An Ran Was Captured, And I Surrounded The Mercenaries While Driving The Tank

Chapter 63: The First Actual Battle Of The Armored Battalion! The Tragic Situation In The Southwest!

Chapter 63: The first actual battle of the Armored Battalion! The tragic situation in the Southwest!

After the command is sent, a detailed address is sent.

Immediately afterwards.

A document was also sent over, which briefly described the reason why Lin Zhan and the others were urgently transferred to the southwest frontier.

Not long ago, a Yan Kingdom satellite fell at the junction of the two countries.

In order to recover the satellite and ensure that the secrets inside are not leaked, the Southeast theater sent several extremely elite special commandos to recover it.

But... Yan Kingdom is not the only one who wants to take back this satellite. The forces outside the border are also eyeing this satellite.

When the Spike Special Forces members entered the jungle to search for satellites, foreign forces attacked on a large scale, and thousands of armed forces assembled.

Surrounded and killed dozens of special forces members.

Before the communication signal was cut off, the special forces sent out the distress signal in time.

After Langya received it, it immediately sent a distress signal for emergency support to the troops around the southwest frontier.

When Langya sent a distress signal, Lin Zhan and the others happened to be the nearest force to the southwest frontier defense and the satellite crash point.

After An Zhendong knew about it, he sent an emergency support order to Lin Zhan and the others without hesitation, asking them to rush to the satellite crash site.

Support Spike and wipe out all armed forces.

Below this document are a few personal words from An Zhendong, or exhortations and worries.

As many people go, as many people come back as labor and capital!

The Fourth Armored Battalion, one cannot be missing!

Seeing the last two sentences, Lin Zhan felt a deep warmth in his heart.

In fact, Lin Zhan knew it without An Zhendong saying it.

The Fourth Armored Battalion, this time there must be absolutely no one left!

As many people come, as many people must go back!

next second.

Lin Zhan's eyes narrowed suddenly in vain, and an extremely frightening light flashed in his eyes.

His complexion also became extremely gloomy at this moment, like a pool of lava that was about to erupt, which made people feel horrified.

Armed invasion by thousands?

Want to snatch the fallen satellite of Yan Kingdom?

This is really courting death!!

Dare to invade the territory of Yan Kingdom, and gather thousands of people, this is not only a provocation, but also trampled by Chi Guoguo!

As a Yan country soldier, Lin Zhan's first reaction when he heard this situation was to completely annihilate that group of armed forces.

Crush them to the ground, and they will never stand up again.


Then go straight to the ground.

Is it an armed force of thousands of people?

I hope it's you this time, I didn't wipe you out last time, so don't go back when you come this time.

Lin Zhan remembered the last time when he was the leader of the 6th company and 1st platoon, when he heard that the intelligence agent was trapped, the 377th platoon immediately dispatched to support.

Later, Min Teng, an overseas pharmaceutical drug lord, led a thousand armed forces to approach the border, wanting to cross the border.

It was Lin Zhan who drove back thousands of troops by himself and suppressed them.

I didn't step across the border last time, so I can't do anything to them.

If they were the ones who invaded this time, then none of them would even think about going back.

Want to snatch the Yanguo Satellite?

Are you also qualified?

As for satellites, Lin Zhan is very aware of its importance.

The Yanguo satellite, where the records are stored, are all very specific and confidential things in all aspects of Yanguo.

Ordinary communication satellites are related to all private information of individuals in the entire Yan Kingdom.

Let alone a military satellite.

Its importance is not classified as a first-class military secret.

It must never fall into the hands of people with foreign forces.

It must be safely withdrawn.

Lin Zhan took a deep breath, and informed the entire armored battalion soldiers of the basic situation in the headset.

heard the words.

The crowd was furious, and they all showed extremely angry expressions, and fierce lights flashed in their eyes.

His fists were clenched even more tightly, and the veins on his neck were also bulging at this time.

It can be seen how angry all the soldiers of the Fourth Armored Battalion are.

They are all soldiers, the most iron-blooded and passionate men in the world.

Their original purpose of joining the army was to defend their homeland and resist all invading enemies.

Kill all the invading enemies outside the border of Yan Kingdom.

Don't let the thief go any further.

They heard that there was an armed force invading, and they wanted to snatch the military secrets of the Yan Kingdom, when the frontline comrades did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Their anger is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Because their hearts are even more blazing.



The sounds of the iron walls inside the Hammer Tanks kept ringing in everyone's headsets.

The sound is shocking.

"I fucked him!!! Dog breeds!! Labor and management are going to kill them!!!"

"I'm a ****, a group of beasts, I chopped them all up and fed them to the dogs!!!"

"Dare to step into the Yan Kingdom, they will only die!!"

"Dare to touch the satellites, labor and management will screw all their heads off!!"

The entire Fourth Armored Battalion roared out at this time, to vent the incomparably strong anger in their hearts.

In their hearts, there is only one (bcdd) word now.

That is to kill.

Kill until the sky is dark, kill until blood flows into rivers.

All those who were bred by dogs will be strangled here!!

When everyone gradually calmed down, Lin Zhan's voice came from the headset.

I saw Lin Zhan took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Next, our Fourth Armored Battalion is no longer going to participate in the exercise."

"It is about an unprecedented real battle that no one can predict.

"It's a battle that will see blood, cause death, and even be terrifying."

"What we are facing may be armed with thousands of people, or it may be armed with thousands of people."

"They may be extremely brutal kb elements, or they may be ruthless drug dealers, or even top mercenary groups abroad."

"I hope you all understand this in your heart."

"The next thing we have to face is not a drill, not a drill, but an actual battle that will kill people!"


As soon as Lin Zhan's words fell, everyone's heart was shocked suddenly, and there was an incomparable solemnity in their hearts.


Thousands of armed forces.

will die.

Hearing this, no one would be stunned.

Soldiers are people too, and they are flesh and blood.

They are not afraid of life and death, because they have persistence in their hearts, because they have extremely firm beliefs.

That's someone behind them who they need to protect.

The soldiers of the Fourth Armored Battalion, not to mention that they have all experienced actual combat, but they must have never experienced such a large-scale actual combat.

Thousands of armed forces, kb elements, drug dealers, mercenaries and so on.

They will all meet in the future, and they will have to fight against those people to decide whether to live or die.

Rao is a leading soldier with rich experience in actual combat, and he will feel extremely dignified at this time.

Not to mention them.

Lin Zhan said such a remark at this critical moment, not to discourage the majestic fighting spirit they had just erupted.

Instead, I want them to know that no one can predict the actual situation of this battle.

if...if if...

Lin Zhan didn't want some of them to die in ignorance, it's better to know these things than not to know anything.


Lin Zhan's words also have a very crucial role.

It can let them deeply know that the next actual battle is not easy to fight, so they should be extremely careful.

Keep your mind tensed and your attention focused.

Only in this way can we win this large-scale actual battle perfectly.

Completely crush the armed force of thousands of people.

The thousand or so members of the Fourth Armored Battalion fell silent at this moment, with very serious expressions on their faces.

It can be seen that they are serious now.

At this time.

Lin Zhan's extremely cold voice came from his ear again.

"As soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, our original purpose of joining the army is to defend our home and country."

"Protect a safe home and defend a peaceful country."

"But!!" Lin Zhan roared.

"If we can't even defend the border of Yan Kingdom, we won't even be able to take back our own satellites."

"Even the enemies who invaded the door of the capital can't be driven away."

"What kind of family are we protecting!!"

"What kind of country are we guarding!!"


"Our comrades-in-arms are suffering on the front line, and the armed forces are trampling on the Yan Kingdom, what should we do!!"

"What do we have to do!!"

Lin Zhan roared out into the headset without any scruples.

That voice, like piercing the eardrum, penetrated into the hearts of everyone in the Fourth Armored Battalion.

Drilled into the deepest part of their hearts.


If they can't even drive away the enemies at the door, then what kind of home are they protecting?

What kind of country is it defending?

So what's the point of them enlisting in the military?

this moment.

The soldiers of the entire Fourth Armored Battalion seemed to have been reborn from Nirvana.

The expressions on their faces became extremely firm, and there was a supreme glory in their eyes.

They have it all right now.

Is there life and death in battle?

They have fearlessness.

Is the battle extremely difficult?

They have the will to fight.

Enemy invasion?

They got angry.

At the same time, they are cautious and dignified.

When Lin Zhan sensed the emotional changes of the armored battalion soldiers, he asked:

"Are you ready for life and death combat?"

"Ready at all the time!!!"

A deep roar with incomparable firmness resounded through the sky.

At this moment, they are full of fighting spirit, without any impurities.

"Set off!!"

Lin Zhan gave an order, and the 4th Armored Battalion marched vigorously towards the satellite crash site.

the other side.

Satellite crash site area.

Spike's special forces members, at this time, were seriously injured and fell into a coma.

There were forty of them in total, but now...

There are still fighting power, only less than one.

Somewhere in the dense grass, the dog-headed Lao Gao was lying on the ground with a black face, and the gray wolf beside him was bandaging his bleeding arm.

The coyotes scattered around, conducting vigilance work.

look up.

The entire Lone Wolf A commando team now had black dirt all over their faces, and the clothes on their bodies were also badly torn by sharp branches.

It can be seen that they have just gone through an extremely difficult battle, even the kind where one foot has stepped into the gate of hell.

Just half an hour ago.

They are on a mission to come here to bring back the fallen satellite.

The satellite that fell this time is one with the last one and belongs to the Gemini satellite.

So Fan Tiankeng put forward a combat application and asked him to go and take back the satellite.

Wolf head He Zhijun finally agreed

Fan Tiankeng took Chen Shanming's department, the lone wolf A and other special forces members of the dog-headed Lao Gao to the crash site and retrieved the satellite.


What none of them thought of was.

As soon as they arrived here, before they got close to the crash site of the satellite, they encountered an unprecedented attack.

Not only a mercenary squad, but also surrounded by thousands of armed forces.

When it resounded through the sky, there were dense gunshots like thunder.

When it appeared above the heads of Langya and his party.

They knew it was over, they were surrounded by hundreds, even thousands of people.

Too late to think about it.

They immediately pressed the emergency signal and sent the situation out.

As soon as it is sent, the communicator has no signal.

Needless to say, they were blocked.


They ushered in an extremely unequal battle.

With dozens of times more firepower than them, they surrounded them and fought.

Fortunately, Langya and the others retreated in time, and when they sensed that something was wrong, they began to retreat.

So they escaped the catastrophe of life and death.

But...they're retreating.

He was still indiscriminately swept by the armed forces.

Many of Langya's special forces were shot.

The retreat is still just beginning.

Afterwards is the dark moment of Kotou Lao Gao and Fan Tiankeng.

The group of armed forces did not search for the satellites immediately, but launched a hunt for them.

Under some chase.

Forty or so special forces members of Langya suffered from large and small gunshot wounds.

The more serious one was coma, and the less serious one was that Gray Wolf Motor was shot in the left arm.

And now.

It was the moment of adjustment after the chase that just passed.

If the armed forces launch another attack in the next round, then the forty or so people in Spike will be finished.

Gray Wolf Motor looked at the dense jungle in front of him that was full of murderous intent, frowned fiercely, and asked in a low tone:

"Bah! These dogs were bred, if we have more people, we promise to chop them up!!"

"Wolf, what shall we do now?"

"There seems to be no movement on the fifth side."

The dog-headed Lao Gao looked at the weird jungle in front of him, his eyes flickered a few times, and he said in a firm tone:

"We must not let them get that satellite. Even if they die, they must blow up that satellite before they die!!"

"We can't take it back, and we must never let the satellite fall into their hands!!"

The hyena spat on the ground, squinted his eyes and said, "Brothers, I'm good at blowing up satellites."

"When you get to that step, give me your hand and I'll blow it up. Make sure you complete the task, hehe."

It sounded like an extremely relaxed tone, but it fell into the ears of the dog-headed old man.

But I felt a trace of despair and sadness.

Will it really go that far?

the other side.

Invade the rear of the main force of the armed forces.

A middle-aged man with a big cigar in his hand, gold-rimmed glasses, and a fierce look in his eyes.

At this time, he took a deep puff of the cigar, and then asked as if talking to himself:

"The satellite was found?"

"It's almost there, there is only one last area left, and all the others have been found."

A man at the side who also revealed a sinister aura replied in a deep voice.

If Lin Zhan was here, seeing these two people, he would definitely feel a strong anger and murderous intent in his heart.

Because these two people are not others.

One is the big drug lord Minden, and the other is the experienced mercenary, Scorpion.

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