An Infinite Dimension Store

426 The Gods Block the Door

Sure enough, as Lu Yu expected.

"Idiot! Don't you forget, I am not a god who has been sealed with divine power.


Ais tilted her head, thinking that Loki was really asking her why.

So Loki fled in the direction of the backyard, and Hestia fled in the direction of the front gate.

No matter how dilapidated it is, it doesn't even have property rights, but for Hestia in the abandoned house, it is the only world she has, the only thing she has before.

"Although I am very grateful to Hestia for your invitation, I will leave the matter of going to your house for the next time. This time, I don't need to avoid it.

She is not some goddess without self-awareness.

—Speaking of what you wanted to do just now, didn’t you say it all yourself?!

"The place I live now is an empty ruin, plus I don't have any friends, and Hephaestus swept me out of the house again, so basically no one knows where I live, if you slip away with me , those gods should not be able to find you!

Loki didn't realize the eyes of his family members.

Aware of the wind blowing in her ears, even though Ais just listened carefully, she wanted to know what kind of stunt Loki had.


This is already quite a level of trust.

This is just a joke.

Although the gods seem to be terrifying, they are nothing more than paper tigers whose divine power has been sealed.

Hestia tried her best to grow her hands and gestured into a big embrace, indicating that there are really many, many.

But she still did not hesitate.

- Do you have any points in your heart?

Loki has a very good mentality. After realizing that he is a bad person, he immediately feels at ease.

Lu Yu noticed that Hestia's eyes were always on him and Loki from a distance, as if he had something to say.

"Dozens? No! There should be at least several hundred!"

Just when the whole earth started to shake, she and Hestia were fighting each other together.

"A lot of gods?"

Hearing this, the adventurers all cast a surprised look at Loki.

Together with the scabbard, Ai unrelentingly performed a thrusting thrust, pushing the scabbard directly to Loki's chest diaphragm.

Loki was picked up directly and fell to the ground.

So he and Loki looked at each other and went up to them together.

"Hey, didn't the little dwarf run out of the door just now?"

Being pushed open by Ai mercilessly, Loki's chest diaphragm suffered an unimaginable blunt blow, and she almost got hit directly, and she coughed all over her body.

"How much is a lot?"

"There must be something to say. 35

No no no!

Although it is said that people are invited to live in the ruins, it is not a good hospitality.

Originally, this secret place should be shared with her family members, but now she did not hesitate to share it with Lu Yu.

Lu Yu shook his head directly.

Yeah! She almost forgot.

"That's too much, Ais-chan! How can you do such a thing to God-sama-?!

"Loki, something is wrong! So many gods! So many gods outside the door!

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Loki retorted in dissatisfaction.

But for an abandoned house like Hestia, it is already very rare to offer to share his only residence with Lu Yu.

Loki didn't expect Hestia to be the message, she asked.

When the three approached, Hestia, who trotted over, stopped to pant on her knees, the blue ribbon on her body undulating violently.

So she said without hesitation.

"Probably because of instinct, Loki will definitely not do good things. 99

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

"Huh? It seems that I really don't like doing good things..."

Lu Yu rubbed the head of the Loli goddess with some amusing.

After she said the words, she herself felt that something was wrong.

Simply the spirit of gold.

"It seems to be looking for the Otherworld gods, that is, Lu Yu! 35

So he said to himself.

After sensing the tremor, both of them thought it was an earthquake.

The words with great self-knowledge made the adventurers fall into a predicament that the old man couldn't spit out.

In the direction that Loki came from before, that is, the direction of the Loki Family Hall, a figure trotted over.

Speaking of which, Hestia was a little flustered.

However, even if he found out that it was Loki who was pounced on him.

"Are you going to see them? Or do you want to slip away with me first?""

This made Loki feel like he was stabbed in the heart.

Hestia muttered, but her expression gradually brightened.

However, while touching is true.

The sneak attack failed, and Loki lay on the ground and covered his stomach and complained.

Tiona immediately leaned over and shared with Loki what she had just seen with a happy face, describing the splendor of that shocking sword.

Loki said in surprise.

"All in all, there are many gods, and all the gods have blocked the door of your house! There are so many gods that you can't count come, and they all say that they want to see Lu Yu by name!

"I'm not stupid.

- You know it yourself!

If she hadn't noticed that it was Loki who attacked her, she might have pulled the rapier out of its scabbard.

She looked worried and said to Lu Yu.

As he spoke, Hestia suddenly felt that her situation seemed a little miserable?


In the real comparison, there are always a lot of people on the opposite side, and Lu Yu should have the advantage.

Although Ais did not intend to continue to draw the sharp blade, she did not intend to withdraw.

But it is not necessary to do so, it is also true.

"The reason?"

"Hestia, what happened?"

Hearing Hestia's words, Lu Yu was slightly moved.


After about half a minute.

Must be an illusion!

It seemed that he was worried that Lu Yu would be picked on by those gods.

Loki also thought that Hestia would not dare to come in even if he calmed down because he was worried about the aftermath.

Seeing Hestia's still worried eyes.

Thinking of this, Hestia sighed in relief.

After being trained by Lu Yu, she was still conditioned in an instant and pressed her hand on the hilt of the sword.

How can she feel miserable now that she also holds 10,000 Origin Points, that is, the rich Loli who is a billionaire?!

But Ace's tone was very serious.

After resting for a few seconds, Hestia said.

It was Hestia.

Hestia's experienced support.

In addition, staying with Lu Yu, in Hestia's current subconscious, probably means fighting against many gods?!

"You are outright prejudice, do I only do bad things?!

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