An Ran Was Captured, And I Surrounded The Mercenaries While Driving The Tank

Chapter 43: Tank Fortress! Deus Ex! [Ask For Flowers, Please Support With Evaluation Votes! 】

Chapter 43: Tank Fortress! Deus Ex! [Ask for flowers, please support with evaluation votes! 】

At this time, his face was extremely excited, his expression was extremely excited, and there was a deep pleasure in his eyes.


So cool! !

to be honest.

The ostrich has never experienced this kind of scene, and has never experienced hunting the enemy frantically by shooting small holes in an infantry combat vehicle.

This kind of feeling that others can't hit, but I can hit others.

It's really cool! !

"Go Special Brew Special Forces, go Special Brew Special Forces!"

"Labor and management want to be tank soldiers!!!"

"Labor and capital want to drive tanks!!"

It can be heard that the ostrich is really on the top.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said such a thing.

Wang Yanbing on the side covered his ears with his hands, kicked the ostrich, and cursed in a deep voice:

"Speak up!! Didn't eat!"

"Hurry up and shut your mouth, labor and capital's yelling will be overwhelmed by you!"


The ostrich was stunned for a moment, laughed a few times, then restrained itself a little, and stopped screaming so loudly.

After all, this was on someone else's infantry chariot, and it would be bad if he was kicked by an upset.

As soon as his voice weakened, Wang Yanbing's roar was heard all over the place.

"Kill kill kill!!"

"Give me all to die!!"

Da da da da ~! !

da da~!

The serial firing of light machine guns immediately resounded over the entire infantry fighting vehicle and the jungle.

"Squad leader! Drive the car to the left, there are many people there!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Drive to the left, there are many people there, let's kill it!"

Hearing Wang Yanbing's words, the ostrich was the first to chime in, for fear of missing a massacre.

This kind of opportunity is rare.

The ostrich didn't want to miss the quick dry that made the scalp tingle with shock.

Now that you are surrounded, let's have a big fight and have a good time!

But... the monitor of the third squad directly ignored the words of the two of them, and ordered the driver to rush forward according to the breakout method formulated by Lin Zhan.

Still driving to the left?

Wouldn't it be so cool to both of you?

To know.

Now Lin Zhan and the others encountered only the third air defense battalion of the Tiger Regiment, only one battalion of troops.

If the people from the first battalion and the second battalion chased them up, they would form a double-team encirclement situation for them.

Then their four tanks, even if they had wings, couldn't rush out.

Do you really think that a mechanized infantry regiment can be resisted by four tanks?

Don't even think about it.

When Ostrich and Wang Yanbing saw their infantry chariot, they didn't drive to the left, but rushed straight ahead.

Feeling a little down, this...

A great opportunity to pretend to be compared, just missed it?

Just at this time.

Lin Zhan's voice suddenly rang out from their headsets.

"09 step chariot, drive a little to the left, and in that direction, three people with anti-tank rocket launchers on their shoulders came over."

"Get rid of them quickly, and then break through."


"Understood!" Wang Yanbing and Ostrich immediately shouted, their expressions were very excited and excited.

"Wuhu~! Take off!!"

"Squad leader, platoon leader ordered, get rid of the three people on the left!"

"Come on, monitor!!"

Huang Jingyuan, the class leader of the third class, let out a heavy voice, "Don't call, labor and management know!"

The voice fell.

Huang Jingyuan was driving a Type 09 infantry chariot and drove slightly to the left.

As a platoon of Lin Zhan's soldiers, they also have those abnormal skills of perception.

It's just that their current abilities are still relatively weak.

Just like the perception ability, it can only perceive a range of about one or two hundred meters.

Therefore, after Wang Yanbing and the others walked a short distance to the left, they sensed the three people who shouldered the powerful anti-tank bazooka.


It's three small teams.

Because it was impossible for the three soldiers with the bazooka on their shoulders to touch them alone.

In order to ensure that the three rocket launchers can reach the shooting angle and range safely.

Each of them is followed by two squads of troops.

Even if this is the case, it can't erase the high passion between Wang Yanbing and the ostrich.

next second.

I saw the two of them directly pulling the trigger and shooting wildly at the three advancing teams.

Da da da ~! !

The machine gun shook, and a series of bullets shot out from the black muzzle.

In the shape of a long fire snake, it flew towards the three teams.

At such a close distance.

The few soldiers walking in the front were instantly engulfed by the fire snake, and billowing red smoke billowed from behind them.

At this time, Wang Yanbing and Ostrich, as well as Xiaozhuang and the hygienist who just joined in.

The four of them were like executioners, frantically harvesting the lives of the enemy soldiers.

Each of them's marksmanship is not bad, on the contrary they are very perverted.

Equipped with a light machine gun, it is simply a sickle in hand, and I have it.

Just a few breaths of effort.

The three advance teams were defeated and suffered heavy losses.

There are only a few solitary people who can still stand.



at last.

A desperate tank shell landed at the feet of those scattered people.


There was an explosion.

The three advance teams were completely annihilated, and no one survived.

As for the plan to blow up Lin Zhan and the others with an anti-tank rocket launcher, it also failed.

After the third battalion commander saw this scene, his heart trembled suddenly, his face was horrified, and his expression became astonished.

This... this special brew is too fierce...!

This is really when I am fighting a mobile bunker! ?

Not only the commander of the third battalion was dumbfounded, but all the other soldiers were dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that this chariot could be used like this!

Just like the special brew robot vacuum cleaner, it can sweep wherever you go.

And they could only watch helplessly as the ostriches and their group pretended to compete.

no way.

The anti-tank weapons of their third battalion have been almost wiped out.

Lin Zhan sensed that there were no heavy weapons on the entire battlefield, so he immediately ordered everyone to retreat.

Make no mistake!

After receiving the order, the people in the row didn't dare to hesitate, even driving the tank and rushing towards the scheduled meeting place.

Without anti-tank weapons, Lin Zhan and the others killed even more fiercely.

Everything within a few hundred meters of the four tanks, but within a dozen seconds, was in ruins.

Billowing red smoke rose, covering the entire jungle.

Appearing at the same time as Hongyan were Ostrich, Wang Yanbing, and Xiao Zhuang who was gradually getting red-eyed, their screams.

It is not an exaggeration to describe that cry as returning to the ancestors.

When the red smoke dissipated, the jungle was in a mess.

The degree of chaos is no worse than the real battlefield, and even more chaotic.

But Lin Zhan and the others swaggered out.

run away.

The first battalion commander and the second battalion commander who failed to contain them in the front wanted to ask the third battalion commander why Lin Zhan and the others were released.

Let them escape successfully.

But...after seeing the tragic situation here, he immediately choked, as if a choke was stuck in his throat, and choked back the words harshly.

This... so miserable...?

The first battalion commander and the second battalion commander are also hard to say.


the other side.

three kilometers away.

Four tanks came from three directions and gathered together.

Smoke billowed behind him.

Immediately afterwards.

Before the people got down, they heard the excited voice of the ostrich first.

"I'll be good...!"

"It turns out that tank soldiers are so cool!"

"Rampaging in the enemy's camp, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas."

"This special brew is too exciting!"

"I don't need to say anything more, Brother Lin, I'm messing with you!"

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