An Unparalleled Master of Martial Arts

Chapter 1052: Herd of males (Part 1)

Lu Yun shook his head and said: "I don't know why I can see it."

The demon who led the way said: "It's like some lives have divine power, and some people don't have power. I believe that Lord Lu Yun is the kind of person who chooses one out of thousands.

"I agree with you," Guo Shuangdao said.

Although Lu Yun did not know, he knew how these things would help him in the future, at least he now knows more secrets than others. As long as these secrets don't cause him any more trouble, he will thank him.

It's not too early, the original Mojo wanted to keep them down for dinner. But Guo Shuang could not accept those dinners of Mojing. Lu Yun was just barely able to eat it. The Mojos did not force them, let them go back first.

The two men who returned to the desolate Jedi came to the tent house that the hero would prepare.

At this time, the people who came to participate in the hero meeting came one after another. Some people came here to get busy and some came to do business. For a time, the entire desolate Jedi became alive and full of vocals.

Among so many tents, Lu Yun found their tent, which was marked with the name, Guo Yuanqing's name.

The tired journey made them look tired, so the two of them went first.

When entering the tent, Lu Yun found that the world inside the tent was like a huge underground house. There are five floors inside, and food and accommodation are on these floors. The food prepared is very complete, if you don't want to eat, there are enough ingredients to make your own.

Guo Shuang and Lu Yun have developed a habit of eating things that are not used to others these months. Lu Yun personally cooks and cooks very delicious meals for her. The two ate and satiated, lying down and resting beautifully.

Guo Shuang pillowed on Lu Yun's shoulders and said: "The group under the middle age, Dad also signed up for you. There is no need to fight for anything, just let you feel the real hero."

"Actually, you should go, I will look at the side." Lu Yun said with a smile.

"This time the hero meeting, in fact, the biggest attraction is that Dad competes with Sima Qunchao!" Guo Shuangdao, "although they have been famous for a long time, they have never fought. It was either that Dad didn't participate, or Sima Qunchao did not participate. . "

"Well! I'm also very much looking forward to the two of them playing a game." Lu Yun also said with some excitement, "They have both won the first name of the Hero Club, and they are also the strongest people in the anti-Dongzhou. Now there are I just seem to see a lot of people in the fairy group, except the Qianyueshen group sent Yuting to come, it seems that even the strongest fairy group, Dongfeng Yehuang is here! "

Guo Shuang frowned and said, "Yeah! Dongfeng Night Emperor, Night Emperor Zhuo Dongqing should only be able to be under his father! But that was 15 years ago. Hearing the last session, he was only a defeat. Sima Qunchao's hands. This year I definitely want to take revenge, and I want to defeat my father and become the first! "

"Everything depends on the fact that they really played, before they can know what the strength of the two sides is!" Lu Yundao said, "I'm afraid that the two of them haven't divided the victory or defeat, the conspiracy will begin!"

Guo Shuang drilled into Lu Yun's arms and said, "Anyway, our purpose is not here, but still a little bit of heart!"

"Huh!" Lu Yun nodded.

At night, the temperature of the desolate Jedi dropped sharply, and many people had returned to the tents, just like Lu Yun.

The demon also ended up early and returned to his residence.

No longer have to hear them curse others, or want to beg for money.

During this time, a young man walked out of the canyon with a wooden stick.

He couldn't see the tent, but he could lean on his nose and smell the popularity.

Sima, a vigil, saw him pushing a scooter, and asked: "This gentleman, are you here to set up a stall?"

Sima saw him as a blind man, and the people who set up the stalls do not live in these tents.

The blind man touched his arm, and then he stood firm and said, "I came from the east border, and I heard that there was a hero meeting, and I wanted to come. I just missed the time to register, and I gave my food on the way. A pair of poor hooligan children. Now the drip is not in, and no rice has been eaten. "

Does this person live in a tent after listening to the heroes' meeting, and they have ready-to-eat food and drink, so they just want to mix and eat?

Sima Jinxi said: "If sir is hungry, we have cooked rice here, we don't need water. If sir can drink the water of a river, we are enough. It's just ... the registration of the hero club is very early Before, and the order of the two duels has been arranged properly. Even if I intend to make a supplement to the sir, it will be an extra sir. "

Originally, Sima Jin thought he was like this, and the blind people would agree if they ate.

But the blind man said: "I am a blind person. It is not easy to come here. Brothers, can you do this. You see my age, it should be in the middle age group. You can choose a middle age group to let me in. I can challenge them. The whole group. One group is two people. As long as I can win both of them in a row, am I not the winner? "

There is nothing wrong with this!

But I was shocked by Sima Jinjin's past and present. He was just middle-aged. If the dust on his face was cleaned, he would wear a little clothes that looked younger and comb his hair. group.

But he was confident that he had to choose a middle-aged group and win two games in a row.

Sima Jinxi admired: "Sir, I like this kind of hero, even if I will be scolded by my father, I will set a precedent for you. The hero will be a hero to be handed over! I will do it for you. I will bring all the dishes. "

"Brother! I only need rice and clear water, I never drink!" Blind said, "Drinking will be very troublesome."

"Good!" Sima promised.

The Sima family looked at each other face to face, not daring to look down on this person. Those who come to the Heroes Association are by no means weak. And he also made a bold statement, playing two one by one.

After a while, the rice and tea are ready, but the blind person eats more elegantly. And it is very regular, from beginning to end, and finally eat three bowls of rice.

Sima had only the last spare tent, and gave it to the blind man.

"Master! There are three more people outside the door!"

"There are three more?" Sima frowned ~ ~ What day is it today, so many people want to participate in this heroic meeting. "

The first person who came, followed by eighteen corpses, was eerie. Obviously, he is a corpse control.

The second person wrapped himself very tightly, and the voice of his words was very fine, in short, it was a weirdo.

The rest is one master and one servant.

This young master Sima Jinjin knows now and then is the strongest today, the first young man against Dongzhou, Yuwen is alive.

Yuwen said helplessly to Sima Jinxi: "Sorry, old friend, who was kicked by my father to test. Maybe we will meet in the last game!"

"I'm worried that there is no opponent like you!" Sima Jinxi said, "It's just that I only have one last tent. Fortunately, each tent has five floors. There is a blind man living in it, and a body control Sir, I am wronging my old friend. "



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