As night fell, the old coachman saw Lu Yun buying all his martial arts, which was a bit weird.

"This year is very strange. It seems that when you come here, the exercises have all been bought out." Guo Yuanqing said at this time.

"I originally wanted to see how many young people with smart eyes." The old driver said, "but only one appeared, this one is very strange. I was buying all my exercises." Anyway, it ’s just a person who wants it. If you sell it to him, it ’s sold, and everything is sold. "

Guo Yuanqing smiled and said, "I don't know which one?"

"Young man with Shuang'er, I have never seen Shuang'er get intimate with people like this." The old driver said.

Guo Yuanqing nodded with a smile: "It seems to be my son-in-law's eyes and beads."

"Your son-in-law? You are the son-in-law you have chosen for so long, and now you have finally chosen a strange person for you?" Said the old driver, "the flowers are put in cow dung, even if he can buy my exercises, it is a pity I want everything. "

"Don't treat my son-in-law with common sense, even if I am his father-in-law, I am still surprised at the strength he shows." Guo Yuanqing said, "I'm sure he is not for you. Sympathy, I chose to buy those exercises. But it really has a purpose, because he is not a normal person. "

"Exactly, I also want to stay and have a look. After all, this time, you have a fight with Sima Qunchao." The old driver said, "And look at your son-in-law by the way! How many games did he win before?"

"Two battles and two wins!" Guo Yuanqing said.

"From your tone, I seem to hear that you are surprised that he can win the two battles," the old driver said.

"It's really weird!" Guo Yuanqing said, "I have never seen a young man who can be forced to do this. Over time, no, he should become amazed again and again after this hero meeting."

"It just happens that I haven't dripped yet. While I eat, you follow me with your son-in-law." The old driver said.

"Please!" Guo Yuanqing said.

"I invite! Your son-in-law gave me a crystal!" The old driver said with a smile. "How sorry to ask you to please."

Guo Yuanqing did not refuse, you know, this person in front of him, but the richest man in reverse Dongzhou. If he is a guest, it is really rare.

The old coachman can make the demon go out to do things while sleeping at night, and change their habit of not being able to thunder.

This point, even Lu Yun, who is the demon king, can't do it.

The old coachman can do many, many things, some rely on his rich financial resources, some rely on his unparalleled ability. Guo Yuanqing remembers that he has never won the driver in front of him, even now he may not.

Someone once challenged the old coachman, but did not survive the three strokes in his hands. The reason why the old coachman completely became a reclusive man is because of his unwilling son. Relying on his reputation, this son Wu Zuofei did.

Finally, he died in the hands of a more vicious person than him, and the old driver rushed to the crown in anger. Want to find the murderer, but no one is willing to help him.

So he went from the south deep sea against Dongzhou to the north ladder. Then from the North Ladder, killing against Xixi.

In the end, on the border of the anti-Xizhou, he was the enemy of the enemy.

In that battle, he offended more than 30 sovereign states and two sovereign states, but even the supreme martial artist, the Eastern Sky, could not stop this person from growing up.

After returning, this person disappeared.

Someone, his wife lost his son, he went to revenge and died heartbroken. He also followed the martyrdom!

In fact, the real reason is more cruel than reality, and there is nothing poignant at all. After he went back, his wife was indeed dead, but he knew the truth. His vengeful son is just a terrible creature very similar to humans.

He knows only half of this truth, and he doesn't know how his wife died.

But he knows that it is very likely that a group of very terrible creatures are not living in the godly world. An unexpected creature!

The coachman in this life is only a friend like Guo Yuanqing, a person who can truly be called a friend.

"Teach me my son-in-law when you have time!" Guo Yuanqing asked. "You can't let your martial arts be treated like a decoration."

"Who is the decoration?" The driver said dissatisfiedly, "I am still capable of defeating you by three strokes."

"Three strokes are too exaggerated, it should be four strokes, why I have been improving these years." Guo Yuanqing said.

"I don't believe it!" The driver turned his head a little childishly.

Do not believe if you don't believe it.

Guo Yuanqing was sullenly drinking.

He asked again: "You retire, and then pretend to be pitiful, what's the use of making so much money?"

The old driver said, "I want to buy the most expensive thing!"

"What is it?" Guo Yuanqing asked.

"I can't tell you!" The old driver smiled.

Guo Yuanqing also smiled and said: "I just have a polite relationship, but I really don't want to know."


The two laughed at the same time.

The food was almost the same, and the two got up at the same time.

"What is the purpose of coming back?" Guo Yuanqing asked.

"Find a successor!" Said the driver, "I may have to go a long way to find a truth. It is very likely that this truth will kill me. But I'm not going to give up! But if I leave like this, 10000 Once I lost in a different place, it would be a pity if there was no successor to this technique. "

Guo Yuanqing smiled and said, "That's right, my son-in-law is good."

"Does he use a knife?" The driver asked.

"He used a good knife!" Guo Yuanqing said.

The driver nodded and said, "Then I should pay attention."

Guo Yuanqing reminded: "However, you haven't seen him use a knife in recent days. There is no opponent who can force him to use a knife."

"You are not, your son-in-law, only such a low level of cultivation. Why no opponent can stop it?" The driver asked puzzled.

Guo Yuanqing shook his head and said, "I don't know the specific reasons. In short, you will know when you look down."

"I always feel like you are admiring a stranger when you are talking about your son-in-law." The driver said, "This kind of person is worth your while, recommending me, and marrying your daughter to him."

"It's worth it!" Guo Yuanqing Road ~ ~ There is no reason! "

"You are holding the exercises I gave him, what are you going to do?" The driver was puzzled. "I am very puzzled."

"At that time, he will let you understand." Guo Yuanqing said, "He is an infinite possibility!"

"You didn't leave him in three sentences, which shows that he really deserves my attention." The driver said, "But my ugliness is in front, I can't look down, but don't use your identity, come and force! I would rather let my knife Lost, I wo n’t teach people who I do n’t like. ”

"Just like your son?" Guo Yuanqing asked.

"Don't mention him, I regarded him as the son of a lifetime, but I only realized that he is not my family. My wife has never betrayed me. Why is he like this evil born into the world?" Guo Yuanqing said helplessly, "General One thing, I will figure out what is going on. "

"I hope you were alive at that time!" Guo Yuanqing blessed.



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