An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 385 Changing Timeline

"Kanalia! The passage is open!" Ozma emptied the missiles carried in the FAST PACK of his VF-29. Clear out the enemies near a commanding height on a nearby ground.

"Understood, the Rabbit One bombardment has started, and those who don't want to die disappear from my vision!" The VB-6E super monster king driven by Kanalia transformed into a bombardment posture, and landed heavily on this commanding height.

Then, four 406mm guns loaded with tactical hydrogen bombs aimed at the four points with the most enemy aircraft and fired four tactical hydrogen bombs.

Four huge fireballs with a radius of more than one kilometer appeared accompanied by strong flashes, EMP and shock waves, and directly wiped out one-third of the enemy's light self-discipline weapons.

"Oh, the reaction weapon is really easy to use in the atmosphere." Dai Senyong pushed up the sun visor that was used to defend against the flash. "In this way, the number of enemies is not a problem!"

"The enemy's formation has completely collapsed, the whole machine, Plant Dance! Advance to the target ruins in one breath!" Fuka threw away the empty missile bay, spent a circle in the air, and charged at full speed. Behind him, is the rest of the All-Star team.

"The enemy array is defeated! Leon Sakaki! It's your turn! Break into the ruins and rescue your sister!" Ozma and Dai Senyong formed a temporary two-plane formation to cover Leon Sakaki's VF-50.

"Alter and Brera are traveling together, and we will maintain the line of defense here." The two-plane formation of Max and Miria blocked the enemies swarming like zombies on the other side.

"The "All-Star" team arrived at the sky above the ruins. Second Lieutenant Leon Sakaki, Lieutenant Colonel Brera, and Major Saotome entered the ruins."

"Enemy reinforcements are approaching, the number of small individuals is 300, and the number of large self-discipline weapons is 65. The air force is surrounded." CIC broadcast report.

"Understood, the fleet is moving forward and providing direct fire cover to the friendly troops. The air force covered by the fleet directly reinforces the frontline troops." Ian checked the combat power distribution map and found that the ammunition consumption of the variable fighter jet was too fast. Although the whole machine is equipped with FAST PACK, the mini-missiles have more than 400 rounds of ammunition.

Heavy particle machine guns and heavy particle machine guns also deliberately carry extra energy magazines.

However, the frontline, especially the All-Star team's body ammunition has dropped to a dangerous level.

"QUARTER?" Michelle shot down two small autonomous entities, and looked at the fleet pouring firepower on the autonomous weapons group.

"The airframes that need to be replenished will return to the ship for replenishment. I will attack to temporarily suppress the enemy. Captain Glover, the fleet command is in your hands."

"Understood." Bruno J. Glover, the captain of SDF-1, lit his pipe and took a deep breath. His face was illuminated by the self-discipline weapon that exploded outside the bridge.

When she heard the news that Ian was going to attack, Shirley Lou, who was singing on the FOLD crystal stage under the Macross Quarter bridge, looked up at Ian.

"What body are you going to use?"

"Of course I used the IS's too deadly to use the VF-0 in this situation." Ian was running inside the ship, he couldn't just blow a hole in the bridge of the ship and force it out... Not Symphonic Psalms.

"Jianyu Thunder God? Well, I'll add a buff to you later." Xue Lilu hung up the communication after finishing speaking.

"??" Aren't you singing to add BUFF to us? Ian was confused.

However, he still rushed to the flight deck and rushed to the catapult.

There's a lot going on on the flight deck right now.

The fastest missiles, Ozma and Dyson Yong, have forcibly landed on the deck, and the ground crew wears the enhanced version of EX-GEAR. Two or three people carry the missiles and backpack components for the two VF-29s. supply.

The BattleDroid troops prepared in the ship also either stand around the hull to replenish firepower, or directly use magnetic soles to forcibly absorb under the hull for defensive operations.

"Jian Yu Leishen, arrived at the catapult, the preparations for takeoff are complete, and the time for takeoff is handed over to Commander Vasti."

"Understood." Ian felt uncomfortable when he heard the sudden change of the BGM.

Because the prelude of this song always feels a bit inconsistent when I hear it here.

But it is very familiar, which is very tangled...

"Ian Vasti, Jian Yu Lei Shen is dispatched." Jian Yu Lei Shen was accelerated by the catapult and lifted off at high speed.


hurt つた

Scarred fingers open the door of dawn

Tomorrow をこの手で选び选ると决たたから

Decided to choose our tomorrow with these hands

Wind よ、今强くこの身に相った焔(ほむら)を枝えて

Now a mighty wind supports this enveloping flame


Mao's singing sounded from Ian's mind in the form of FOLD resonance waves.

"Fucking Flame?" Ian looked back at the bridge stage.

"The machine's exclusive BGM, thank you very much." Shirley showed her thumbs up, showing a hearty and successful smile.

"Then... it's on!" Ian manipulated the machine to cut through the formation of self-discipline weapons in the sky, and then unfolded the daybreak backpack. Nearly a hundred GUN-BIT driven by GN particles were thrown out.

"Hit me!" Quickly locked hundreds of small self-discipline weapons, Ian carried the beam submachine gun and GUN-BIT in both hands and fired together. At the same time, all the missile launch bays in the phase space were called out and all the bullets were fired.

After the launch, Ian and the accompanying BIT group swooped down, rushed into the self-discipline weapon group again, and locked and fought casually.

Anyway, the full screen is full of red and red, and it is almost not afraid of accidentally injuring friendly troops.

For a while, even if all the members of the All-Star Squad except Miria and Max went to supply supplies, the entrance of the ruins was still not breached by the self-discipline weapons group.

"This way we can reach the final stage..." Fujido Ushio blushed and operated some facilities in the ruins.

"Can you put me down first? It's so embarrassing." Aisha was bound by tentacles, her right hand was still controlled by the INPLANT system, she stood expressionlessly, her left hand clasped her right hand vigorously. While Fujido was concentrating on the operation of the equipment, he loosened his control over Aisha for a moment.

Now only the right hand is still executing the command "You kill yourself".

"... Huh?" Fujido was taken aback by this sentence. I'm working on a major issue related to the domination of the entire galaxy, and you only care about your awkward posture? Also, do you know that you have been too lazy to ask yourself why you did this from the beginning to now, and you still took the time to explain yourself, but you didn't even stop yourself?

This makes Todo Ushio, who thinks he is ambitious, but no one understands, is about to explode.

I really want to give a speech...

"This kind of thing doesn't matter anymore... Please let me go, please, I just want to watch (how you died), I will give you the gun, I won't make trouble. Come on!"

"..." Fujido Ushio frowned, ready to block, and then released the control on Aisha.

"I...!" Aisha couldn't stand still for a while, and fell directly. "Alas!!!!!!!"

"What's the matter?" Fujitang said in his heart, what are you doing?

"Legs are numb..." Aisha said pitifully.

"..." This sentence directly made Ushio Fujido want to find a time machine...

It's about the safety of the whole galaxy, you told me your legs are numb?

Still rubbing your legs and rolling all over the floor?

Fujido Ushio frowned and looked at Aisha who was rolling all over the floor, the atmosphere was gone, okay?

Ayesha stood up when her legs were back to normal, and patted the dust off her clothes. Pick up the pistol.

Hmph... Fujido Ushio snorted coldly in his heart, how to use the time-space distortion system in this ruins to defend against bullets after connecting, and then grinning grinningly, he even thought about the action of locking this ignorant little girl into another large training tank up.

Aisha ejected the magazine and threw it aside, pulled the barrel of the gun, and ejected the loaded bullet. He caught the bullet with a wave, then tossed the gun to the other side.

"Just look at it, Commander Fujido, you continue." Aisha threw the bullet aside casually, clapped her hands, found a place that seemed to be of the right height, wiped it twice, and found that there was no dust, Just sat down. Sitting there dignifiedly, he looked at Ushio Todo in a daze.

Aisha just had an idea, this kind of old cunt, if she dared to let herself move freely, there must be a countermeasure. What are you doing resisting, watching him pretend? I don't really need to watch fake ones, I just watch dramas. The group of gods outside made a move, and if this guy can succeed, he will gnaw on this relic.

Fujido Ushio opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to deal with such a non-violent and cooperative hostage.

"Hmph, it's up to you." Fujido went back to operate the relic equipment.

"The central control room is ahead, and the enemy should be inside." Arut looked at the small door at the end of the corridor. "Brera!"

"I know, I will be the vanguard, and you will support." Three variable fighter jets landed in front of the door, and Brera pulled out an 11mm submachine gun and a large folding dagger from the cockpit and jumped out of the cockpit. The remaining two fighter pilots jumped out of the variable fighter jet wearing EX-GEAR for aviation and carrying a 15mm machine gun.

"Alut, break the door!" Brera flashed to the side. Behind him, Arut raised his gun and aimed at the gate. The 50mm metal storm grenade launcher hanging under the gun fired continuously at high speed, and 5 rounds of 50mm door-breaking grenade almost hit the door. It hit the door in an instant.

The door was directly blasted open.

Brera went first, and the remaining two rushed in.

"Fujido Ushio, surrender."

"Heh, you are already late, Galaxy, already under my control!" Fujido Ushio laughed wildly, punching a button.

The entire control room emitted a dazzling light.

"This is the legacy left by the primitive culture, this is..." Fujido stood on a platform with a huge unknown device behind him, with his hands outstretched, embracing the Milky Way.

"Ahem... is it already this time?" The device behind Ushio Fujido suddenly opened his eyes.

"????" A group of people looked at the five-meter-long eyeball in confusion.

"Oh oh oh oh, the melon is here, the melon is here." Aisha was almost dancing, if only she had a watermelon in her hand at this time.

"I am, Keeper." The gigantic device continued to speak.

"After encountering the attack of primitive demons and the rebellion of the Jetra Emperors, the primitive culture has been unable to maintain the stability of its colony in the current time and space, and has withdrawn to our homeland in large areas."

"However, primitive cultures with a vision beyond time do not want to see their artificial weapons - the Jetradi become the scourge of the universe. Therefore, on several planets, especially the planets where humans exist, left VAJRA imitation The intelligent self-discipline weapon and the "Wind Priestess" set up this base after covering up the existence of these planets and retreating hastily.

It was supposed to be in 2060, this base floated up from the causal line on the "Ouroboros Star"... But because a large area of ​​the Consolidation Department entered this universe in 2059, this base was caused by large-scale changes in the time line and the causal line The space-time shock was blown away...

However, I was also free because of this. Using some equipment left by the primitive culture, I read some "snapshots" of the world, and made up the lineup in front of me.

I think it should be able to provide some help to you against the completely rampant Jeterati fleet? "

"And what about this man? And his rhetoric."

"In the original timeline, most of VAJRA left the galaxy under the leadership of the queen, and gave the galaxy to the newly promoted humanoid queen "Orchid Li". Suprematism and the military operation proposition of large-scale covert operations.

Even if you encounter the 5 million-class Jetrati base fleet, the small-scale elite pilots drive high-performance aircraft such as VF-25 equipped with large MDE weapons and a large number of ship-reactive bombs. The stealth destroyer Northampton-class It carried out the execution of the decapitation battle against the Zetrati base fleet.

The Jetra Tiji fleet usually retreats after the fleet flagship sinks due to standard engagement procedures.

Since the first interstellar war, only a half-disabled 100,000-class backbone fleet has stormed human colonies.

This kind of pettiness will not arouse the vigilance of the Jietra emperors at all.

Therefore, the existence of the individual name Mina Faulty is necessary for the communication terminal between Jetra Teijin.

Discovered by SMS, a private military enterprise with a strong sense of social responsibility, cloned, cultivated and deployed SMS branches on various planets and fleets.

In this way, in the future when Shirley Lunom and Orchid Lee retire, the terminal for communicating with Jetra Teijin with the ability to use FOLD waves will become the link between humans and Jetra Teijin.

With the encroachment of a small fleet and a small fleet, sooner or later human beings will live in harmony with the Jetra Emperors. "

"But it's a pity that the Consolidation Department is here."

"Businessmen driving high-performance spaceships to sell goods like the plague, the New United Army, which has received economic and military support from the Ministry of Consolidation, has gradually become tougher, and the large battleships of the seven-kilometer class are not bothering to turn on the active stealth system. Come and go.

A large area of ​​cultural products flowed into the Jetrati fleet. In just 3 years, at least 20 million fleets of the Jetrati fleet completely broke away from the Jetrati fleet’s combat sequence, and chose to be cultural and coexist with mankind. .

Plus two years ago a Jetra Tiki found records documenting the attitudes of primitive cultures towards humans.

It directly raised the vigilance of this group of people, and even directly launched an all-out war..."

The eyelids of the huge eyes (probably...) drooped a bit. As if sighing.

"I was thinking, it was too late for the wind singers to undergo genetic modification, and both of them were a bit old and couldn't sing anymore, as did Basara and Dai Senyong. The passion was still there, but the physical strength couldn't keep up. So give They have a whole young body.

Oh, by the way, Basara and Saranom's mental strength is too great, and I can't pull their consciousness into it alone. However, an interface for the convergence of consciousness has been reserved. After going out, I will preside over the extraction of their consciousness from their old bodies.

Roy Foka, DD Ivanov, these people have good skills, but unfortunately they died, so I directly pulled them out of history. It seems to me that you still lack the command talents to command tens of thousands of warships, so I brought Bree Tai over.


The gigantic contraption chattered about his arrangements...

The corners of Brera's mouth trembled, and he connected to Ian's communication outside calmly.

"Brera? What's the matter? I'm a little busy now..." Ian connected the communication, and there were explosions and gunshots in the background...

"How do you pick up your pot?" Brera's words were terse.

"...Let him stop the self-discipline weapon outside first!" Ian's face was blurred by the missile of the self-discipline weapon. After the explosion smoke burst out, he shouted frantically. "What are you doing so much!!!!"

The replenishment speed of self-discipline weapons is not much slower than the speed of elimination by oneself and others, even if the ammunition and energy reserves of Jianyu Leishen are not enough.

"...Oh, I forgot that the authority of the Self-Disciplinary Defense Corps was stolen by him."

"However, should I remove the outer space-time shield first? It seems that your reinforcements have been outside for a long time..."

"Of course! Please hurry up!" Arut really couldn't stand the slow voice.


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