An Infinite Dimension Store

071 2 ways, 1 choice

"No problem at all!"

Lu Yu gave an affirmative answer.

Open a store, how can you say that you can't.


Kamijou Touma looked surprised.

"Then please!"

He folded his hands and bowed to Lu Yu again to express his gratitude.

"To solve your unfortunate physique, I have two methods for the time being." After thinking about it, Lu Yu said.


Kamijou Touma felt that he was blessed by the goddess of luck today, and he was able to hear such good news.

He asked excitedly, "Excuse me, which two are they?"

"The first one is very simple."

A dark smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

"Since your misfortune is caused by the fantasy killer, if you give up the power of the fantasy killer, you will naturally be able to restore your luck."

He suggested so.

If after losing Fantasy Killer, you can't recover your luck, it's not a big problem.

Lu Yu still has the template of the golden rule in his hand. As long as there is no interference from fantasy killers, it is not difficult to improve one's luck.

Hearing this method, Kamijou Touma was in trouble for a while.

Abandon the power of fantasy killer...


He hesitated.

Indeed, the fantasy killer brought Kamijou Touma a lot of bad luck and misery.

Therefore, this Hu Lai's right hand, his ability test is always LV0, and he is troubled by various unfortunate little things in his daily life, and it can even be said that he has experienced hardships.

However, at the same time, Kamijou Touma did use this right hand to save a lot of tragedies.

When he was meddling around, this right hand gave him the qualification to fight against the able, allowing him to save a lot of people.

If he gives up the power of fantasy killer, he can give up misfortune, but because of this, he loses the power to save others.

Your own life, and the lives of others...

In Kamijou Touma's mind, the scales began to shake on both sides.

After a few minutes, his eyes gradually became firm.

"Sorry, I can't accept this method."

He rejected the proposal.

His current misfortune is just a small ups and downs in his life, while the people he saves have experienced a cliff-like desperation.

Therefore, which path to choose does not need to be considered too much for him.

He doesn't feel like a hero, but he doesn't turn a blind eye to the tragedy that happened in front of him.

"As expected of a person who has never been guided by anyone, and only follows the feelings that emerge from his heart and moves forward bravely."

Lu Yu sighed with a smile.

This sentence is in the original book, and Iwass's evaluation of Kamijou Touma, he thinks it is appropriate.

So he was not surprised by Kamijou Touma's choice.

"The second method is very simple, but I can't guarantee that you will be able to eliminate bad luck."

Lu Yu took out a row of cans and said.

"The second way is to...pump the jar!"

"As long as you are lucky enough, even if you become the god of luck, there are enough possibilities!"

Lu Yu is so inspired.

Hearing this, Kamijou Touma didn't feel his blood boil.

On the contrary, his heart was cold.

"It's a matter of luck that depends on the level of luck, how can an unfortunate person like me succeed!"

He grimaced.

If he wants to get rid of misfortune by drawing jars, then he must be "lucky" to draw something that can eliminate misfortune.

However, unfortunately, he was not lucky enough to get what he wanted.

This is a paradox, a deadlock.

"Am I going to live like this for the rest of my life?"

Kamijou Touma was disheartened.

He has never won a lottery in the lottery activities he has participated in since he was a child.

On the contrary, every time the lottery was used for cleaning, he had a share.

Anyway, this second method is also a dead end.

See him like this.

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten what happened before? Your fantasy killer is ineffective in this metastore, so you won't suffer misfortune here."

The usual luck of the guests has nothing to do with their luck inside the dimensional store.

So, even the unfortunate Kamijou Touma has a chance to get what he wants by smoking a jar.


Kamijou Touma also remembered what happened just now, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that it is really possible to get rid of misfortune!

"Then I choose to smoke a jar!"

He immediately geared up and couldn't wait.

"no problem."

Flickering to this big client, Lu Yu burst into a smile.

But on the surface, he had a serious look on his face, as if he really made this proposal purely to help Kamijou Touma.

"System, list Kamijou Touma's attributes!"

Lu Yu said silently in his heart.

He was going to look at Kamijou Touma's family.

Soon, the system unfolded a light screen that only the shopkeeper could see.

Seeing the data on the screen, Lu Yu took a deep breath.

The cause of global warming has been found - no!

This data is terrifying. *

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