An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 404 I against myself, gun fighting and magic

When Ian and Tony approached 30 kilometers from the target terrorist base, they began to be greeted by messy anti-aircraft weapons.

For example, the two intercepted several long-range surface-to-air missiles of the S-300 series and the Patriot series just now.

"Tony, are you sure we are attacking the base of terrorists and not the joint secret base of the United States and Russia?" Ian flashed dozens of 57mm anti-aircraft artillery shells, and summoned a 37mm submachine gun to explode the armor in the distant base. The S-1 launches a process surface-to-air missile. "The missile just now is a model used by the US military and the Russian military?"

"If you retreat backwards, you will be chased, so you can only choose to shoot in?" Tony threw out a large number of flame bombs, and then changed the flight trajectory to avoid the missile's interception.

"It's true..." Ian retracted the big eagle backpack, and turned to unfold the IWSP backpack full of missiles, electromagnetic guns, and rapid-fire guns. "Dawn battle mode is activated, the output of the reactor is increased, and the combat shield is activated."

"Battle mode?" Tony vaguely heard a whispered command from the communication line. What are you now? Casual mode?

"The target is locked, the terrorist base ahead, the range is diffuse, and the missile is launched." The 72 small missiles on the backpack detached from the pylon and flew towards the terrorist base 4 kilometers away.

"Missiles? This number? did you change the backpack?" Tony looked at the densely packed missile trails in the distance with the corner of his eyes twitching.

And more, shell trails rising from the ground.

"The battlefield... is this kind of intensive artillery fire?"

"It's usually not so sparse, especially those big countries. Come on." After the explosion in the distance, the anti-aircraft fire stopped for a while. Then, 14.5mm, 20mm, 30mm, 35mm and other large-caliber shells overwhelmingly pressed over. "...Fuck, it's too early to say."

"Phalanx, Armor s1, Sky Shield-AHEAD, Patriot PAC-4, S300... What's going on with this base..." Holding two 37mm submachine guns, Li Dawn slammed to the ground and began to shoot. The 90mm electromagnetic gun on the backpack is also loaded with shotgun shells, and it locks on this bunch of lightly armored targets casually to attack.

"It's amazing...this firepower..." Tony also landed, and attacked the targets one by one with the palm blaster.

But behind him, Li Xiao had a 12.7mm Gatling machine gun on his waist, a 90mm short-barreled electromagnetic gun on his shoulders, and a 37mm submachine gun in his hand, strafing the back of the base against the firepower of the terrorists.

The lightly armored units were blown up one by one, and the terrorists who were still resisting were all directly killed, radially distributed within a few meters.

Those who threw away their guns and decisively surrendered stood where they were almost unscathed.

"Hey, there are tanks on the side!"

Dawn turned around abruptly, and two 90mm armor-piercing shells were pushed into the barrel of the gun. After a brief charge, the two 90mm shells were fired, directly piercing the frontal armor of the T-80 tank, and the ammunition exploded and directly overturned the tank turret .

Five minutes later, the last man with a gun was killed, and Tony Stark turned to look at the horrible scene on Ian's side. Just glanced at it twice, then turned back again. He fell to his knees suddenly, opened his mask and began to vomit.


"There is no reason, this is the battlefield. A hero is a more elite fighter, a more efficient killing machine. This is the true identity of a so-called hero. If you want to influence them, let them go on the right path without killing them alone, That's not a hero, but a Bodhisattva." Ian put away his weapon.


"So, do you want to eliminate terrorists, or keep everyone from being terrorists?"

"Eliminate...don't be..."

"Think about it slowly, anyway, you have plenty of time to think about it." Ian scanned the base again. "...What's going on with such a sickly underground space?"

Ian connected to the communication of the enterprise account. "Support is needed here, type, a company of ODST, an infantry regiment of the Marine Corps, missions, underground man-made space exploration operations."

"Understood, the marines have departed and are expected to arrive in two hours. ODST has been dispatched and is expected to arrive in 15 minutes."

"Let's go." Tony almost vomited, barely getting up from the ground. "Let you see the embarrassing scene."

"Normal, most people who go to the battlefield for the first time will have this kind of reaction." Ian nodded. "let's go."

"It's as if you've been on the battlefield many times..." Tony curled his lips and took off first.

After dawn switched to long-distance flight mode, it also took off.

Not long after, 15 landing modules arrived at the base, and 15 ODSTs quickly occupied and sealed off the base, and began to use the equipment stored in the phase space memory to build a position on the spot and began to search for the entrance of the underground space.

Two hours later, the large transport aircraft group that took off from the African base in Anaheim arrived above the base, and the excavation machinery and a clone trooper with a full infantry regiment began to forcibly block the underground space from the airborne base of the transport aircraft group.

"...Abandoned research facility?" When Ian returned to the Anaheim building, the investigation report from the Infantry Regiment also came out. "Something with a sense of history..."

In the footage sent back by the investigation team, Ian saw something quite punk. For example, the glow light on the timer, such as the old-style lighting wrapped with iron bars, such as densely packed various lines, such as a square display screen of about 10 inches, such as the pipe that is leaking white gas...

In addition, there are some very cyber things, such as transparent test tubes that are more than 3 meters high and one meter thick.

There are also three human beings frozen in the test tube, one with a metal arm, looking at the screen next to them, they seem to be alive.

"Tony is really good at's actually the abandoned base of Hydra? Are those arms made of vibrating gold?" Ian asked the phoenix group to transfer a team of soldiers and doctors to suppress the suspected Winter Soldier The existence of them, by the way, unloaded their arms, and Zhenjin came back to study at the hour.

Speaking of Zhenjin...

"Has Wakanda been found?"

"I found it a long time ago. He has an obvious high-energy reaction on the whole African continent, which is more conspicuous than the lice on the bald head. It's like a hairy crab on the bald head... that's the main government here. The satellite's ability to detect energy intensity is not strong, otherwise this country would have been discovered long ago." The CIC of the Enterprise remarked casually. "Now three enemy tracking support ships and a Jaeger III-class combat aircraft carrier are on standby over that country. Moreover, Wakanda is not far from Anaheim's base in Tanzania. The straight-line distance is about 1,500 kilometers. It takes about thirty minutes to arrive."

"It's only 1,500 kilometers..."

"Well, we always thought that Anaheim chose to establish a base in Tanzania because of that country..."

"Actually, it's because there happens to be a place that is more suitable for building a mass accelerator... But it doesn't matter. It's just a good thing."

"Hello? Tony? Have you finished the investigation of the target funder? After the investigation, I can start an economic war." Before going to bed, Ian called Tony Stark.

"...Ah, about this..."

"The cowhide is blown? Didn't find it."

"No... found it."

"What's the matter?"

"...The largest sponsors of the Ten Rings Gang, ranked by the amount of sponsorship, CIA, land and resources, Lockheed, Stark Industries, Boeing, KGB..."

"...Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Ian always thought that the Ten Rings Gang had at most a part of the CIA background. After all, this guy has been doing trouble on the Chinese border. Didn't he expect that the top five sponsors are all from the United States? Then Tony Stark was caught by this American-sponsored organization when he showed the weapons to the American Army at an overseas test site...

"I know it's getting embarrassing...but there's no need to laugh so loudly, right?"

"Isn't it fun to think about it? In a sense, you were tricked by your own people."

"I the problem is..."

"The problem lies in the fact that countries focus on internal strife instead of focusing on exploring the universe, this new frontier of mankind. Among them, the United States, which was the first to rely on economic harvesting from the world to make a fortune and maintain local prosperity most serious."


"Look up the economic data yourself... The GDI of the United States minus domestic expenditures, minus national welfare, minus military spending, minus messy scientific research projects, etc. A lot of things. Look at the loss of the United States from overseas looting How much wealth does she have left?"


"...forgot that he still has this AI that seems to be supported by a supercomputer..."

"Negative $1.511 trillion."

"...Is it so exaggerated here?" Ian blurted out.

"...It is indeed a bit exaggerated. Does that mean that most of the US economy is based on foreign plunder?"

"...I don't understand this, I just know this thing."

“So, what am I going to do it possible for my own company to make our country’s economy dominated by wealth created here in the United States to reverse this problem?”

"Probably..." Ian didn't know more than he didn't understand, he didn't understand economics at all... At first, he was either a researcher or responsible for the planning of combat equipment, and later he worked as a combatant. The economic system of Heaven and Man is also that the sponsors pay the money, and they wait for others to purchase, and even the sponsors or the sponsoring family directly provide the materials directly. Ian, who has financial problems, has no access to them at all.

Later, when the stall got bigger, it benefited Feng Zi and VEDA's support, and Ian didn't care about the economy.

Later, the Integration Department was established, and immature nano-robot technology was invested in production, and the cost was reduced to a very low level. , a politician who hasn’t appeared in hundreds of chapters in Star Wars and other universes runs a cross-universe electronics company—Anaheim, and Padmé Amidala’s home planet, Naboo, and Gundam 00 World The Earth Federation provided early economic, material and human support to the Consolidation Department.

In the middle, Ian still didn't handle it...

This has led to the fact that Ian's understanding of the economy only comes from the economic views he saw when he was wandering on the Internet in his previous life.


"It seems that your weapons don't do much damage to Herrscher..." Ji Zi jumped to Asuka's side, looking at the three impulsive, or rather impulsive, dying B-rank Valkyrie and the two had to rush. The two B-rank Valkyries who went up punched, kicked, and bombarded the Herrscher.

By the way, these three people actually suppressed the Herrscher for a while.

Seeing it shocked everyone in the Destiny Organization.

"So... are there any secrets about those three people? For example, the three of them are also some kind of final decisive weapon against the gods, a clone of Herrscher or something?" Asuka put away her weapons.

The weapon on my side comes with a 90% damage reduction, and the weapon on my side is a critical strike. Is this lonely?

" is it possible..."

"Oh... there is another question." Asuka pointed her index finger at her chin.

"Ah, please tell me." Ji Zi withdrew her smile of trying to fish in troubled waters.

"The data shows that this Kiyana Kaslana seems to have an ancestral gun fighting technique? And it seems to be her Kaslana family's signature force against the Houkai beast?"

"Yes, gun fighting is indeed the Kaslana family's ancestral fighting style."

"Then why is it called gun fighting technique? That Kiyana Kaslana kicks with her feet most of the time...?" Asuka felt that this move didn't quite match the name.

Like the gun fighting technique in the movie "Tearing Doom", based on precise movement calculations, the attack with the greatest damage can be launched at the position with the least damage. It can shoot to any blind spot around you, increasing the power of the bullet by 20%. . With your own body as the center and the prototype geometry as the plane reference, all the positions around you that can be attacked will be calculated, and every possible attacking direction around the body will be shot, which can be used as both attack and defense.

This kind of fighting technique based on firearms should be called gun fighting technique, right?

You are mostly kicking... It is as nonsensical as it is said that Ian once used a super GN particle cannon to straf the enemy fleet but shouted "Ex-Calibur!!"...

"About this..." Ji Zi was also a little helpless, and waved his hand to indicate that the other S-rank Valkyries could go up and beat Herrscher. "Qiana's father didn't seem to have disappeared without handing over all the gun fighting skills to her. The gun fighting skills she uses now combine what she learned with a large number of fighting skills taught by St. Freya Academy. Kiana's unique gun fighting technique is made from the gun fighting technique."

"Oh I got it."


"Knowledge of magic... If you want me to join your organization as a "combat against magic consultant", if you really show that you can liberate my Amakusa Christianity from the threat of British Puritanism If you come out, I can still consider agreeing to it."

"Hey Kanzaki..."

"But if you want to get enough knowledge from me, I'm sorry I can't do it. I'm not a scholar, and the spells I know are limited to some of the spells used by Christianity that I have come into contact with. If you are eager for knowledge, You need to seize control of Index from the Puritan side, and the 130,000 magic books in Index's mind will be your greatest help."

"Hey God crack!"


"Because Puritanism..."

"No, I'm asking you, why don't you have enough knowledge? Aren't you a top combatant of Puritanism? Magician, shouldn't the more knowledgeable you are, the stronger your fighting power will be?" Rei Ayanami tilted her head, it's like this in the game yes.

"...No, although I am very powerful in combat, I rely more on my "sage" physique. The magic I am familiar with is limited to the commonly used spells like "Seven Flashes". The rest are just good at magic analysis and homework. That's all."

"...I see..." Rei Ayanami rubbed her temples. Although the initial goal seems to be achievable, there seem to be many obstacles in the additional task of collecting most of the magic in this world to establish the magic system of the Consolidation Department...

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