An Unscientific Marvel Scientist

Ninety-six, I, Frank, are not weaker than others in my life!

People from the Demon Gang are exchanging fire with Jin Bing's subordinates.

The residents of Hell's Kitchen expertly shut their doors and windows, took up weapons and hid in their homes to wait out the fighting outside.

I don’t know that this is the first time that gangs have merged today. Since the demon gang invaded Hell’s Kitchen, these gun battles seem to have never stopped. Even the old residents of Hell’s Kitchen feel that this situation is a bit exaggerated. .

Martin Li Ke didn't bother to take care of this. Jin Bin has not yet fully integrated the forces in Hell's Kitchen. If he integrates it, it will be very difficult to take down the territory of Hell's Kitchen. That's why he chose to do this. aggressive way.

In fact, the best time is when the Hand has just been kicked out of Hell's Kitchen, and when Jin He just started to integrate super criminals, but Kraft hadn't found out about Hydra at that time, and Martin had no intention of expanding his power at that time. idea.


A powerful sniper rifle hit Martin Lee's temple. Although under the protection of the negative energy shield, Martin Lee did not suffer any damage, but the powerful impact still made him tilt his head involuntarily. .

"It's you... Bullseye again!"

Under the demon mask, Martin frowned.

In repeated trials, Jin Bing also found a flaw in Mr. Negative's ability. Although his negative energy can be launched remotely, his flexibility is still a bit weak.

Bullseye, Jin Bing's number one thug, is a master of medium and long-range combat. This killer whose real name is Leicester is a natural marksman. He can throw any object in his hand to the target with incredible precision, even Had a miraculous record of killing a target a hundred yards away with a toothpick.

Such a long-distance combat master is perfect for pinning Negative. In the last fight, although Bullseye failed to deal with Mr. Negative, he managed to pin him down, making the Devil Gang's attack useless for the first time. And back.

"Hmph! Go on, I'll leave Bullseye to me!"

Although during this period of time, Negative also captured several gang members with special abilities, but he couldn't trust them. Therefore, although the Demon Gang had a great reputation, the real top combat power was still only Martin Lee.

And if Martin does not go after Bullseye, he must choose to retreat, otherwise he will have to watch his men being called by Bullseye one by one.


Martin produced more than a dozen negative energy spears and projected them towards the bullseye in the distance. Bullseye immediately put away the sniper rifle in his hand, turned over, jumped off the roof, and got into the building below. in the room.

"'s this set again..."

In the last fight, Bullseye found that using buildings to block the field of vision was the best way to contain the negatives, and Martin was really troubled by this combat method. His negative energy weapons had considerable lethality at the physical level. But the destructive power is not so high.

Martin couldn't easily find the bullseye in a pile of obstacles, but he was able to use his talent to throw hidden weapons at Martin from various theoretically impossible angles. layer of negative energy shield.

However, it is impossible to make Martin Lee back down just like this. A faint black mist emanated from the surface of his body, and the skin and clothes on his body quickly changed into black and white, and then he directly smashed through the wall and rushed Go into the building where Bullseye is hiding.

This is also the first time that Martin has turned on the film mode in front of other people after his ability upgrade.

Martin Lee, who entered the negative mode, is the perfect embodiment of Mr. Negative!

"Damn! He didn't use his full strength before!"

Iron Fist, who was hiding on the sidelines, slammed the wall hard.

This is tantamount to a mockery for him who was full of confidence at the beginning but was killed in seconds.

"...Actually...that's a good thing."

Matt was silent for a while and suddenly said: "This shows that Mr. Martin's current dominant personality can communicate normally."

"You still want to talk to him?" Luke Cage rolled his big white eyes, "I know there is friendship between you, but you can't be so arrogant, Matt."

Regarding the situation of Martin Lee, everyone in the Defenders has also analyzed it. It is not a rare case that the personality changes due to the acquisition of special abilities, so it is not difficult to draw similar conclusions.

Matt and Luke both had contact with Mr. Negative in the early days. He was a rather cold and brutal guy. If Mr. Negative was the leader, it was absolutely impossible to let them go just because of Matt’s sake. .

Matt also proposed whether to go directly to Martin Lee to talk about it, but it was opposed by most people. Martin's situation was just their speculation. If the speculation failed, Matt would not go What should I do, it is safer to take down Mr. Negative first and then talk slowly.

"Hmph! If you want me to say, just blow up the whole building while he and Bullseye are in that house now, and it's all done once and for all."

Frank scoffed at the naivete of The Defenders.

"I finally understand why you said that you want to arrest the punisher..."

Hearing Frank's irritable handling again, Colleen Wen couldn't help but touch her friend Misty's arm with her elbow, and complained to her in a low voice.

"Stop deserting! They're coming out soon!"

Misty didn't talk to Colleen, but reminded her.

Inside the building, Bullseye is being chased by Martin Lee in film mode.

After entering the film mode, Martin not only greatly improved various attributes of his body, but also greatly increased the power and speed when casting negative energy, directly catching Bullseye by surprise.

Fortunately, Bullseye is not a vegetarian. Although he was a little flustered, he still managed to hold on. However, as all kinds of obstructions in the building were completely destroyed by the negatives, his condition gradually became dangerous.

"It can't go on like this..."

Bullseye has calculations in mind.

Finding the right opportunity to escape to a new floor, Bullseye threw three special throwing knives at the negative that was chasing him. The flying knives pierced three vital parts of negative at different angles and speeds.

These three throwing knives are of course not worth mentioning to the negatives, but Bullseye didn't intend to rely on this hand to solve the negatives. He chose to fight the negatives in this building because he prepared the backhand.

Bullseye covered his head with his arms, and jumped out of the window next to him with all his strength. Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion sound behind him, and flames and shock waves spewed out of the window behind him, sending the He was sent flying while still in mid-air.


Bullseye, who was blown out, vomited a mouthful of blood, then got up from the ground staggeringly, felt his physical condition, there should be several fractures, his internal organs probably suffered some injuries, and his vision was a little blurred. There was still buzzing in my ears, and I had a bit of a concussion.

If he could not use this backhand who hurt one thousand enemies and self-damaged eight hundred, he still didn't want to use it. After all, Jin Bing now has more and more superpowers under his command. If there is any problem with his body, Jin Bing will not Because the past friendship has taken care of myself.

And not being able to kill himself was unacceptable to Bullseye, a guy addicted to killing.

Therefore, although Bullseye has placed explosives in the building, the power is not particularly strong. Bullseye is actually not very sure whether they can kill the film. Anyway, he made up his mind to leave as soon as possible after detonating the explosives. , as for Jin Bin's territory...

I did my best anyway.

On the side of the Defenders, when the explosives exploded, everyone turned their attention to Frank.

"It's not me!" Frank argued with a dark old face: "If it was me, it wouldn't only have this power!"

Everyone was right when they thought about it. If Frank had placed the explosives, how could the building still be standing there.

"Let's hurry over there, now is the best time to capture the negatives!"

Misty made a decisive decision and rushed over immediately.


"Ahem...I have to find a place to recuperate quickly..."

Bullseye clutched his belly and staggered outside while muttering non-stop, relying on this method to keep himself awake.

"If you are recuperating, our New York Police Department can contact you with a good hospital. What do you think? Bullseye."

Officer Misty came out of the side alley and stopped in front of Bullseye.


Bullseye still wanted to struggle a little bit at this time, he flipped his wrist lightly, and a few poker cards appeared between his fingers.

"If I were you, I would choose to be caught without a fight."

Before Bullseye launched an attack, several figures he was very familiar with appeared one after another behind Misty.

"Okay, okay... I surrender... Remember to prepare a better ward for me, I am seriously injured now."

Bullseye put away the poker in his hand and obediently raised his hands to express his surrender. Anyway, it was not the first time he got into the game, and he only hoped that his boss, Jin, would be able to fish him out like before.

Thinking about it this way, the result is actually not bad?

"Sorry to interrupt, this guy seems to be my prey."

The sound of the negative came from behind Bullseye, and he turned his head to look. The negative was still wearing that vicious demon mask, and his white suit was intact.

" is this possible?!"

Bullseye coughed up another mouthful of blood excitedly, he spent so much effort, he didn't even hurt a single hair in the negative, the reality that was too different from the expectation made Bullseye a little suspicious of life.

How could the film be so strong? !

Of course, Martin's own abilities were not that strong. Although the explosion of that level just now couldn't kill him, it could still cause him a lot of damage. He was able to survive unscathed purely because of the negative suit made by Kraft.

In the face of the black technology from the dream, such a small explosion is naturally not worth mentioning.

But the superheroes of Bullseye and The Defenders don't know that much. They only know that they saw the negative come out unscathed in a violent explosion.

"Should we continue to act as planned?"

Jessica Jones, who was already very afraid of the ability of the film, twitched the corners of her mouth and retreated.

"Why don't you forget it? The previous plan is obviously not suitable for the current situation."

Luke Cage and others were silent. Intellectually speaking, Jessica's words were very reasonable. The negative film's ability had obviously exceeded their expectations. It was obvious that they would continue to fight with him without an effective solution. It is very unwise.

But they have so many superheroes united together, and they have never even fought. It is too unreasonable to take the initiative to avoid them in such a desperate way. Their self-esteem as superheroes makes it difficult for them to retreat.

"Hmph! Is he really that strong? Just try it and you'll know!"

It was Frank who was the most decisive. He raised the machine gun in his hand and pointed it at the film.

"Didn't I say not to make up your own mind?!"

Seeing Frank make a move, although Matt and the others were upset, they could only rush towards the film in cooperation.


Seeing Daredevil and the others swarming up, Martin immediately understood what their plan was, because he had never shown the method of group attack when he was in negative emotional energy before, but just because he didn't use it didn't mean he couldn't... …

Stretching his arms, he created a black shield in front of him to block the bullets fired by Frank, and then Martin slammed his hands in front of him, and the black shield instantly turned into a large cloud of black mist, engulfing the following night Demon Xia and the others were all shrouded in it.

A sense of desperation filled the hearts of Matt and the others in an instant. Although they kept telling themselves to persevere, they still fell to their knees one after another, posing in a posture of bending forward in frustration and starting to shut themselves off.

"I stepped on everyone's ground dirty...Please let me apologize with death..."

"I'm a blind man who can't see anything, living is just a waste of social resources..."

"The world is not worth it..."

In just one meeting, the Defenders was wiped out by Martin Lee, leaving only Frank as a foreign aid who was not recruited.

Although I have heard people from the Defenders talk about the ability of negatives, but seeing this kind of scene that makes people kneel directly, even Frank felt a little guilty, but he quickly got rid of this weak feeling idea.

He, Frank Castor, is not like these so-called superheroes, how could he be defeated by mere negative emotions after many battles!

"Damn the negatives! I'm not afraid of any negative emotions!"

Frank picked up the weapon in his hand, growled and pulled the trigger at Martin Lee.

Ordinary firearms did not pose any threat to Martin at all. Even Frank's heavy firepower was just a little extra effort. As a black air penetrated into Frank's body, the tough guy burst into tears.


Frank cried out the name of his dead wife, but he did not lose his combat effectiveness like the others. Instead, he continued to shoot at Martin with a gun while exchanging tears.


At this time, Martin really admired Frank. He was the first person who could maintain his combat effectiveness despite his negative emotions.

Just when he was about to test other emotions on Frank, a pillar of light suddenly appeared in the distance, and then opened a huge hole in the sky. Martin could vaguely see countless small black spots flying out of it. .

Martin felt quite familiar, and Thor had a similar scene when he was in New Mexico before.

"Could it be that some other god has come to the earth?"

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