

"I'm not a god in this world, I come from Otherworld. Strictly speaking, my main identity should be the manager of a dimension store that spans thousands of dimension worlds."

From another world 3.1 world? Dimension store?

When they heard this, the members of the Loki Familia were stunned.

Loki was also stunned.

It took more than ten seconds for Loki to react.

"Oh oh oh!"

Loki let out a battle cry excitedly.

"Appeared, finally appeared!"

She raised her hands excitedly and cheered.

"An unprecedented event! God from the Otherworld!!! 35

PS: I have a question that I would like to ask all readers who have seen this book many times before reluctantly clicked on it. Is there a problem with the title, cover, or introduction? Many people have said this question since it was put on the shelves, but I keep looking for it. No clue, sincerely ask for advice! Please tell me in the comments, please!.

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