An Ran Was Captured, And I Surrounded The Mercenaries While Driving The Tank

Chapter 76: Li Tianqiang's Shaker Is Here! The Explosion-Proof Brigade Is Here! [Please Subscri

Chapter 76: Li Tianqiang's people are here! The explosion-proof brigade has arrived!【Please subscribe!】

Flew out to the other side.

Under the unreasonable and brutal impact of the main battle tank, the four excavators flew backwards as if falling apart.

After the excavator drew a short arc in the air, it fell heavily to the ground.

Four groups of huge smoke and dust were immediately splashed, covering the excavator.

Around the entire Shijia cemetery, only Lin Zhan and his four tanks can be seen at this time.


A gust of cold wind blows.

Gradually blow the dust away.

Wait for the dust to clear.

The four excavators that were about to dig up the Shi family's cemetery were lying on the ground like an old man in his dying years, unable to move.

If you look carefully, you can see that the parts of the four excavators hit by the tanks have been deeply dented.

There are even signs of fracture in some places.

Not to mention whether the fallen excavator can get up, even if it can.

I'm afraid I won't be able to dig the tomb, and it's very likely that I will cast myself in the dug.

Looking at the four masters on the excavator, they were already hit by a huge impact and had a slight concussion.

At this time, their heads were very dizzy, as if they had been hit with a sap, they were very confused.

And their vision at this time is also extremely blurred, like a blind man.

They shook their heads, trying to alleviate the bad situation.

the other side.

Wait for the dust to dissipate.

After Li Tianqiang saw that the four excavators were almost smashed to pieces, there was a look of deep consternation in his eyes, and the expression on his face was extremely shocking.

This……………is this true….?

Those four tanks really knocked over the excavator....!?

How dare they have such guts!!

They despised life, disregarded everyone's safety, and drove tanks randomly.

Which team are they from!?

It is simply lawless!

Of course, Li Tianqiang is not an extremely stupid person.

While he was shocked, his heart became active.

He must take this piece of land, and he must also dig up that tomb.

It was thought that the tomb was about to be dug successfully, but now it was destroyed by a group of people driving tanks.

For this, Li Tianqiang was naturally very angry.

And does anger work?

Useless, at least not to him right now.

Because he now has no one beside himself except himself.

Liu Hai's group of dog legs are disabled and have no fighting power.

And those excavator masters were also dizzy, and they couldn't help at all.

Send him 12 to fight the guys in the tank?

Not to mention whether the people in the tanks are powerful or not, the people in these four tanks alone are enough to tear him apart.

Let him fight a dozen or so?

That cuvée is harder than reaching the sky!

His body has been hollowed out by alcohol and sex, and he can't even beat an ordinary adult.

Not to mention being a soldier.

Thinking of this, Li Tianqiang took a deep breath and suppressed the fury in his heart.

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed.

beep beep

As soon as the phone is connected.

Before the other party could say hello, Li Tianqiang roared out in a low voice:

"Don't be so special, hurry up and bring someone here!! Shijiayuan Land!!"

"How many people bring how many people!"

"Take all the guys!"

"I want to kill these bastards!!"

Hearing that Li Tianqiang's tone was wrong, he quickly responded and went to call people.

The person Li Tianqiang called was none other than the security personnel of Haotian Group.

The outside is the concierge and security personnel, and the inside is the thugs.

Compared with the bastards like Liu Hai, the people in the security department of Haotian Group are much more powerful.

Not only are there many people, but all of them are extremely skilled.

Many people come from taekwondo, karate, wrestling, and close combat.

Let them play three or four one by one, there is no problem.

There are many things in Haotian Group that cannot be solved on the surface.

That's when the security department stepped in to solve it secretly.

As long as the security department appears, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

This is not.

Li Tianqiang knows that it is impossible to fight against the people in the tank now, but he can pick them up!

He is the second son of Haotian Group, and the security department is his bodyguard.

Security personnel must be present whenever he calls.

After making the phone call and shaking it to someone, Li Tianqiang didn't panic anymore, and his expression relaxed a little.

As long as the security personnel come, the drama should be over.

In Li Tianqiang's view, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Zhan and the others to defeat his security personnel.

Even if Lin Zhan and the others are individually powerful, the security department of Haotian Group can swallow Lin Zhan and the others by virtue of their numbers.

There are at most twenty people in four tanks.

And his security department, there are about 300 people with special brews!

Three hundred people beat twenty or so.

Isn't that as simple as drinking water?

When the Security Department arrives, he, Li Tianqiang, has to tell them to beat them to death!

He is responsible for the accident!

Think about it.

Li Tianqiang's eyes narrowed at once, and there was a sinister look in his eyes.


As long as you dare to stop him from taking this land and taking over as the chairman of Haotian Group.

Everyone must die!

At this time.

Lin Zhan, who smashed the four excavators, jumped off the Type 69 main battle tank, and walked quickly towards Aunt Shi.

Wang Yanbing and his party also followed behind Lin Zhan.

One driver was left in each of the four tanks in case there was any emergency.

If there are still excavators coming, they can be smashed directly.

Lin Zhan walked up to Aunt Shi and the others, and immediately tore away the things that were tied to their hands.

Before Lin Zhan could ask a question, Aunt Shi whispered in a hoarse voice:

"Thank you.....Thank you all..."

"If you help us like this, will something happen...if..."

Lin Zhan interrupted Aunt Shi with a wave of his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Jin He is our comrade-in-arms who lives and dies together, and his business is our business."

"Now that the family is in trouble, how can we comrades-in-arms ignore it?"

"And Jin He's grandfather and father are not only his role models, but also our role models."

"Grandma Shi, Yan Kingdom will never forget your Shi family, and will never forget all the loyal soldiers!"

The potential meaning of the battle is obvious, that is, today's matter is not just controlled by them.

Yan Kingdom is also in control!

Haotian Group is the largest real estate developer in Sichuan City?


Let's see if he can survive under the iron cavalry of Yan Kingdom.

Hearing Lin Zhan's words, Aunt Shi was stunned for a moment, a tear flashed in her eyes, and her entire eye sockets became moist instantly.

Could it be that someone in their Shi family finally cares about them and cares about them?

The three generations of the Shi family have waited too long!

too long!

"'s enough not to forget, our Shi family doesn't ask too much..."

Aunt Shi is a woman of great spirit, who is different from people of various religions and nine streams.

In her age, it was extremely rare to have such ideological awareness.

Perhaps this is the blessing of the Shi family.

Shi Mu also expressed her gratitude to Lin Zhan and the others.

At this time.

Shi Yinhe and Shi Tonghe saw that the shackles on their bodies were gone, and that the cordon was smashed by Lin Zhan and the others.

Immediately, they rushed towards the Shijia Cemetery while shouting.

"Grandpa and Daddy"


The two of them have stayed with Father Shi for several years, and they have never even seen what kind of grandfather they are.

But they often heard about Shifu, and they are not very unfamiliar with Grandpa.

Seeing this, Aunt Shi's eyes darkened, her expression complicated.

Not long ago, they almost had to...

"Let's go there too, let's take a look at them today." Lin Zhan took a deep breath, looked at Aunt Shi and the two and said.

"Hmm..." Aunt Shi and the two of them agreed, and then walked over to the cemetery at home. "

During the whole process, they didn't notice Li Tianqiang's existence at all.

As if he is air, the whole person is transparent.


In Lin Zhan's eyes, they really ignored Li Tianqiang.

As long as he doesn't move, no one pays attention to him, just a bug.

But...if he moves around and comes out to stop him.

He is now lying on the ground.

Li Tianqiang himself understood this truth very well, before Lin Zhan and the others came to Aunt Shi, untied their hands, and then walked to the cemetery.

He didn't speak the whole time, just because he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would become disabled.

Looking at Lin Zhan and his group.

An extremely fierce look appeared in Li Tianqiang's eyes, as well as a strong killing intent.

Dare to destroy Li Tianqiang's good deeds, and ignore him the whole time.

Li Tianqiang couldn't stand the special brew.

How could the second son of the dignified Haotian Group be treated like this!?

When the security department comes, you will all die!!

Li Tianqiang took a deep breath and calmed down his furious mood a little.

A small leak will sink a great ship!

the other side.

Lin Zhan and his party came to the Shi family cemetery.

Once here.

Aunt Shi and Mother Shi rushed forward and fell in front of the simple-looking tombstone, sobbing and choking.

"Old man, you are frightened...We are useless...We are useless..."

"Old man, let me tell you something... your eldest grandson, the Jin He you took, he...he died in battle just like you"

"But he is more promising than you, and he has also won military merits in the army...Old man, did you hear..."

Aunt Shi and Mother Shi choked up and said what they wanted to say.

Shi Yinhe and Shi Tonghe were also driven to kneel in front of the tombstone, bowing their heads and crying.

But after a while, a huge roar that surprised everyone appeared in their ears.



The sound was so loud that it was comparable to the sound of tanks running fast before.

hear this.

Aunt Shi and the others quickly looked up.


The sight is shocking.

I saw bursts of dust rolling up not far away, and in front of the dust were black commercial vehicles.

It can also be said to be a must-have van for shaking people.

If it's just one car, it's not enough to make Aunt Shi's eyes look panic and fear.

There are dozens of specially brewed cars, dozens of cars!

look up.

Those commercial vehicles, like mad dogs, rushed towards them madly.

Those who have never seen it will not know what it feels like to be charged head-on by dozens of black commercial vehicles.

If Ying wants to describe it, it is that her little heart is tightly pinched by the other side.

If the other side wants you to die, you will have no way to survive.

Aunt Shi and Mother Shi feel this way now.

When the two of them saw the approaching black car, a deep sense of fear suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Needless to say, they also knew that these black cars were coming towards them.

To be more precise, they came towards their Shi family cemetery.

Aunt Shi looked at the black cars and fell into despair again.

Could the Shi family not escape the end of being dug up?

On the other hand, Lin Zhan and others narrowed their eyes when they saw dozens of black cars rushing towards them.

A sharp gaze flashed in his eyes, and a fierce look flowed in his pupils.

The evil spirit on the body is also faintly diverging, spreading all over the body.

Is this Haotian Group coming again?

It really is a big group, so many people come as soon as they come.

Now that you're here, don't go back.

When dozens of black cars appeared in this cemetery, Li Tianqiang became excited instantly, his eyes were full of excitement.

Compared with the cowering look before, that is simply a difference, not a person at all.

As the saying goes, a dog wins over others.

Seeing people coming, Li Tianqiang naturally became tyrannical.

When the commercial vehicle arrived in front of Li Tianqiang, all the people in the vehicle immediately got out of the vehicle and surrounded him.

The security captain stood up, looked at Li Tianqiang and shouted in a low voice: "Second Young Master, we are here.

Li Tianqiang didn't talk nonsense, just waved his hand, pointed at Lin Zhan and the others and shouted in a deep voice:

"Give it all to labor and capital!!"

"Kill it to death!!"

"What happened, I am responsible!!"

"Whoever dares to be lazy, labor and capital will abolish him!!"


hear this.

More than 300 people who got off the commercial vehicle all turned to look at Lin Zhan and the others.

Seeing that they were wearing military uniforms, I knew they were soldiers.

There was a look of astonishment in his eyes first.

But immediately after, more than three hundred people became ruthless, and an extremely fierce look appeared in their eyes.

When something happened, the second son of Haotian Group was responsible for it, what's the matter with them?

In Chuancheng, is there anything Haotian Group can't solve?


Three hundred or so people all held sticks and surrounded Lin Zhan and the others.

The sticks were brought by them, the weapons they usually use.

They also know that it is not allowed to use swords nowadays, and it is easy to kill people.

And if caught, it is easy to stay in oranges for a long time, and hurt people with sharp weapons.

Sticks are different.

The essential properties of the two are not the same, and there are also differences when they are investigated.

But if there is a human life, there will still be a big trouble.

Although Li Tianqiang said he was going to beat him to death, they also knew that he was angry, and it was impossible to really kill Lin Zhan and the others.

If that's the case, they will definitely not be able to escape the responsibility.

Is it true that the army is for dry food?

They are security personnel, but they are not fools. They can still tell the difference in this situation.

At this time, about three hundred people all surrounded Lin Zhan and the others.

All of them are holding sticks and have fierce expressions on their faces.

Their mission today is to put these people in front of them to the ground.


The security captain roared and rushed towards Lin Zhan and the others first.

at the same time.

The more than 300 people beside him followed closely behind, stepped out one after another, and rushed out.

The more than 300 people charged together, and the oncoming visual scene.

It is extremely shocking.

Aunt Shi and mother Shi were so shocked that their entire bodies began to tremble a little.

There are more than 300 people, how can Lin Zhan and the others deal with it!

If... If something happens to them, it is really the fault of the old cloth family...!

Aunt Shi, who wanted to speak, didn't wait for her to speak.

I saw Wang Yanbing and the others rushing out, their speed was as fast as that of a leopard.

The momentum on his body is even more majestic, like a prehistoric beast.

If the four excavators were knocked over just now, it was just an appetizer.

Now it's time to serve.

And it is also a special brewed Manhan banquet!

Of course, it was also the moment for Wang Yanbing and the others to vent their deep anger.

The reason why they rushed out was because they were afraid that fighting by the tomb would disturb the loyalists of the two generations of the Shi family.

Lin Zhan glanced at Wang Yanbing and the others, then walked up to Aunt Shi and the others, and said in a low voice:

"Don't worry, they'll be fine."

"'s fine..." Aunt Shi said dully.

Although she said she was fine, she was still very worried.

Can these dozens of people defeat these hundreds of Haotian Group bodyguards holding sticks?

Under everyone's gaze.

Wang Yanbing and the others rushed into the crowd of the security brigade like a pack of wolves.

As soon as they entered, the fight began.

Possess Lin Zhan's assimilated physical fitness, plus those months of devil training.

They are no longer who they were in the Iron Fist.

Now they all have three times the physical fitness of ordinary people.

Whether it's strength, speed, or the most important reaction speed in close combat, and so on.

They all have them, and they are three times as many as ordinary people.

Not only that.

They also have that extremely perverted perception ability.

They can clearly perceive every attack and every wave of the opponent's hand, and even where the stick hits, they can clearly perceive it.

With the support of such perverted abilities.

Wang Yanbing and the others are gods, and they have to kill him.

Not to mention the security team of Haotian Group.

Just karate and taekwondo, useful?

Let's say next.

The security team called by Li Tianqiang was like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, sticking out their heads, waiting for Wang Yanbing and the others to kill them.

In the face of absolute strength, the number of people is just a few more punches.

look up.

Every time Wang Yanbing and the dozen of them punched, a security guard could be blown away.

Every time he swings his legs and kicks sideways or sweeps across, the person holding the stick can be kicked away.

Wang Yanbing and the others were not only very fast at knocking people into the air, but also not very powerful.

As long as you are hit by them, you will lie on the ground and never get up again.

Some people even passed out directly.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is an unequal battle.

A battle between a meng boy and a three-year-old child.

One punch for a wise child.

Under the deep consternation of Aunt Shi, Mother Shi, the others and Li Tianqiang.

It didn't take long for this battle of a dozen people against three hundred people to end.

The figure stopped and the dust dispersed.

The ground is full of wailing and wailing, and the wailing is endless.

Those who passed out were like dead people, and those who were not fainted were like maggots, writhing their bruised and bruised bodies non-stop.

At this moment, the cemetery became a purgatory.

And at this moment, more than 300 people were all lying on the ground.

Above the cemetery, in the ears of everyone, there was a palpitating roar of sirens.


"Woo woo woo~"

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