"The battle time is limited to 30 minutes. This time we are dispatched urgently, and we don't carry much equipment, so we can't spread it out for frontal combat." Ian pulled all the senior commanders in the fleet on the bridge and opened a brief combat meeting. "Determine the location of the mission target, snatch the people out, and then we will withdraw. Annihilate all enemies blocking the way, understand?"


"Kycilia, you are in command of the fleet, Smith, let's go down."

Ian and Smith wore full-body power armor made of Mandalorian steel, and boarded the LAAT aerial gunship imported from the Kuat Power Shipyard. There was also a standard Marine squad in the gunboat, and 8 people also wore Mandalorian steel. Armored clone marines.

"There are still 5... 4... 3... 2... away from the speed of light, and the marines are dispatched."

150 aerial gunboats carrying 1,202 combat personnel, under the cover of 300 killer whale fighter jets, rushed directly to the place where Anni's current signal was broadcast - the Geonosis Arena.

"Annie, I beg you to be a human being. You won't be able to get through being tricked by monkeys in the arena, right?" After getting out of FTL, the reconnaissance plane that set off first determined the coordinates of Annie's location. At the same time, 3 minutes ago , a reconnaissance plane captured footage of two Jedi Knights chained to a pole. "But what's wrong with these people? Why don't the prisoners of the Jedi Knights be executed quickly... Waiting for someone to rescue them?"

The gunboat group has completed the orbital airborne and is entering at ultra-low altitude and high speed. At this time, 15 minutes have passed. No one came to intercept it at all.

"Sir, there may be traps ahead, the road is too quiet." The clone commander in the gunboat guessed.

"Who knows. Maybe it's just poor orbital defenses."

"Ian, the fleet has detected a radar signal, and we have been spotted."

"It took 15 minutes to find us..." Ian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Remember to remind me when you go back, it's too embarrassing to have a complete orbital defense system, and it's too embarrassing to be robbed and not be able to find out."

"There is still 1 kilometer to the target location, ETA is 30 seconds." The driver reported, and at the same time, the explosion-proof door of the cabin was closed, and the lights in the cabin turned red.

"30 seconds, check the equipment, load the weapon, and disarm the safety."

"Warning, 8 Destroyer battle robots are confirmed in the arena."

"Both of you AG14 and AG33 step forward, prepare heavy laser cannons, you two of AG98 and AG65, prepare multiple rocket launchers. The rest of you are in regular configuration." The clone commander ordered, and the 4 clone soldiers nodded to express their understanding , the armed arm on the back is unlocked, ready to shoot. The rest of the soldiers, after confirming that the safety of the dual-mounted explosive assault rifles fixed on their arms, were released, they were ready to fight.

"Ian, the enemy fleet has entered the field, 3 Disobedient-class destroyers and 4 Generosity-class frigates."

"A firefight? A confrontation."

"...the robot probably won't be able to get to the point of confrontation."


"Confirm the target and prepare to land at 3...2...the hatch opens and lands."

The moment he opened the hatch, Ian saw Qui-Gon and Annie riding a large creature in the center of the field, with tired and unloving faces.

The 12 gunboats landed forcefully, and the soldiers in the carrying compartment opened fire at the moment the hatch door was opened, destroying all the Destroyer robots first. Then use a dense rain of blast energy beams to suppress the attacking Geonosian soldiers.

Annie and Qui-Gon jumped off the large creature and onto the gunboat where Ian was.

"The mission goal is guaranteed, all take off."

12 gunboats that landed on the field and 60 gunboats that landed outside the field rose up after recovering the personnel.

150 gunboats and 300 fighter jets went to the confluence point of the fleet without looking back.

"The enemy ship fired, it has been recorded, and our counterattack has begun." The clone captain confirmed the enemy ship's fire.

The five huge turrets on the front of the Nibelungen class began to rotate, aimed at the enemy fleet, and then opened fire.

The beams emitted by the 10 super-heavy laser cannons on the front of the Nibelungen class penetrated the shield of the Defiant-class destroyer, melted the armor, and then exploded while penetrating through the reactor. The three destroyers were hit almost simultaneously. The reactor exploded, and then the hull was blown into two sections.

The four Generosity-class frigates maintained their frontal deflection shields under the diffusion of the heavy turbolaser cannons of the Enterprise-class and Nibelungen-class.

On Ian's side, 4 Enterprise-class ships were hit by the enemy ship's super-heavy laser cannon, and they exploded and sank directly.

"The gunboat is speeding up to recover, the enemy's main fleet is approaching!"

"The gunboat recovery is complete, retreat." The last gunboat can be said to have hit the floor. Less than a second later, the fleet began to evacuate in an orderly manner, entering superluminal voyage.

Ten seconds after the last ship in Ian's fleet went FTL. A huge fleet including 6 large battleships improved from robot control ships, 4 Providence-class destroyers, 10 Disobedient-class destroyers and more than 30 Generosity-class frigates jumped into the orbit of the planet Geonosis.

And this scene was captured by the spy satellite that Ian left in place.

"Damn it...it's so dangerous." Ian was in a cold sweat looking at the huge fleet. "Tell me, why were you arrested?"

Smith helps Qui-Gon and Annie remove the Force Inhibitors attached to their arms.

"The two of us are on the trail of Count Dooku, a fallen Jedi Knight who was the instigator of the recent independence movement in the Outer Rim. Following his ship, we came here. We found the Trade Federation and Industry The federation, the banking federation, these large merchant organizations have formed an alliance, and they will integrate each other's resources and carry out separatist movements, and they want to eventually establish a galactic empire." Qui-Gon replied with his wrists moving, that the force suppressor was too heavy.

"Then we were ambushed not long after. More than 1,000 battle robots besieged us. Earl Dooku and that Darth Maul attacked us together. We were captured by mistake." Annie tied up her hair and began to move her wrists .

"We need to report to the Council of Elders and the Speaker. We found a robot factory there, and hundreds of millions of combat robots were produced. I have reason to believe that the separatist forces are preparing for a war." Qui-Gon moved his wrist and recovered He usually stands upright.

"I need to go back to Naboo first and set up a defensive line to prevent the Trade Alliance from coming. In Naboo, you can transfer to the Enterprise Class and return to Coruscant."

In less than an hour, the fleet arrived at Naboo. Annie only came to have a conversation with his own mother, and then hurriedly embarked on the journey back to Coruscant.

"How's the situation?" Padmé contacted immediately after the fleet returned.

"The enemy is powerful, but some will fight." Ian returned to the bridge. "I hope that Naboo can consider building planetary shields and orbital defense facilities during this extraordinary period. It will be used to prevent the enemy from infiltrating small groups of troops in Naboo to destroy them."

"What's the reason?"

"My commando didn't have any interceptors to attack me until the hostages were taken. The whole combat strength went from escaping from the speed of light to sailing at the speed of light again. It took 34 minutes, and the enemy patrol fleet did not come forward until the 16th minute. Come and intercept our fleet."

"I see. I will convince the Governor."

"Ian, I don't think we need to continue producing enterprise-level products." Kycilia walked over. "It's too brittle. Even if the most efficient shield generator is installed, a reactor as large as possible can be stuffed in if the volume permits. However, in the face of a super-heavy laser cannon, one shot will be sunk. In the face of a heavy turbo laser cannon, if it is hit by 19 rounds within 5 seconds, the shield will collapse, then about 5 rounds will lose its combat effectiveness, and about 7 rounds will explode and sink. At the conventional combat distance of 1 light second, a Generosity-class A salvo of side laser cannons can directly sink it."

"Well, go all out to produce the Nibelungen, and find a way to fool the blueprints of the Cheer-class and Predator-class, we need to prepare for large-scale ground combat."

The next day, Ian contacted Queen Naboo privately.

"I'm going to build a secret production line."


"The Outer Rim Galaxy, a barren solar system that appears to be an abandoned mineral galaxy left over from the era of the Old Republic."

"How much do you plan to expand the army?"

"On the bright side, there are 30 Nibelungen-class ships, 60 Enterprise-class ships, and several auxiliary ships. In secret, let's save 100 Nibelungen-class ships first."

"Do you think these troops are enough to keep Naboo away from the flames of war?"

"Almost. Considering Naboo's geographical location, the separatists should give up attacking Naboo."

Three days later, the trade alliance sent a protest document through the Republic Congress channel, condemning the Nabu Anaheim Electronic Industry Guard for violating the sovereignty of Geonosis without reason. The council asked Anaheim Electronics CEO Ian to defend himself at the Coruscant Council.

"Mr. Ian Vasti, do you have anything to say about the trade union's complaint?" The new speaker Palpatine looked solemn, with a mmp in his heart.

"I'm going to save my son, do you have any opinion?"

"We can exchange hostages through diplomatic channels. You are purely an act of war! You are destroying the internal relations of the member states of the Republic!"

"However, according to the battlefield recorder, our side has always been on the side of passive counterattack. You have neither communicated nor deterred shooting, but directly shelled. As a result, four of our frigates were sunk in an instant, thousands of people The crew was killed. We had to fight back in self-defense.

In the execution ground, we only actively attacked 8 combat robots. The rest are all counterattacks in self-defense. If you can't beat those eight robots, I will compensate you. "

"You!" The trade union representative was furious.

In the end, the trade alliance's protests came to nothing, because according to the video data, Ian's fleet was indeed attacked and suffered losses before firing back.

After the speaker criticized a few words without pain, the parliament moved on to the next topic.

"You mean, a factory producing combat robots was discovered on Geonosis?" Master Yoda raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, Master, after we discovered this, we were captured." Kui Gang clapped his hands. "We also had attacks from Count Dooku and Sith warriors there. I think the fallen Jedi and the Sith have joined forces.

In addition, I have also seen that organizations such as the Trade Union, the Technology Union, and the Bank Federation have formed alliances. They formed an organization called the Federation of Independent Galaxies. They decided to launch an anti-Republic movement across the galaxy. Hundreds of galaxies have secretly signed agreement. "

"This is not good news." Master Yoda bowed his head in thought for a while. "Darkness envelops the Milky Way, and I can't see very far."

"Master Windu, it's been 7 years, have you confirmed the identity of Master Sith?" Yoda turned his head to look at the marinated egg aside.

"The candidate has been confirmed among the three." Master Windu sat upright. "The whereabouts of two people are unknown, and the identity of one person is too prominent to be tested."


"Chairman Palpatine."

"Finally you found it." Master Yoda breathed a sigh of relief. Then jumped off the seat, took out a small memory from under the seat, and threw it to Master Windu. "There are three movies here, the Star Wars prequel trilogy, go back and watch."

"When did you know?"

"The day I got the information Ian gave us.

"... No wonder I have always had an ominous premonition." Heitan bowed his head and sighed. "I thought it would be dangerous if there were too many secrets involved in this matter. It turns out that you already knew it..."

"What are you going to do with this Sith master?"

"Let him work as the speaker. The galaxy needs an iron-fisted leader. At least until now, he has done a good job in fighting corruption and promoting integrity. He has done a good job in education reform. The biggest cancer in the Republic is the Trade Union. These financial oligarchs, it seems that he also has related solutions, they lead the galaxy to glory, no matter if he is a Sith or not." Yoda looked at Master Windu with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid..." Master Windu was still very concerned about the fact that Sith was in power.

"He is alone, and he will bring an apprentice with him, and a small number of dark Jedi, Sith assassins. Can he beat us?" Yoda is very confident in himself who has achieved the balance of the force.

"The Sith have also mastered the balance of the Force," Qui-Gon interjected. "The strength of that Sith Lord is much stronger than seven years ago, and there are signs of light force in his body."

"I read that the Sith are keeping pace with the development of the times... Where did they find the literature on the way of balance?" Master Windu sighed.

"The Sith inheritance is much more complete than that of the Jedi. According to the Sith Lord, the Sith warriors have never cut off the inheritance. A large number of Sith supporters live in unknown airspace, maintaining the Sith inheritance and developing new technologies. "

"Unknown airspace?"

"According to him, there are several hidden wandering planets outside the Milky Way or in some difficult-to-explore regions of the Milky Way. Sith's legacy civilization lives on those planets."

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