An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 281 Arranging Guns

"Please join the super-large vajra battleship to the dreadnought array, what? Which is the super-large battleship? The biggest one!"

"The Iskandar wave gun fleet is organized into the battleship platoon, please move to the c9 area."

"The Jenogood class is incorporated into the battleship guerrilla fleet, please move to the X17 area."

"The federal battleship of the Bola Federation is organized into the cruiser formation, please act according to the instructions assigned by the command line."

"The WARP barrier position is functioning normally."

"Gravity well, the delivery is normal."

"The FOLD fault generator is functioning normally."

"The swarm is still trying to navigate in hyperspace, and is now heading towards us on a regular basis. It is expected to enter the range of our flagship weapon in six hours."

"Sea Fog Fleet, incorporated into the safari force, go to the X4 area to stand by."


Various orders were delivered in an orderly manner in the command line of the joint fleet.

This time, the only ones who can spare their hands to help here are the vajra swarms that are too large to be counted by themselves, and the Federation of the 00 world that has been developing steadily. Most of the other civilizations just sent out a fleet or two as observers. ,because……

They were all held back by the hostile forces within their respective forces...

The main fleet is all local forces.

Such as Melas, Iskandar, Bora Federation and SUS (Interstellar State Union)

As for the hostile Dark Star Cluster Empire and the uncontrollable Gatlantis, everyone took the time to shoot a bunch of probe posts at the edge of the space they controlled to prevent them from coming out to cause trouble without knowing it.

"Swarm Front is about to come into range."

"Everyone, the war is about to begin."

"Since they entered the Milky Way, the war has broken out." Everyone here has seen the tragedy of the Andromeda Galaxy, and if they don't want to be eaten up by the swarm, the only way is to wipe out the swarm here.

"Then, let's go to the command hall."

A group of top military officers from various civilizations came to the command hall located in the center of the Titan dedicated to command support.

There are thousands of CIC correspondents sitting in the command hall used to accommodate the Joint Command, which are used to contact the combat units below.

Looking at the dense swarm of insects captured by the ultra-distance telescope, everyone showed a certain degree of discomfort.

Since the swarm was discovered more than five years ago, the number of swarms has continued to increase.

And it is confirmed that the bug swarm not only splits the planet to reproduce locally, but also continuously jumps in reinforcements from outside the galaxy.

Now there are three large individuals of the 160-kilometer class, the total number of medium-sized individuals of 8-16 kilometers exceeds 10,000, and the number of small individuals below the kilometer class exceeds one million. As for the smaller bugs of the size of carrier-based aircraft... Statistical algorithms say they are too lazy to count. It directly shows a "huge amount."

As for why he didn't fight before... because the big bombs in his hand were not enough, and it would be impossible to beat them if he forced himself to do so.

"The bombardment formation is launched, and the "platoon" advances. Titan ships and dreadnoughts are facing the ground on the port side, ready for bombardment."

"All ships, defend against flashes and electromagnetic radiation."

"The Fourteenth Aviation Division is on standby in the c7 area."

"The battleships of the heavy cruiser class and below before the second battle line retreat to the second battle line. Taking the Titan class as the level, the ships above the level rise 1500 kilometers, and vice versa descend 1500 kilometers."

"Row the guns, the capacitor is loaded and ready to shoot."

"Prepare the heat sink."

"The fleet data link is stable and powerful, and the coordinate entry begins."

The huge hulls of the dreadnought ship and the titan ship slowly rotated, and the huge turrets slowly rotated, aiming at the approaching insect swarm. And battleships and battlecruisers, ships equipped with wave cannons or "spear" super laser cannons slowly advanced, and were included in the firing position of the platoon.

"The Herald of the Swarm has crossed the first cordon."

"The battle begins." The hall was silent for a moment.

"The order is received, and the battle of the ships begins. The first wave of the "platoon" spreads the wave guns and fires."

After a short charge, the ten triple-mounted triple-mounted wave cannons on the three Titans, the six double-mounted standard wave cannons on the dreadnought, the double-mounted wave cannons equipped on the bow of the battleship, and the standard wave cannons equipped on the battlecruiser Cannon colleagues fired a blue ultra-coarse beam. The beams rushed into the hinterland of the swarm, smashing all the wormships along the way.

Then, in the hinterland of the swarm's vanguard fleet, the wave beams exploded, and each beam turned into countless smaller beams, strafing randomly in all directions.

"The current phase-induced wave cannon is not a complete body. It can only be shot into the enemy's formation and then exploded, shooting randomly in a 360-degree spherical shape. Our expectation is that, like a shotgun, one muzzle can shoot a cone-shaped killing range. I am not aiming at the current spherical killing.

On the one hand, the firepower is not dense enough to cover the enemy, and on the other hand, it cannot support teammates. Can not control. If you use this one shot, your own people may also be sunk by the way.

However, if the wave beam can accurately hit the enemy ship and explode inside the enemy ship, it can produce unexpected effects. "Linda was holding a tablet computer and doing a live weapon evaluation.

On the screen, a diffuse wave cannon fired by a battlecruiser that exploded inside the 16-kilometer bug ship directly blew up the bug ship and killed it on the spot. Under normal conditions, this diffuse wave cannon can only hit a bug ship of this size to the middle, and the hull is blasted into a large hole several hundred meters wide.

"The vanguard of the swarm, the small individuals below a kilometer are almost wiped out, and the large ones are severely damaged, but they are accelerating their charge."

"Charging?" Ian pursed his lips, which was not a good sign. Because this kind of behavior of rushing forward in the face of death threat does not conform to the law of biological survival.

Just like a human will withdraw his hand when his finger is pricked, and an insect will fly away when he is frightened, all threatened creatures will instinctively stay away from the threat.

Emmmm... Except for the silly roe deer... The silly roe deer will run away when threatened, but if the threat does not catch up, this guy will jump back to see why the threat did not catch up, and his companion will stay where he is when he is knocked down Observe and think about eating melons instead of running away...

So the silly roe deer is already endangered by strength...

But your stuff is different... the first time you counter-instinct, it proves that this guy is under control.

For example, pick out good brothers with 50 yuan of residual blood to seduce the baneling or something.

"The second wave of the "platoon", roll call and fire."

The triple-mounted "Lance" super laser cannons equipped on the other two Titans started the energy conversion process. At the same time, hundreds of other battleships also equipped with "Lance" super laser cannons as shaft guns also began to charge the shaft guns. . Afterwards, hundreds of blue wave cannon beams mixed with a purple wave cannon (disla bubble) and a dozen pink heavy particle cannons fired by super-large bugships fired at the gradually accelerating insect swarm.

Then, hundreds of red particle beams shot out from the muzzle, and the turbulent "magic energy" broke through the hyperspace, and the last shot came first, hitting the target bugship first at a speed that was superluminal in a macroscopic view.

Most of the bugships were blown to pieces, but some survived...

The medium-sized individual whose carapace was covered with dark red lines burned by the diffusion wave cannon rushed out of the wreckage belt with its teeth and claws, and the sharp psionic scream swept across the entire universe.

"This bug is really tough... Guerrilla fleet, go and clear the bug ships that slipped through the net, and hunt and kill them freely." In the fleet, battleships and battlecruisers with rapid-fire large-caliber electromagnetic guns as shaft guns were escorted by heavy cruisers. Fire up your thrusters to meet the tentacled swarm.

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