It is different from GRAM, which has a clear inheritance and a very high evolution ceiling.

The upper limit of the Silver Giant is not that high, and Lu Yu has no intention of building it into a weapon based on power.

A powerful treasure, how many treasures of the king should be.

For a girl who became a big knight at the age of 16 and must still have the potential to grow, the growth weapon is the first choice.

So in a short time, the silver master was completed.

"Thank you for your generosity!"

Liliana was very touched and thanked her again.

She didn't expect Lu Yu to be so generous, and just swore allegiance and gave herself such a precious gift.

All gratitude turned into an even more unbreakable loyalty.

"Try it and see how it feels?"

Lu Yu handed the silver master back to Liliana.


The girl took the sword that shone with silver moonlight and was much more mysterious and luxurious in appearance.

Take a few steps back and try to dance.


The blade easily sliced through the air, leaving countless sword shadows in the air.

If an ordinary knight were here, I am afraid that he would not even be able to see the blade, but only the brilliance of the stars!

Liliana felt her body lighter and more agile than five times faster.

The speed of the thin sword thrust is also several times that of the original, and it can almost swing a sword momentum like a heavy rain in one person.

"It's so strong!"

Liliana exclaimed.

She felt that she could hit five of her previous self, and even ten after Xi blessings.

The agility bonus is only one of the basic functions of the evolved Silver Giant.

Strength, Sharpness, Agility, Defense...... This sword brings a bonus to all attributes!

"O king, this sword you have given me is more than enough for me to be promoted to a paladin!"

She looked at Lu Yu excitedly, her eyebrows and eyes full of adoration.

Originally, she was the best of the great knights, and with David's words, she could even hurt God.

Now, with the increase of the evolved silver master, her strength has directly increased to the level of a paladin, and she is still the best among them.

Paladin, in this world, is equivalent to the level of divine beasts.

It is able to fight with the disobedient gods or god killers in a short period of time, and it is the top combat power of human beings in this world.

"The strength of the sword can only be brought into play, even if you rely on the weapon to become stronger, you can't slack off in cultivation!"

Lu Yu didn't want his knight to stop at the paladin level and be satisfied.

So the tone is a little harsh.

"When I come back, I'll test your swordsmanship, if you don't improve...... I'm not going to be stingy with punishment. "


Even though Lu Yu's tone was a little stern, Liliana was still very happy.

Originally, with her somewhat upright and old-fashioned personality, she would never be able to do lazy things.

So Lu Yu's words are all the king's care for her.

It was Lu Yu's kind admonition to prevent her from falling into the abyss of relying on weapons.

Sensing this kind of intention, her reverence for Lu Yu was even higher!

"That's good!"

Lu Yu nodded.

Liliana's character he understood.

A typical loyal dog girl, loyalty and hard work are self-evident.

That's why he was relieved to leave the affairs of the God Slayer World to her to take care of.

"The Stone of Gorgon, you first let the magic association over there manage it, if there is a god who does not obey, you don't have to die to protect the god, just use this notification to me. "

Hand the membership card of the dimensional store to Liliana, Lu Yu added.

"In addition to this, if there is evidence of the disobedience of the gods in Sardinia or elsewhere, you can call me immediately. "


The careful and meticulous girl wrote down Lu Yu's requests one by one.

After giving a rough command on what to do after he left, and then saying goodbye to Lady Aisha, Lu Yu opened the dimensional space door.

Step out and return to the dimensional store.



As soon as he returned to the dimensional store, Lu Yu's vision was blocked by a tall figure.

It was a huge man who was more than six meters tall.

He is muscular and has a huge white beard in the shape of a crescent moon on his mouth.

The shape was so familiar that he didn't have to think before he recognized the person in front of him.

- The leader of the Four Emperors Pirates from the One Piece world, the strongest man in the world of pirates, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard!

"Store manager, you're finally back!"

Seeing Lu Yu's figure, Taoli was very happy, but her tone was a little resentful.

There are quite a few dead ghosts who still know how to go home.


Lu Yu knew that Taoli must be bored these days, so he took the initiative to open his arms and make her happy.

“...... Forget it!"

Although she was a little moved, Dori thought about it.

"Let's give Xiao Qi, she comes to see you every day!"

What is a real girlfriend love, this is it!

Lu Yu wisely didn't answer, but looked at the new guest.

"Kulala, are you the owner of the Dimension Store?"

Seeing Taoli's reaction, Whitebeard guessed Lu Yu's identity and let out a rather characteristic heroic laugh.

"Yes, Mr. Edward is talking about a long-term deal?"

Lu Yu nodded and admitted his identity, and then asked directly.

"That's right. "

Whitebeard is very fond of this kind of open-minded and open-minded way of negotiating.

Seeing that Lu Yu was so decisive, he didn't have to hide anything.

"I have something called a Devil Fruit here, which gives the user special abilities, but the user can't touch the sea water and can't swim because of it. "

Push the seven Devil Fruits in the wooden box towards Lu Yu.

Whitebeard said frankly:

"We don't have a lot of them, and it's a hassle to search, so I want to provide your store with Devil Fruits for a long time. "

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