In the palace of Naples, the new seventh demon king is currently staying here.

Truth be told, the local Magic Society doesn't believe in the presence of a disobedient god who will be defeated within a minute.

You must know that the newly-born god-killers, in those days when they just killed gods, may not even know how to use their powers.

In this case, killing the second pillar god or something soon is like a mythical story.

And if it is said that it only took more than a minute for this newborn demon king to solve a pillar of disobedient gods.

Then it will be reduced from a mythical story to an absurd drama.

- It's so extraordinary that no one dares to believe it.

Reality is often more absurd than the story.

However, all doubts disappeared after their local witch performed a psychic vision.

According to the records of the witch's vision, there was indeed a god who came down and was killed on the spot.

It doesn't matter if it's solved in a minute.

Killing two pillars of gods in a short period of time is already extraordinary enough.

The news soon spread from Naples to the whole world, and magic societies all over the world were dumbfounded.

What kind of impact will the arrival of the supernormal seventh demon king have on the world, and will it establish its own sphere of influence......

These magic associations began to collect information about Lu Yu, hoping to get enough information to avoid angering the new king, or to find an opportunity to pledge allegiance and obtain the king's protection.

As a result, the magic world is undercurrent.

In the castle, the seventh demon king who had disturbed the entire magic world was on the main seat at this time, counting the power he had gained.

"Perseus has a little bit of power. "

Lu Yu sighed.

He was not surprised by the result.

Perseus is not a hero in mythology who is known for his prowess like Hercules and Achilles.

Among his many exploits, the main reason for the killing of Medusa was the large number of treasures obtained from Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Athena, and the Greère sisters.

In the battles that followed Medusa's defeat, it was more likely to rely on Medusa's skull to petrify the opponent and win.

So as Perseus, he is a hero with weapons as his main force.

Although he also has the identity of Helios, the sun god of Greek mythology, and Mithra, the god of light and contract in Zoroastrianism, after all, the aspect of the advent is different, and the power is naturally not fully inherited.

This is similar to Chi You, who also has the vest of Emperor Yan, but when he is about to be the master of the army, he does not hold the power of Emperor Yan at all.

Perseus had one of them anyway.

"But it's okay. "

Lu Yu felt the power in his body and commented.

Perseus contributed a total of two powers.

The power [Enemy of the Dragon and Serpent], which is the ability evolved from the myth of Perseus slaying the poisonous snake and retreating to Medusa.

[Enemy of the Dragon and Snake] can allow Lu Yu to hold a special attack on the dragon and snake, and can directly seal the enemy's godhead about the dragon and snake.

In the original book, it was based on this power that Perseus blocked the godhead of the snake god Athena, making it impossible to use the snake's abilities.

The effect can be regarded as very domineering.

The second power is the Day of Eternal Burn.

This is the power of Mithra, the god of the sun and the covenant.

This power contains Mithra's godhead, which allows Lu Yu to manipulate Yang Yan at will and obtain the resurrection ability that Perseus showed before.

It's a very practical power.

"Speaking of which, with both the scientific Yang Yan and the mythical Yang Yan, I really have a relationship with the sun!"

Lu Yu muttered, but he was very interested in this power.

Compared with the yang inflammation of science, it is a nuclear explosion at every turn.

The power of the Mythical Yang Yan is much easier to control, as long as the mana is controlled and manipulated, the power of the Mythical Yang Yan can be accurately controlled.

The power and proficiency of the system recovery are full, and it only depends on what kind of function you want to develop.

Therefore, after accepting the two powers, Lu Yu quickly became familiar with the use of the two powers.

The two powers are understood.

Lu Yu clicked on the system interface and pulled out a few weapons recovered from the dimensional store.

As mentioned before, Perseus's martial arts are actually not strong, and he mainly relies on resourcefulness and weapons to win.

Because of this, when facing Lu Yu, he would fight so aggrieved.

He is a warrior who relies on weapons, but he is against the master of all soldiers who controls weapons.

All weapons are of little use to him, and he will be stripped of the ownership of the weapons.

Perseus was unable to use any stratagem or weapon.

- Even if you can use it, the result will not change.

Invisible Helmet, Flying Feather Shoes, Severing Immortal Blade, Pegasus Pagasus, Athena's Shield.

Most of the weapons used by the mythical Perseus are here.

That's where his true strength lies.

It's a pity that-

"It's all heavy!"

Except for a phantom beast Pegasus, the other weapons, the King's Treasure, all have prototypes in them.

For Lu Yu, these weapons really have little value.

"System, give me all the cost source points!"

Lu Yu commanded.

Even if it is a heavy thing, it has this most basic value.

As a black-hearted boss, Lu Yu naturally wants to squeeze it completely dry and will not give it up at will.



While Lu Yu was counting his harvest, Liliana had just completed the sealing of the leyline.

Thinking of Lu Yu's previous instructions, she began to have a headache.

I can't wait to travel back in time and strangle that self who is not strict with his mouth.

"The Stone of Gorgon...... How should I explain to the king?"

The silver-haired girl was in a hurry.

Just then, her phone rang suddenly.

When I picked it up, the caller was my friend and opponent for many years, the façade of the red bronze and black cross, and he was also a genius who became a great knight at the age of sixteen.

Erica Brontree.

"What did this she-fox call all of a sudden, I'm about to die!"

Liliana hugged one hand to her chest and complained nervously, but the other hand was honestly connected to the phone.

If you don't answer her phone, you will definitely be teased by this woman for a long time.

"Good morning, Lily!"

Erica's enthusiastic voice came from the other end of the phone.

Not at all!

Liliana was about to complain, but was stuck by Erica's next words.

"I heard that you and the seventh king are on a LOVE~LOVE trip together, how about it, did you use your barren figure to attract the king's attention?"


Liliana nearly choked on her own saliva.

"You, you, you, what shameless words do you say! I'm just serving as a guide for the king, so I won't be like you, a she-fox, thinking about flattery all day long!"

The innocent girl was blushing by the other party's words, and fiercely refuted the other party's nonsense.

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