The next day, Lu Yu decided to go and see the Misaka sisters who had completed genetic repair.

Walk with the bee-eater to the culture tank in the basement.

Female researchers are busy monitoring the data.

In the rows of cultivation tanks, the Misaka sisters are naturally undressed.

"Don't stare at those kids!"

The bee-eater was busy tiptoeing to cover Lu Yu's eyes.

"I'm a researcher, too!

Lu Yu protested.

"Hmm...... Although people want to refute you, it seems that this situation can't be hidden. "

The bee-eater scanned the surroundings and felt that he couldn't stop it with his hands.

After all, there are a thousand Misaka sisters, as long as Lu Yu is not blind, he can always see the light completely.

Anyway, they are children who have no combat effectiveness, so they shouldn't have to worry, right?

After the bee-eater let go of his hand, Lu Yu heard the voice of Sister Misaka.

"Good morning, Brother-sama!DO Misaka said as he endured the obscene gaze from his brother, and said as if he was shy, pretending to be fine. "

A sister Misaka who had already been checked and had no problem came to Lu Yu and brought it to Lu Yu.

Of course, there were no clothes on.

“...... Your tone doesn't fluctuate at all, where are you shy?"

Lu Yu complained.

Because the emotional program is still accumulating, the personalities of Misaka's sisters are quite similar to those in the original book.

It's the same with oral fetish.

But this is a slightly poisonous tone, and I really don't know who it inherited.

Although she didn't understand what she meant, Misaka decided to answer her brother's question with this powerful-sounding sentence. "

The second Misaka sister also came over.


The third one also came over.

Then came the fourth, the fifth......

Unconsciously, Lu Yu was already surrounded by dozens of curious Misaka sisters at close range.

And with the completion of the inspection, the number of Misaka sisters is still gathering.

"Why are you squeezing me out!"

The bee-eater outside the circle asked dissatisfiedly.

Obviously, she was the one who came with Lu Yu.

"Because the Misakas judged that the bee-eater had been with his brother for a long time, for the sake of fairness, the elder brother should accompany the Misaka now, so in order to hide his desire to monopolize his brother, Misaka made a strong declaration on behalf of his sisters. "

Sister Misaka, who was passing by, said to her.

"Your ambitions are all exposed!"

The bee-eater looked at the natural Misaka sisters, and couldn't help but fall into a complaint.



This small riot did not stop for half an hour.

"Does it feel good?"

The bee-eater bit his lip and asked coldly.

"Very delicate...... Phew, I didn't do anything!"

Lu Yu was almost caught talking.

This woman is terrifying.

Seeing the blonde girl staring at him, he decided to counterattack.

"Even if you accidentally bump into something, Xiao Qi, what position are you asking me?"

Lu Yu playfully watched the bee-eater pray.

He didn't study the girl's mind, but the bee-eating exercise was too easy to understand.

“...... Well, the position—"

It was the bee-eater's turn to say goodbye.

She is not Lu Yu's person, and theoretically she has no position to care about the contact between Lu Yu and Misaka's sisters.

At this time, the only sister Misaka who followed the two spoke.

"Is the bee-eater's expression shy now," Misaka asked curiously. "

It's okay not to say it, as soon as she said it, the face of the bee-eater turned directly into a tomato.

Although the ability is a psychological mastery, the bee-eating Cao Qi is still a girl who has never been in love, and she is still very shy about this kind of topic.

Seeing her reaction, Sister Misaka began to mend the knife.

Judging from the data, the blushing of the bee-eater is most likely due to shyness, which is a strange emotion that humans often have when courting. "

Judging from this, the bee-eater is caught in the youthful courtship period of human beings, and the courtship object is the elder brother, so Misaka made such a prediction, and expects the bee-eater to give a definite answer to help Misaka complete his emotional judgment. "

“...... Wow!"

In front of Lu Yu, the bee-eating causal who was particularly thin-skinned directly closed himself and fled.

Although with her physical fitness, even if she is strengthened, she can't run fast.


Looking at the back of the bee-eater Cao Qi a little embarrassed, Lu Yu sighed.

"Why did Beeeater run away, and although the guy who got in the way was gone, and he was happy to be alone with his brother, Misaka was still curious. "

Sister Misaka looked at the fleeing bee-eater in confusion.

There is still a natural goofy expression on his face.

"Did you just say 'the one who gets in the way'?"

Lu Yu looked at Sister Misaka, her head full of black lines.

"Are you a demon?"

"No, Misaka 00001 is an artificial human born on the orders of my brother, not a demon. Do Misaka speaks common sense and wonders why he doesn't call his brother Daddy. "

Sister Misaka said this in a characteristic emotionless and casual tone.


Thinking of the scene where tens of thousands of Misaka sisters called their fathers, Lu Yu shook his head.

He's not a white beard, why do you want so many children.

"Dad or something, let's put on my clothes!"

He took Sister Misaka to the locker room.

"You're going to come out with me later. "

"I know, Misaka is very happy to be able to go out with his brother. "

Without any shy feelings, Misaka No. 00001 changed his clothes in front of Lu Yu.

Because the Misaka sisters are all in the same figure, the clothes they bought are all one size, and all the styles of Tokiwa Taicwa school uniforms ordered.

As for the rest of the clothes......

And rightfully so, blue and white stripes!

After tidying up herself, Sister Misaka came to Lu Yu's side and held his right hand very naturally.

"Misaka is ready, do Misaka makes a report and closes the distance between him and his brother unobtrusively. "

"No, you're very noticeable!"

Lu Yu complained.

Around them, more than 900 Misaka watched Misaka 00001's actions intensely.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Misaka No. 00001 glanced around, and then said to Lu Yu with an expressionless face.

"Brother-sama don't care, this is the look of the defeated dog described in the data, and Misaka proudly shows off the emotional knowledge instilled by the cloth bundle researcher. "

“...... It turns out that the culprit is that guy!"

Only then did Lu Yu understand that it must be the time of emotional adjustment, and the cloth bundle letter was infused with unnecessary information.

While the other Misaka sisters were still in a commotion, before they launched a counterattack against Misaka 00001, who was talking wildly, Lu Yu hurriedly pulled her out of the research institute.

"Do you have any tasks for my brother?" asked Misaka curiously. "

In a flat tone that was completely inaudible in curiosity, Misaka No. 00001 asked questions.

"Indeed, there is a task entrusted to you. "

Lu Yu nodded.

"My dimensional store is about to open a branch, and I need a new clerk. "

This is a feature that was just updated yesterday.

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