An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 450 Longinus

"..." Sitting in the cockpit in a daze for a moment, Asuka saw Ikari Shinji's M-shaped mouth even with a backlight.

"That should be my line, right!" Asuka took out the survival backpack from the cockpit, put it on her back, and jumped out of the cockpit. "Then why didn't you come to save me on the 3rd machine?"

"That would be too immature~ I don't know how to save you, and I don't have the courage to kill you, so I can only do nothing to escape my responsibility." Shinji Ikari rubbed against Asuka. "So, can I still have time~"

"Are you a child? Hey! Don't rub!"

"I was just a kid~"


On the No. 8 plane, seeing the two people walking towards her tiredly and crookedly, Mary burped out of nowhere.

"Then, go and connect that Lingboli first. With that body, it is impossible to survive in this environment." After standing in the palm of the No. 8 machine again, Ikari Shinji looked at the No. 8 machine. Said the big face to Mary.

"ROGER~uh... By the way, where is she?"

"Huh? EVA's detector can't find her?"

"The density of the nearby L barrier is too high, and the life detector is useless at all. There are a lot of EVA infinity nearby, and the thermal energy detection is not easy to use. Finding someone in this environment is similar to finding a needle in a haystack."

"All right……"

(Ian-san~by-Q version Shinji)

(Don’t listen to bastard chanting scriptures... I’ve become a tool person after co-authoring, right? -by Yi’an)

Having said that, Ian still took over the body again, sensed it, and found Rei Ayanami who was walking slowly.

"In a sense, I really envy this kind of complacency..." Ian was a little envious of the complacent state of the black Ayanami Rei.

"I don't want this kind of complacency based on ignorance." Asuka reached out and pulled Ayanami Rei into EVA's palm. "Is it the initial model of the Limbo series?"

"have no idea."

"Your one-person eyes are much more human than you are now..."

"Speaking of the Limbo series... Asuka, do you have any psychological shadows on clones?"

"It's okay...Although it's a bit burdensome for me to compete with each other until only one of the best Shikami series is left to become an EVA driver, but it's okay."

"Oh, it's okay as you said, so don't worry." Shinji Ikari looked up, and Wunder, who had completed emergency repairs, had come to pick him up.

(I'll leave the rest to you, kid. -by Ian)

(Well, leave it to me.)

Then, Ian was uploaded back to the enterprise number along the brain quantum wave.

"Then, let's prepare for the legion battle. Asuka, Li, and the two-cook ecstasy battle group are fully assembled, and the apostles and Adam Lilith are called over as technical guidance and insurance. In addition, the Giant of Light during the second impact here Has the investigation been clear?"

"It has been confirmed that the subject of the second impact is Lilith, not Adam. Of course, the subject of the third impact is also Lilith. According to the optical data and the research data here, twenty-eight years ago, that is, the second During the impact, Lilith and four Adams appeared in Antarctica, but those four Adams are not the same existence as the Adams we know." Ling Bowei held the information in his hand, his expression was not very good.

"However, Adam here has no research value. Although the remains of the body have been made into a new type of EVA called "Adam's Container", the essence of the soul has changed. Compared with "God", the current Adam is more like an undead. The position of God is blank now, but Unit 1 and Unit 13, who have just awakened, stepped into it with half a foot.

In other words, the problem now lies with "man" rather than "god". "Ikari (Q) added. "In addition, regarding Longinus guns, we seem to have a lot of Longinus guns here. So far we have found five Longinus guns, one Cassie Utz and a semi-finished gun. According to calculations, NERV should have built four ships of the same type as WUNDER as props for launching the fourth impact. "

"Don't worry about the Longinus gun. The value of this thing lies in the symbolic meaning of "has hurt the gods". People are hard to get. For gods or demigods, this thing is a daily necessities. Sometimes Adam cuts vegetables Sometimes, if you accidentally cut your hand, you can turn the kitchen knife into a Longinus gun, and because of this, the couple quarreled a lot, Zhu Xun and the others even prepared a knife factory for their wool." Ian sighed, The Longinus gun is a very useful cold weapon. It can be used as a fruit fork when it is shrunk down, and it can be used as a weapon when it is enlarged.

In the EVA universe, when the apostles started their own civilization revival, Adam and Lilith used a total of 50,000 Longinus guns for EVA and Longinus guns with a total output of over 100 million in order to obtain productivity support from the Consolidation Department. Come in exchange for reinforcements from the Concord Colony Construction Corps.

At first, everyone still felt that it was cheap.

But when they learned how this thing was produced, both Asuka and Ian thought, "Mom, how is the Longinus gun used by EVA produced?

Adam sat on the ground with his chin resting, shirtless.

Lilith pulled the tree from the ground, sharpened one end, and struck Adam.

The tree automatically transforms into a big red spiral fork—Longinus Gun.

Because this tree has the symbolic meaning of "harming the gods", and in the symbolic system of Adam Lilith, the weapon that hurts the gods, no matter what it is, that thing is the Longinus gun.

Because the production process is too weird, Ian and the others even think you might as well tell me that the Longinus gun is an iron fork mass-produced by the Fifth Iron and Steel Factory next door.

When the combat troops of the General Assembly were assembled, Misato and the others of Wille encountered difficulties, because the self-detonation of the No. 2 unit destroyed the No. 9 unit, but caused more than 80% of the No. 2 unit to be vaporized, and WUNDER was destroyed. damage.

Now it is necessary to find a place to collect EVA components to repair the No. 2 machine, and also to find a place to land WUNDER and repair the damaged part of WUNDER.


Not enough spare parts.

After studying the materials from the old era, Ritsuko confirmed two collection locations.

One is the outer edge of the Tokyo metropolitan area, the former site of Daiju Chemical Industry, where there is a prototype of the nuclear fission furnace equipped humanoid walker developed by Daiju Chemical Industry. The other is the fifth branch of NERV in Paris, France, where the EVA series of external equipment is stored. It was originally planned to be prepared for the EVA No. 7 machine produced locally in France.

However, due to the accident of the No. 4 EVA equipped with the S2 mechanism of the North American Second Branch, the construction plan of the No. 7 unit was canceled under the intervention of the French government.


If you blow up the Nevada desert, it will blow up. I am Paris...

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