An Unscientific Marvel Scientist

Two hundred and five, Brave New World

With the recovery of superpowers, Johnny Stone finally recovered from endless regret and decadence.

After turning back into Human Torch, he didn't bother Kraft anymore, but took the initiative to contact the media and publicly apologized to all those who had been bullied by him before.

Of course, this is not that Johnny Stone has learned to be good, but that he chose to take the initiative to show off under the insinuation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course, it can't be said that he was completely putting on a show. Johnny did regret it a little, but what he regretted was that his sister and partner were affected because of his own reasons, and they even almost died.

Johnny also apologized to those ordinary people who had been hurt by him. Otherwise, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would not be able to influence Johnny, a face-saving person, to come out and admit his mistakes in public.

But Johnny doesn't think it's wrong for him to rely on superpowers to get the limelight, and he still thinks that Kraft doesn't want to put his character in the game.

It's just that compared to the resentment and dissatisfaction with Kraft, Johnny is more afraid. Facing a person who can deprive him of his ability, the identity of Human Torch has no meaning at all.

With Johnny's public apology, S.H.I.E.L.D. also began to control the cooling of public opinion. They started with the image of Johnny who knew his mistakes and could correct them, and gradually reversed the reputation of the Fantastic Four.

And Reed Richards may have decided not to reveal that the Fantastic Four had recovered their superpowers for the time being out of reasons to restore his reputation, or because he didn't want to attract Kraft's attention, and Johnny had no objection to this.

So under Johnny's initiative and sincere apology, and the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s public opinion control behind it, the matter about the Fantastic Four slowly subsided.

But the impact of this incident has not subsided. More and more ordinary people have begun to have different views on superheroes, and many of these ordinary people are still in high positions.

In the official system, many people were dissatisfied with their inability to control the power of superheroes. With the outbreak of the Human Torch incident, they also secretly guided public opinion and wanted to put shackles on superheroes .

However, Nick Fury discovered the clues in time, and calmed down this wave of public opinion before it set off, but the group of people was not completely fruitless. The expansion of the group and the spread of ideas all exist objectively. fact.

It's just that the strength accumulated by this group of opposition groups is not enough to guide public opinion.

So they had to continue to dormant.


"Hahahahaha! We are finally done!"

Unshaven and unkempt Tony Stark stood up from a pile of messy documents and electronic equipment, twisted his stiff joints and laughed.

"It's really not easy..."

Bruce Banner sat on the floor, leaning on a case with a tired face.

In front of the two of them, a brain-like projection composed of countless blue dots of light was floating in the center of the room, and from time to time, tiny electric lights swam through this peculiar brain.

This is the core of thinking that Tony Stark created for the Ultron Project. It not only copied Jarvis' logic template, but Stark and Bruce also uploaded their own brainwaves to it.

It can be said that this brand new intelligent life not only possesses powerful computing power, but also has the wisdom not to lose to Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

"After having Ultron, I just need to continue to design stronger steel guards. All crimes, disaster relief, and even quelling wars can be done by him!"

Tony Stark announced loudly excitedly, even if only Bruce Banner was present at this time.

"Happy to serve you, sir."

A voice completely different from Jarvis's responded.

"Then you have to let the whole world recognize your law enforcement power first."

Bruce Banner took off his glasses, wiped the lenses with the corner of his clothes, and splashed cold water on them.

"Uh... At least those countries that are willing to involve S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers should be fine."

"I think it's best to communicate with Nick Fury first," Dr. Banner continued to pour cold water on him. "After all, it's better to leave this kind of international issue to professionals like them."

"Um... well..."

Tony Stark rubbed his chin and thought about it. Although he wanted to let it go once and for all, he had to admit that Dr. Banner had a point

"Then I'll discuss it with Nick Fury tomorrow..."

Tony Stark stretched his waist. He has been working all night recently. After relaxing, he can't stop feeling tired at all. He must take a good rest first.


"I am here, sir."

"For now, you can control the scope of surveillance to the United States first, and the problems of other countries will be discussed later."

"Okay, sir."

"Then, let's start acting now!" Tony Stark clapped his hands excitedly, "It's time for the world to see our genius invention!"

Following Stark's order, countless steel suits and steel guards soared from Stark's warehouse and flew to all directions of the United States.


"Hey, Mr. Robber, good evening? Can you add me to your party?"

Peter Parker was fighting criminals as usual.

"Spider, Spiderman!"

"That's right, it looks like you guys know me too, why don't you just obediently..."


Several Iron Guards suddenly fell from the sky, interrupting Peter Parker who was chatting with the robbers.

"Mr. Stark?"

The little spider touched his head suspiciously. According to Tony Stark's character, he should not be interested in this kind of pettiness.

However, the "Iron Men" in front of them ignored Peter Parker's intentions. They fired electric shock bombs, stunned the robbers who were also at a loss, and immediately jumped into the air and disappeared into the clouds.

"Emmmm...can anyone tell me what just happened?"

Peter Parker looked up at the sky for a long time, and then asked the cooperating New York police through the headset.

"If I'm not mistaken, it seems that Mr. Iron Man just took our job."

The New York police were also in a daze at this time. Unlike Spider-Man, who was only active in Queens, they had received countless reports at this time, all saying that Iron Man suddenly fell from the sky and solved all kinds of troubles.

However, the experience of Spiderman and the New York police is not a special case. Countless "Iron Man" appeared in various places in the United States. They fought crimes, rescued and provided disaster relief.

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