An Ran Was Captured, And I Surrounded The Mercenaries While Driving The Tank

Chapter 87: Lin Zhan, Who Counts People's Hearts! Mingdu Chencang's Anti-Empty Strategy! [

Chapter 87: Lin Zhan, who counts people's hearts! Mingdu Chencang's anti-empty strategy! 【Subscribe!】

"There is also... there is an air defense battalion station..."


Man Gang, who heard the monitor's words, exclaimed in shock.

Surprise and disbelief were written all over his face.

It was as if he heard something that shocked him extremely.

And it is true.

Those two long-range missiles that were launched later, as stable as an old dog, had to make Man Gang jump up in shock in the area where they landed.

Because that special brew is a synthetic battalion, and there is also a garrison area for the air defense battalion!!

When these two missiles were blown up, it was no less than blowing up every hand and foot of the Blue Army's First Synthetic Brigade!!

To know.

Man Gang's Blue Army First Synthetic Brigade has nine battalion headquarters.

Four of them are synthetic battalions and five special battalions.

They are Artillery Battalion, Air Defense Battalion, Combat Support Battalion, Reconnaissance Battalion, and Service Support Battalion.

The combined battalion is organized into three infantry companies, two tank companies, one artillery company, one support company, and one support company.

Now the two missiles on the opposite side bombed a synthetic battalion [and the air defense battalion of their first synthetic brigade...?

It doesn't matter if there are four bombs in the synthetic battalion, it's still acceptable.

But.....this special brew air defense battalion was bombed......?

That is the 1st Synthetic Brigade of the entire Blue Army, the only air defense unit!

Without them, how can the First Synthetic Brigade specialize in air defense!?

Hit it with a tank gun?

Use the anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers of the artillery battalion to fight.....?

It is possible to fight, but the special brew is unrealistic...

Because if they do this, their firepower will be really weakened.


Their air defense capability is also far inferior to that of the air defense force.

After all, a professional is still a professional, incomparable.

This time, two battalions were lost, nearly 1,500 people.

This made the brigade commander Man Gang a little unacceptable.

I saw a look of deep astonishment and shock appearing on his face at this moment.

The lower jaw moved slightly, with a completely shocked expression.

The 4th Armored Regiment is really good at making special brews!

Not only did he think of hitting with X bullets like him, but he even kept such a move.

It's simply not thoughtful, and even a little outrageous.

After being astonished, Man just shook his head in admiration, and sighed in a low voice:

"This Fourth Armored Regiment is extraordinary!"

"Regimental leader Lin Zhan is indeed a genius, to come up with such a battle plan!"

"This exercise has only just begun!"

After Man just came back to his senses, he sighed deeply in his heart and had a little admiration for Lin Zhan.

to be honest.

After so many exercises, he has never encountered such a pair of tails.

In the past, whoever was not beaten by his sao routine could not hold his head up, and was wiped out by their first synthetic brigade before reaching the combat area.

And now.

Their Blue Army's First Synthetic Brigade actually suffered such a big loss in the hands of a fledgling unit led by a new general.

How could this not make him feel admirable?


Not only him, but all the officers present showed expressions of deep astonishment and disbelief.

None of them thought that just by chance, they escaped an extremely terrifying X-bomb attack.

This just came to my senses, just started to be happy.

Just two more remote missiles?

They also bombed one of their synthetic battalion and air defense battalion...?

This... is really ups and downs, mixed with joy and sorrow.

The chief of staff sighed deeply, lowered his eyes and said:

"We underestimated the 4th Armored Regiment and their commander Lin Zhan...!"

heard the words.

All the officers present nodded their heads again and again, and couldn't help sighing.

"It seems that the commander of the 4th Armored Regiment really deserves his reputation! He is good at commanding operations...!"

"That's right, we'll take it seriously next time."

"It has to be serious, otherwise it's hard to say whether our Blue Army's First Synthetic Brigade can win this exercise......


Now their First Synthetic Brigade has only lost two battalions. After all, the loss is not very big, and it is acceptable.

If you still treat it so easily in the future, I'm afraid something big will happen!

Think about it.

They all turned their heads to look at the brigade commander Man Gang, and the chief of staff asked in a deep voice, "Old Man, what shall we do next?"

heard the words.

Man Gang frowned slightly, showing a pensive look.

And at this time.

The correspondent on the side seemed to have received some news that shocked him, and saw him jumping up from his seat, and started like a bullet.

Pulling back the chair, he turned around and walked quickly to the brigade commander Man Gang.

Man Gang was also startled by the sound of pulling the chair, and turned to look at the correspondent.

Seeing him coming, he asked in a puzzled voice, "What!?"

"Hurry up!"

The correspondent swallowed, and said with complicated eyebrows and eyes:

"Brigade Commander, the radio station has just received an open message."

"The 4th Armored Regiment was dispatched. They transported by land and by air two routes. The whole army was dispatched, and everyone in the 4th Armored Regiment set off."

"The time, the train, and the line were specified.

"This public sent by the Fourth Armored Regiment itself."

The correspondent's words fell.

The entire meeting room suddenly became quiet again, and there was no sound at all, which was called a needle drop.'s so quiet...

Everyone was like petrified, froze in place, as if their soul had been taken away.

What did they hear...?

The Fourth Armored Regiment took the initiative to disclose their route to Zhuhe base...?

What kind of sao operation is this?

If the route is made public, they are not afraid of suffering a devastating blow from the Blue Army's 1st Synthetic Brigade on the way to Zhuhe Base?

Shouldn't anyone be ready to move when they know what the other side is doing?

If there is, then it is really a big fool.

But... what does it mean to do this on the opposite side?

Who do you look down on, look down on the First Synthetic Brigade of the Blue Army?

It can be said.

When the Blue Army officers present heard what the correspondent said, brainstorms occurred in their minds.

Thinking with all his brain cells, this fourth armored regiment, this regiment leader Lin Zhan.

What do you want to do...?


No matter what they think, they can't figure out the reason.

Simply, they turned their heads to look at the brigade commander Man Gang, wondering what he thought.

look up.

Man Gang lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then, as if he had figured out why Lin Zhan would do this, he burst out laughing in vain.


"Well, Lin Zhan, you are cunning, courageous, and courageous!"

"This hand, I am full of admiration!"

"I didn't expect to encounter such an opponent in the confrontation exercise initiated by the First Synthetic Brigade of the Blue Army this time!"

"Not bad! This is an opportunity for our first synthetic brigade!"

Seeing the abnormal reaction of brigade commander Man Gang, everyone was stunned, looking at Man Gang full of astonishment and puzzlement.

This.....what's the situation...!?

How happy is the Fourth Armored Regiment to take the initiative to announce the marching route?

Can't it be...?


The chief of staff was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at brigade commander Man Gang, and asked tentatively:

"Brigade Commander... Are we going to set up an ambush on the route of the 4th Armored Regiment and deal a devastating blow to them?"

There is nothing wrong with him asking this question.

Man Gang looked so happy that he was eager to go immediately. Lin Zhan and the others set up various gates on the way to Zhuhe base.

It's reasonable to think so, after all, their 1st Synthetic Brigade has just been bombed by missiles from an armored regiment.

If this is not returned, they can still be called the Blue Army, can they bear it?

The officers around were all gearing up for a big fight at this time.

They couldn't swallow such a breath!

Since you dare to expose your own line, I will beat you until you cry!


Just when everyone was excited and looking forward to the attack.

Brigadier Man Gang shook his head, waved his hands and said loudly:

"Need not!"

"Let them come!"

"It doesn't matter if they come here openly or secretly, let them come here!"

"No one moves, no one is allowed to lay an ambush!"


Hearing Man Gang's firm and unquestionable tone, everyone was stunned again, and they stood there with extremely puzzled expressions on their faces.

This.....Why is this...?

The Fourth Armored Regiment disclosed their marching routes to the public.

Don't you take such a great opportunity?

Isn't that a wasted opportunity for Special Brew?

Moreover, they have already lost some of their faces. If they don't get them back, wouldn't they make people in other theaters laugh at them?

Think about it.

The chief of staff asked in confusion: "Old man, why is this?"

"This is an excellent opportunity, if you miss it, it will be gone...!"

After Man Gang heard this, he smiled disdainfully, glanced at them, and then said:

"Do you really think that this is the Fourth Armored Regiment's way of marching to us?"

"Isn't that what they're fishing for to enforce the law?"

"Deliberately lured us into the bait?"

"Bring your brains to lighten up, don't think that you are invincible because you are the first synthetic brigade of the Blue Army!"

uh... this...

Everyone was shocked when they heard Man Gang's words.


How did I not think of this!!

If this is a smoke bomb deliberately released by the Fourth Armored Regiment, it is a bait to lure them into the bait.

They really set up an ambush on the road, and they were the ones who suffered!

At that time, it will not be as simple as being bombed with two battalions, but the entire army will be wiped out.

All troops who go to lay an ambush will be attacked by the 4th Armored Regiment!

Think of that picture.

All the officers in the meeting room couldn't help but tremble a few times, and shuddered.

I am obedient!

The Fourth Armored Regiment played a big game of chess!

First, an X bomb struck suddenly, distracting their attention, followed by two disabled long-range missiles.

Killed their hands and feet.


Their anger was kindled.

Then he would reveal his marching route to the public, and use one-handed fishing to enforce the law, and wait for their group of angry fish to take the bait.

In the end, all of them were wiped out.

After such a series of tricks, how many people in Special Brew can stand up to it?

Even if a gentleman who sits on his chest comes, he can't bear it!

At this time, the blue army officers who had figured this out were sweating heavily on their backs.

That scares them, but it is really not light!

And at this time.

The chief of staff thought of something, turned his head to look at the brigade commander Man Gang, and asked hesitantly:

1. "Old Man, what if the Fourth Armored Regiment really marched as they said and came to our Zhuhe base?"

After the words fell, everyone looked at Man Gang, wanting to know what to do in this situation.

I saw Man just chuckled, and said loudly: "He Lin Zhan is so good at this place!"

After sighing this sentence, Man Gang continued to say with gleams in his eyes: "If we go, we will suffer heavy fire from them."

"If you don't go, it is very likely that they will pass through and come to Zhuhe base."

"It was literally a life-or-death decision for us."

"Overall, it's in our best interest that we don't go.

"It doesn't matter if they are cheating or not...even if... so what if we let them pass (Li Li's) here...!?"

"Could it be that we, the First Synthetic Brigade of the Blue Army, are really afraid that they will fail!"

After the voice fell, everyone woke up.

It turns out that Lin Zhan's series of tricks are really powerful hidden here.

It's a good move to counter the empty city plan!

There is no one in Zhuge Liang's city, so he pretends to be there.

You are true and false, people can't tell the truth!

To keep secret, to hide the truth?

The chief of staff shook his head in amazement, and said with a bitter face: "He just took all of our psychology into account...!"

"In the opening round of the competition, they are the ones who are superior!"

These words attracted everyone's agreement, and they nodded their heads one after another.

Man Gang waved his hand, and issued a combat command in a low voice: "Everyone has it, immediately enter the battle state!"

"The real exercise has just begun!!"


Everyone didn't say much, and immediately got up and walked to their respective posts.

at the same time.

the other side.

A heavy transport plane boarded.

Lin Zhan was sitting in the middle, surrounded by some people from the 1st Battalion of Tanks and the 6th Battalion of Special Warfare.

That is, the person who followed Lin Zhan out of the Iron Fist Group and experienced the red and blue military exercise together.

Wang Yanbing, who was sitting opposite Lin Zhan, muttered with regret on his face at this moment:

"It's such a pity, if we fire a few more missiles, we might wipe out the Blue Army's 1st Synthetic Brigade!"


The ostrich chuckled, looked up at the heavy transport plane, and said in a slightly solemn tone:

"You can be content, being able to wipe out the two battalions of the Blue Army's 1st Synthetic Brigade at the very beginning of the exercise is already a miracle in the history of the Blue Army.

"What we should worry about now is whether the blue army will come out halfway with a single-minded mind and chug us."

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