An Unscientific Marvel Scientist

一百零六、I have a cucumber,I have a Hulk.

"what is this?"

Bruce Banner took the test tube, and held it in front of his eyes curiously. The liquid in the test tube didn't look like a medicine, but it looked a bit like some kind of vegetable juice. He opened the stopper and sniffed it gently, but he couldn't smell it. Find out what this is.

Harry Osborn on the side twitched the corner of his mouth. He was familiar with the potion in the test tube. He glanced sideways at Peter Parker beside him. Scratching his head, he obviously recognized what the medicine in the test tube was.

Harry thought about it, and felt that it would be nice to have one more victim who was in the same situation as him, and then decisively chose to remain silent.

"You'll know when you drink it," Kraft didn't answer Dr. Banner's question directly, "it's not poison anyway."

"Well, it doesn't matter if it's poison. With Hulk around, poison can't kill me at all."

Dr. Banner pursed his lips. He guessed that the test tube might be some kind of tranquilizer, but he had already tried that stuff, and it didn't have any special effect.

Dr. Banner, who did not report any hope, raised his head and drank all the liquid in the test tube.

"The taste is not bad, very refreshing..." After drinking it, Dr. Banner evaluated the taste, and when he lowered his head, he saw that his skin was turning green, and his face suddenly changed, "Be careful! The Hulk is coming out! ……Eh?"

Dr. Banner soon found out that the situation seemed wrong. After his skin turned green, his body did not swell, his clothes were still on his body, and his consciousness was still his own, and he was not suppressed by Hulk.

"This is solved?!"

Bruce Banner looked at Kraft with surprise on his face, even ignoring the weird smell emanating from himself.

"how is this possible."

Kraft rolled his eyes. He knew that Dr. Banner had misunderstood it. After all, the color is indeed easy to confuse.

And maybe Dr. Banner didn't want to commit suicide because of external factors, so the cucumber texture on his skin did not fade like Harry did, but continued to remain on his body.

It's just that his despair is probably not enough, so he didn't completely become a cucumber, but a cucumber man.

After briefly explaining the efficacy of the previous potion, Dr. Banner, who was really pale, was a little bit dumbfounded. He didn't think Kraft's potion could really turn people into cucumbers, because it was too unscientific .

"So, have you ever successfully turned a person into a cucumber?"

Stark on the side also sneered at this, he thought this was a prank by Kraft, a brat.

"No," Kraft shook his head helplessly, "It's too hard to find people who want to escape reality crazily and are desperate for everything. Normally, such people have already committed suicide."

"Without Betty, I would probably be able to meet your requirements."

Dr. Banner held Betty Rose's hand and looked at her affectionately.

However, the few people around either had girlfriends or frequented nightclubs. The only single dog, Kraft, hadn't enlightened at this time, so no one would eat this bite of dog food.

"By the way, since this potion is useless, shouldn't it be time to change Bruce back.


After Betty Ross and Dr. Banner looked at each other for a while, they suddenly came to their senses, mainly because Bruce's cucumber green face was too eye-catching, which made her a little unable to concentrate.

"Don't worry!" Kraft waved his arm, then turned his head and shouted to Martin Lee: "Dad, give Dr. Banner some salty fish energy!"

"How many times have I said this! Don't give my abilities some messy names!"

Martin glared at Kraft viciously, then raised his index finger to point at Bruce Banner in a desperate effort.

Before Bruce Banner could react, a small group of black and white energy penetrated into his body, and Dr. Banner, who was already depressed, became depressed instantly.

"Ah... I really want to die..."

With the continuous sense of despair, Bruce Banner felt that everything around him seemed to be magnified, but...

What does that have to do with him? He just wants to die now.

Bruce Banner's clothes were scattered on the ground, and he himself turned into a cucumber with facial features, which was held in the hands of a bewildered Betty Ross.

"Oh oh oh! It really turned into a pickle!"

Kraft took out a camera out of nowhere, and snapped a photo of Bruce Banner who had turned into a cucumber.


Betty Rose, who came back to his senses, rolled his eyes and fell backwards straight. Pepper Potts stepped forward to support Betty, and then looked at the cucumber in her hand with horror. Bruce Banner.


I always thought that Kraft's cucumber potion was a prank before, but when Tony Stark really watched Bruce Banner change from such a big man into a pickle, he was so shocked that his eyes popped out up.

"This fucking is unscientific!"

Stark held his brain with both hands, and his fingers sank deeply into his hair. Kraft's cucumber potion completely subverted his scientific knowledge and worldview.

Harry Osborn and Peter Parker hugged and shivered, and Harry Osborn broke out in a cold sweat. Although he had also turned green before, he also thought it was a prank made by Kraft The potion, the effect is to turn people's skin green or something...

Unexpectedly, it can really turn people into pickles!

the devil! This boy in front of him is a complete devil! Peter, he didn't lie to me!

Harry exchanged glances with Peter with lingering fear, and moved to the side very tacitly, keeping some distance from Kraft.

Although they also knew it was meaningless to do so, at least they would feel better.

Misty Knight, who was brought here by Stark and Pepper to install the prosthesis, shivered. She was not very interested in the implantation of prosthetics.

Misty has always scoffed at the word "lady", but just now, she suddenly wanted to know about the life of a lady. Fighting and killing are not really suitable for women, are they?

Seeing the terrified looks of the people around him, Martin Lee sighed deeply.

Finally someone who understands how I feel...

Because of Kraft's invention, his world view has been shattered many times.

What kind of suffering in the world is this TMD!

"How did you do it?! This is too unscientific!"

After being frightened, Tony Stark still couldn't hold back his desire for research. He stepped forward and pulled the desperate Cucumber Banner from Betty Ross's hands. While carefully observing his situation, he asked curiously. Kraft asked.

"I just wanted to see if I could come up with something similar because of Peter's situation."

Kraft shrugged and flickered casually.

Peter on the side was shocked, and silently stepped back a few steps to the side, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

Kraft didn't notice his small movements, and continued to fool around: "As a result, the potion I made after many experiments will only turn mice into corresponding creatures...such as spiders, centipedes, and so on."

"Then I thought, is it possible to turn animals into plants? Then I made this stuff out of nowhere. I don't know why I can only turn into pickles, even if I have to be very desperate. The conditions are all just theoretical basis, and Dr. Banner is the only successful case."

Kraft took the cucumber Banner from Stark and lifted it high excitedly.

"Speaking of which, the situation of Hulk and Peter is not scientific, right?"

Putting Cucumber Banner on the table, Kraft pointed to Cucumber Banner on the ground and Peter, who was hugging Harry, and showed a rare and strange expression to Stark.

"'s completely different, okay..."

Stark put a face on his face, and felt that it was necessary to break up with the kid Kraft.

At this moment, Bruce Banner's screams came from his ears.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why

"Uh...Dr. Banner, don't get excited..."

Tony Stark was considering his words and was going to tell Banner the unfortunate news in a tactful way. Kraft on the side had already taken out a mirror and put it in front of him.

"Because Dr. Banner, you have turned into a cucumber, so of course you can't feel your limbs." Kraft shook the mirror in his hand, "Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Tony Stark: " brat ahhhhhhhh!!!"

He, Tony Stark, rarely wanted to comfort someone with nice words, but what did this brat Kraft do! Don't even think about it, can Dr. Banner bear it? !

"Roar! Hulk! Angry!"

Sure enough, Bruce Banner's mentality collapsed instantly, and he switched to Hulk's personality in a second.

The moment he heard Hulk's voice, Harry Osborn, who was chased and beaten on the Helicarrier before, was a little nervous, but he soon discovered that after Cucumber Banner turned into Hulk, he was just From an ordinary cucumber to a relatively large cucumber.

"Hulk! Hate cucumbers!"

The pickled cucumber on the ground swelled again, but it was useless, and Hulk could only lie on the table helplessly and furiously.

"Hey! Sure enough, Dr. Banner will maintain the shape of a cucumber after turning into Hulk. In this way, wouldn't Hulk's problem be solved?!"

Kraft clapped his hands excitedly.

On the other side, Betty Ross, who woke up because of Hulk's roar, heard Kraft's words, glanced at Cucumber Hulk on the table, rolled her eyes again, and passed out again.

Only Martin Lee and Peter Parker, who were familiar with Kraft, knew that this guy was playing a prank again.

As a father, Martin twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that it was still necessary to take care of his own brat, so he stepped forward and gave Kraft a brainstorm.

"Stop messing around, what on earth are you going to do, kid?"

"I just want to test whether Hulk can get out of the cucumber state on his own," Kraft mumbled, covering his head, "This way we can accurately know whether Hulk is an independent existence."

Stark next to him froze for a moment, then nodded in agreement and said, "It makes sense, if the Hulk was created by gamma rays, a strange existence residing in Dr. Banner's body, then it shouldn't continue to be Uh... the state of the cucumber."

Looking down at the still roaring Cucumber Hulk, Stark had a weird expression.

"Now it seems that Hulk and Banner are actually the same person, he is just another form of Banner, well, it's like a bug breaks out of a cocoon and becomes a butterfly, or a tadpole becomes..."

Just when Stark was explaining the situation of Dr. Banner to everyone with an inappropriate metaphor, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Kraft pulling out a knife from his pocket, facing the angry Cucumber Hulk want to do something.

"Hey! Kraft what are you doing?!"

Stark yelled excitedly, reaching out his hand to stop Kraft from moving.

"Howling?" Kraft patted Stark's arm away impatiently, "The Hulk in a normal state has super recovery ability, I want to see if he can recover on his own after turning into a cucumber, after all He can grow bigger in cucumber form..."

As he spoke, Kraft cut off a small piece from the Cucumber Hulk's body, and then the Cucumber Hulk, which was missing a small hole, growled back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wow...there will be no shortage of cucumbers to eat..."

While joking, Kraft put the cut cucumbers into a small jar and sealed them up. He planned to analyze them later to see the difference from ordinary cucumbers. In order to prevent insufficient materials, Kraft cut them continuously. Several pieces are packed.

Betty Ross, who woke up again, hadn't slowed down yet, seeing Kraft's inhumane methods, she passed out for the third time.

"Hulk! Angry!"

Cucumber Hulk grows his mouth and wants to bite Kraft, but now he is just a cucumber, unable to do anything but incompetent and furious, and can only be slaughtered by Kraft.

"Demon... this is really a demon..."

Harry swallowed, and whispered to Peter, "Peter, it's amazing that you have survived under Kraft for so many years!"

"Don't bother me! I'm recalling whether I have offended this kid very hard..."

Peter Parker wiped the cold sweat from his brow, staring at the ceiling trying to remember.

But the more he recalled, the sadder Peter became... The memory is full of scenes of being bullied by Kraft in various ways, and the occasional limited resistance will only end in a more miserable consequence in the end...

While Peter breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help feeling sad.

That's horrible! I am so miserable!

Peter seemed to have been hit by Martin Lee's negative emotional energy, and he shed two lines of tears in despair.

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