An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 279 The Milky Way is Really Vibrant


The Ministry of Consolidation has entered its third year of steady development...

Battleships below the Battleship class and Star Destroyer class of the Consolidation Department are launched at a rate of dozens of ships per month, and the Titan ship is under construction in an orderly manner.

But universe exploration, especially the Yamato universe, the Star Trek universe and the Star Wars universe.

For the latter two, due to unknown reasons, there is severe space turbulence in the outer reaches of the Milky Way, and neither curvature navigation, artificial wormholes, hyperspace navigation nor Iskandar's WARP navigation method can break through.

Even the Iskandar Gold Fleet, which is full of black technology, will be torn apart by space turbulence.

Although everyone has one or two undeveloped universes in their hands, everyone is still very interested in other galaxies in their own universe.

And the latter...

Found four waves of things that don't look easy to mess with in the Milky Way...

The first wave is an unmanned fleet hidden in some dust lanes of the Milky Way, or... it should be a fleet of some kind of mechanical ascension civilization. Quantity... too dense to count. Only the brain of the opposing member is a biological tissue, and the other parts are all machines... and they also showed a desire for human flesh and blood, as if they wanted to return to the flesh.

The Exploration Fleet of Melas tried to contact each other, but the result was...

Thirty-seven soldiers from Mirlas were killed. After the exploration fleet evacuated from the dust cloud, the unmanned fleet ceased its activities.

The first wave is an organization that calls itself the Alliance of Interstellar Nations. Its foreign policy is neutral and xenophobic. The first contact is quite unpleasant.

When you come up, you will be arrogantly ordered to join the Interstellar Alliance, and hand over the command of the army to be managed by them.

It wasn't until the Consolidation Department and Microlas jumped over ten full fleets that they realized how to talk properly.

According to Aquarius, the high-level executive of the Interstellar National Alliance has the smell of a subspace creature, but it still smells of life extended from the Aquarius life seed. The space beings then come out to cause trouble.

There is another wave, that is, the Pola Federation, whose pure land is so vast that it is close to half of the Milky Way. Although its territory is vast and its technology is advanced, it has begun to look like a fallen empire... The speed of new technology development is not as fast as the old technology is forgotten. The entire country is conservative and neutral, and he doesn't want to join the Consolidation Department, and he doesn't want the Consolidation Department to contact him. He just exchanged communication codes and language packs and stopped contacting him.

The last wave of...the found on the other side of the galaxy

The largest long axis is 150 kilometers. The upper part of the body is a dark reddish-brown egg-shaped, layered carapace like tiles. The body has more than 300 large ellipsoidal bulges, and the lower part of the body is a relatively soft carapace similar to that of a beetle. Under the carapace grow hundreds of tentacles that are 3 kilometers to 400 kilometers long and 8 meters to 900 meters thick.

The smaller ones range from 300 meters to 30 kilometers, and small individuals of about 20 meters have also been observed, responsible for recovering gravel. It is speculated that it also has the role of a part-time carrier-based aircraft.

Not counting the carrier aircraft class, the total number of bug ships reached nearly 5,000.

When the Exploration Fleet accidentally jumped on their faces, both sides took a big jump, and then the high-energy laser fired from the bug ship directly smashed through the shield of the Jaeger Kai. It sank within a minute. Only less than 30 battle robots escaped in lifeboats and shuttles, bringing back valuable video data.

Afterwards, the General Administration urgently dispatched twelve scout ships and hundreds of scout probes to monitor the bug swarm in an all-round way.

After reading the materials, Disla silently put down his cherished red wine glass, and the elegant and ruthless smile on his face could no longer be held back. After three days of analysis with his generals in the conference room, Disla, who smelled of cigarettes, Coming out of the conference room, she returned to her bedroom in a very lonely state.

If you don't fight for the future like this, the Cryptolas star will explode, and the purebred Cryptolas will perish.

Try to transform the earth, the Yamato will call over, step down by itself, and repeat the previous point.

If you resurrect yourself, Gatlantis will call. If you are lucky, Gatlantis will bomb if Microlas does not blow up. If you are not lucky, Gatlantis will bomb and Gatlantis will bomb.

If he is resurrected again, the Dark Star Cluster Empire will attack, and Milas will explode.

And then it's gone...

Now, here comes the Concord, and three Neovarreras (capital of the Megalas Empire) are being reformed in three different solar systems. The engineering team even has spare capacity to build a small star ring to provide clean energy to New Barreras. The survival of Cryptolas is expected.

However, problems have also been put on the table. A star alliance that is difficult to fight because it has upgraded to a different-dimensional life form behind it, an autistic empire that cannot be defeated, and a mechanical empire that wants human flesh. Wherever you eat it, it's a bug that thieves can beat.

Swiping and dragging on the star map, plus the control area of ​​Gatlantis... The galaxy has been divided up by these big guys.

Well... Psychic ascension, mechanical ascension, genetic ascension, fallen empires are all here.

Not to mention Disra... Many civilized circles feel overwhelmed when they see this kind of big bug. What are the characteristics of the bug...?

There are so many... Generally speaking, when you see a bug, there are at least two hundred identical ones running around where you can't see it.

In other words... 200,000 bugs that are bigger than destroyers are hanging around, dear, and bugs that are two kilometers long have more firepower than a hunter-class star destroyer.

Apart from the Ministry of Consolidation and the Galactic Republic, only Iskandar is equipped with weapons to deal with such a large-scale thing.

What? You said that Picard blew up a planet with the antineutrons in the steering disk? Sorry it just exploded on the surface thank you... the planet is still there.

Discovering this kind of thing means that everyone has to prepare for a big explosion...

The world of Macross is okay, after all, there are quasi-star-destroying weapons such as the Macross Cannon, and the technicians of the UC World next door who are fighting each other in the Federation almost cried aloud. This kind of thing with a length of more than 100 kilometers cannot be beaten at all.

"So how do you... collapse the hole and run away?" One night, the Yi'an family was discussing during dinner. "If there is no one, just run away. How are the trillions of people in the three galaxies running away? Now the largest troop carrier is the Hurricane-class assault landing ship, which can carry 300,000 people in extreme conditions. Is it possible? Do we have to build 10 million cheerers to pull people away...With those 10 million cheerers, another 200,000 can run over them."

"So, either the swarms show their aggressiveness and destroy them, or wait until our fleet is in place, contact them, and destroy them if there is no way to communicate."

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