An Ordinary Path to Immortality

Chapter 274: Ripening and Alchemy

Xiao Wu squatted on Fang Ping's shoulder, watching Fang Ping bury the spiritual soil, then spread the soil, and then buried the seeds in the soil.

Finally, under Xiao Wu's expectant eyes, Fang Ping dripped the diluted spiritual liquid on the seeds.

As soon as the spiritual liquid dripped, Fang Ping felt a strange breath emanating from the spiritual soil and entering the soil, and then absorbed by the seeds.

Under the dual effects of the spiritual soil and the spiritual liquid, the seeds soon began to germinate and grow.

When the growth rate of the frost ink flower gradually slowed down, Fang Ping would drop another drop of spiritual liquid on it.

Gradually, the frost ink flower reached a fully mature state, but Fang Ping did not stop, but continued to water the spiritual liquid.

After absorbing the spiritual liquid, the frost ink flower continued to grow, bloom, bear fruit, wither, and wither.

With the experience of promoting the birth of the frost ink flower last time, Fang Ping was familiar with it this time. When the frost ink flower was fully mature and the seeds burst out from the frost ink flower fruit, Fang Ping caught the seeds casually.

Then Fang Ping dug two small earth pits next to him and buried two seeds in them.

The withered branches and leaves of the two frost ink flowers were removed, leaving the rhizomes.

Then he used the spiritual liquid again to promote the growth of the rhizomes and seeds.

Soon, the four frost ink flowers were fully grown, bloomed, and borne fruit, and then Fang Ping harvested four more seeds.

Fang Ping did not stop, and continued to ripen the four seeds and the roots of the remaining four frost ink flowers.

Then there were eight seeds and eight flower roots.

After the sixteen frost ink flowers grew up, Fang Ping did not completely promote the growth of seeds as before, but put the eight frost ink flowers into the storage bag after they matured, and continued to promote the growth of the other eight frost ink flowers to harvest flower seeds.

Because the soil Fang Ping brought was not much, if he planted more frost ink flowers, there would be no place.

So Fang Ping used seeds and flower roots to promote growth, harvesting eight frost ink flowers each time, and then collecting the seeds.

But gradually Fang Ping made an unexpected discovery.

That is, the roots of the frost ink flower cannot be indefinitely promoted.

When the roots were promoted for the ninth time, the first two roots stopped growing.

Fang Ping was not too surprised or sorry about this, but just quietly took the roots away, planted the seeds, and then continued to promote growth.

During this period, Fang Ping continued to harvest and promote the growth of frost ink flowers in the cave.

During this period, he experienced a full moon night, but during this period, he did not have any medicine residue, and even the corpses of monsters were few, so the harvest was not too big.

In addition, Fang Ping did not even practice much, and almost all his energy was put on promoting the growth of frost ink flowers.

When the number of frost ink flowers in Fang Ping's spiritual medicine bag reached more than 800, he stopped.

Collect the soil on the ground. These soils have been in contact with spiritual liquid and spiritual soil for such a long time, and the soil itself has begun to contain a certain spirituality.

If these soils are spread on the spiritual field, the growth of spiritual medicines and plants in the spiritual field will surely be gratifying.

He picked up the four-color soil on the ground and looked at it. After cultivating so many frost ink flowers, the spirituality of these four-color soils has also been lost, and there is a tendency to degenerate into three colors.

He collected the spiritual soil expressionlessly, and then sat cross-legged to adjust his breath and repair.

At this time, less than two months had passed since the opening of the Meteorite Secret Realm.

But Fang Ping's purpose of entering the Meteorite Secret Realm this time has basically been achieved.

In addition to the two goals of the ice python and the frost ink flower, he also has a lot of gains.

For example, the ice spirit root, such as the many magic tools and classics on Zhang Jiuyin's body, as well as the various spiritual medicines in Changchun Garden and the extremely valuable spiritual soil.

Fang Ping is not a greedy and unsatisfied person. On the contrary, he is easily satisfied.

After such a short time in coming in, he has gained so much. Fang Ping already feels very good. As for the other treasures in the secret realm, Fang Ping is not too concerned.

He silently opened the storage bag, took out the spiritual medicines from the storage bag, and arranged them neatly in different categories.

Finally, he took out five frost ink flowers.

Two of these frost ink flowers were grown by him, and the remaining three were picked from the spiritual field of Changchun Garden.

The spiritual herbs and medicines he took out were the medicinal materials needed to refine the foundation-building pill.

That's right, he was preparing to refine the foundation-building pill now.

He took out the spiritual objects needed to arrange the Five Elements Fire Control Art from the storage bag and placed them according to some specific trajectories and positions.

Although it is called the Five Elements Fire Control Art, in fact, it is more appropriate to say that it is a set of formations.

When he arranged the Five Elements Fire Control Art and pinched the hand seal, a flame instantly rose at the core of the formation.

He changed the hand seal and used the five elements of spiritual energy to activate the Five Elements Fire Control Art respectively. The flame did not change at all. No matter what attribute of spiritual energy he used to activate the formation, the flame was stable.

Finally, he took out the alchemy furnace and placed it on the Five Elements Fire Control Art, and began to try to refine the foundation-building pill.

Strictly speaking, the Foundation Building Pill is a Qi Refining Pill, but because the Frost Ink Flower is not easy to come by, few Qi Refining Alchemists will try to refine the Foundation Building Pill.

In addition, refining the Foundation Building Pill is more complicated than refining other Qi Refining Pills. If there is no powerful spiritual sense to assist, the refining process is likely to fail.

Therefore, even if the Qi Refining cultivators find the Frost Ink Flower, they will give it to the Foundation Building Alchemist to help refine it.

For someone like Fang Ping, who not only possesses divine consciousness, but also has a top-grade pill furnace, the Five Elements Fire Controlling Technique, and hundreds of frost ink flowers, there is no need to worry about failure in refining.

Even if the refining fails, or the quality of the foundation-building pill he refines is not high, he is not worried, because there is still the wood cicada that can turn low-grade foundation-building pills or medicinal residues into top-grade foundation-building pills.

Of course, he will not rely entirely on the wood cicada and then deliberately fail in refining the pill.

Because he knows very well that no matter how powerful the wood cicada is, it is just an external object after all.

If he has mastered a sufficiently refined alchemy technique, he will not panic even if the wood cicada is gone or ineffective in the future.

The flame on the Five Elements Fire Controlling Technique jumps, and the size and strength of the flame are constantly changing under the control of Fang Ping's Nine Alchemy Techniques.

After going through the process of refining the foundation-building pill and the issues that need to be paid attention to in his mind, Fang Ping took a deep breath and picked up a spiritual medicine and carefully put it into the pill furnace.

According to the recipe, he carefully controlled the flames, and at the same time observed the situation of the spiritual medicine in the furnace through his spiritual sense, and then put various spiritual medicines into the furnace one by one.

The first attempt to refine the foundation-building pill was relatively smooth, at least there were no accidents in the process of putting all the spiritual medicines, including the frost ink flower, into the furnace.

The next step is to further refine and remove impurities, then integrate the medicinal properties, and finally condense the pill.

Unfortunately, the subsequent refining process was not smooth. In the process of refining impurities through the furnace, Fang Ping made a mistake, causing the furnace to shake violently, a puff of black smoke came out, and a furnace of spiritual medicine turned directly into black charcoal.

. You provide the great god's gentle immortal road ordinary

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