Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 134 Speeding up technology

When Xingling was undergoing its fifth optimization, Niu Geng asked it to independently select a technology to perform calculations in order to test its capabilities.

And this technology is microbial sewage treatment technology.

Even with Xing Ling's capabilities after five optimizations, it would take more than a thousand days to realize it.

But now that Xingling has gone through the sixth round of optimization, the situation is completely different, and naturally it doesn't need to take such a long time.

What's more.

During this period of time, because Niu Geng has not issued an order to Xingling to stop the calculation, the progress bar of this technology has always been in a forward state, and it has been basically completed today.

Originally, Niu Geng was still thinking about how to deal with this technology, but he didn't expect to use it so quickly.

With the development of society in recent years and the rapid growth of the global economy, more and more people have paid attention to environmental issues.

Start putting environmental protection first.

To this end, a series of restrictive measures have been formulated.

For example, we will close down chemical plants whose wastewater discharge does not meet standards, strictly inspect the working environment at construction sites, and prohibit private logging and cutting.

It is foreseeable that new microbial sewage treatment technology with higher efficiency will have great development prospects.

Think of this.

Niu Geng directly ordered: "Xiaoman, contact this sewage treatment plant and acquire it if possible."


Qin Xiaoman's first reaction when he heard this was surprise.

Although the sewage treatment plant located near Longhu is a private enterprise, it has no acquisition value no matter how you look at it.

If I really want to solve the current water quality problem in Longhu, I can do it with a little money.

Why go out of your way to take down the factory at a higher cost?

And judging from the information in the report, this sewage treatment plant has not been updated in technology and equipment for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a big hole.

Moreover, Xingyuan Technology has never set foot in this field.

As his thoughts were running, Qin Xiaoman subconsciously wanted to remind Niu Geng to take back his decision.

But when the words reached his lips, he suddenly swallowed them.

Because she thought of an important question.

Did Mr. Niu not think of these things that he was worried about?

This is obviously impossible.

Since Mr. Niu made this decision even though he knew that he was going to face these problems, it only means one thing...

Could it be.

Niu always wants to do charity.

As this thought appeared in his mind, Qin Xiaoman suddenly realized.

When Xingyuan Technology was founded, although Niu Geng often talked about making money, everything he did was to serve the public and allow users to enjoy real benefits.

Otherwise, how can we be called a conscientious entrepreneur?

As the foundation of Xingyuan Technology, Jingzhou City definitely hopes that it can have a good ecological environment.

If we simply invest in the treatment of Longhu's polluted water quality, it is difficult to guarantee whether this will happen again in the future, so it is safer to keep the sewage treatment plant in hand.

Since it is for charity, there is no need to consider gains and losses.

Wanting to understand the reason, Qin Xiaoman was filled with admiration and immediately nodded in response: "Don't worry, Mr. Niu, no matter how difficult this matter is, I will definitely get it done and take over this sewage treatment plant." Down."

In this era of information explosion, Qin Xiaoman has seen many operations in which companies that have become prosperous and claim to be doing charity work actually earn fame and attention.

It's not used in practice at all.

With Xingyuan Technology's current influence in the country, if Niu Geng wants to do charity, he can donate money to any place and there will be a lot of news media coverage.

A perfect combination of fame and fortune.

But Niu Geng chose the most troublesome public welfare method of acquiring a sewage treatment plant.

How not to be admired and admired!

But for Niu Geng, he was a little surprised at this time. He couldn't figure out why Qin Xiaoman paid so much attention to such a small thing?

It's just a sewage treatment plant.

If we can't agree on this, we'll find another one. Anyway, there are not many sewage treatment plants in Jingzhou City.

It's quite scary to have a do-or-die attitude.

So he opened his mouth and said: "...Here, just try your best. Don't force yourself too much."

"Mr. Niu, do you need me to invite some news media over?"

Qin Xiaoman did not answer Niu Geng's words, but instead raised a new question.

When Niu Geng heard these words, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said: "No, it's a small decision of the company, and there is no need to make it known to everyone."

He is also planning to wait for the new microbial sewage treatment technology to be put into practical use before cooperating with major factories. If he publicizes it now, he will be accused of not doing his job properly, which is completely unnecessary.

Qin Xiaoman did not force this.

After all, who can resist a boss who does good things without seeking fame or fortune?

Niu Geng's actions will only enhance his great image in his own mind, and then he will work more diligently for the company.

"It's Mr. Niu, then I'll contact the sewage treatment plant first." In response, he immediately turned around and left to carry out the tasks assigned by Niu Geng.

Niu Geng looked at the figure gradually disappearing from the field of vision, shook his head tiredly, and then gave new instructions to Xing Ling: "Xing Ling, bring out the new microbial sewage treatment technology, I want to take a look first."

Although Niu Geng is very confident in Xingling's upgraded technology, he has not personally checked this technology and is not sure about the detailed treatment methods. Since he wants to acquire a sewage treatment plant and get involved in the field of environmental protection, You have to find out how much.

"Okay Mr. Niu Geng."

"Opening page for you..."

There was only Niu Geng in the spacious office. The moment Xing Ling's familiar voice sounded, Niu Geng noticed that a page automatically opened on the computer screen, which contained all the process flows and some core technologies of the new microbial sewage treatment technology.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Geng entered the learning mode and carefully checked these knowledge points that were so impressive.

About half an hour later.

Niu Geng straightened his body and leaned on the chair, his expression a little solemn.

After a rough browse, Niu Geng knew that this new microbial sewage treatment technology requires the establishment of conditions suitable for the survival and reproduction of bacterial colonies. After the bacterial colonies reach a certain scale, the bacterial liquid can be directly added to the sewage pool for treatment. Compared with the current world It is more convenient to adopt mainstream microbial sewage treatment technology.

And when the effect of the bacterial liquid is strong enough, the treated sewage can even reach drinking standards.

Unfortunately, this new microbial sewage treatment technology still has many problems.

For example, the efficiency of bacterial strains will be greatly reduced when faced with some heavy metal sewage, and more bacterial liquid is needed to maintain the effect. As a result, the cost of cultivating bacterial colonies will greatly increase.

more importantly.

In Niu Geng's view, either you don't do something, or if you do it, you must do your best, otherwise it will seem meaningless.

He didn't want to build a sewage treatment plant that could only treat domestic sewage.

When my thoughts came to this point, I couldn't help but secretly think in my heart: "It seems that we still need to use optimization points to speed up this technology. If the delay continues, I am afraid that the fish in Long Lake will die."

Just do it.

Almost in the next second, Niu Geng immediately opened the light curtain and directly purchased 10,000 optimization points.

[You will use the new microbial sewage treatment technology of the optimization point pair for optimization. Once selected, it is irrevocable and the optimization effect is subject to the facts]

Ignore the familiar pop-up prompts and choose to use them all.

Same as the last time I solved the high-end photoresist problem.

In just a few seconds, Niu Geng discovered that the sewage treatment technology on the screen seemed to be alive, copied into his mind in an incomprehensible way, and optimized and upgraded.

Since this was not the first time he encountered this scene, Niu Geng was not surprised at all, so he simply closed his eyes and studied it carefully.

The whole person is very relaxed.

Because he knew that this time the optimization was successful again.

I don’t know how much time passed before Niu Geng finally came back to his senses, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"As expected of the results achieved by 10,000 optimization points, there should be hope of solving the national sewage problem this time." The corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he said to himself confidently.

The optimized microbial sewage treatment technology has more phagocytic bacterial species, and with the support of special culture fluid, it can maximize its capabilities and can treat large areas of sewage with only a small amount of bacterial fluid.

At that time, we only need to continue to provide bacterial liquid to major factories to solve the sewage problem.

It is even possible to transport the bacteria over long distances and sell the bacterial solution to other countries overseas. It is enough to imagine how huge the benefits would be.

You must know that the annual investment of major factories in treating wastewater problems is an astronomical figure.

Now Niu Geng only needs to wait for the company to successfully acquire the sewage treatment plant, and then start to build a living and breeding environment for the bacteria to continuously produce bacterial liquid.

For this optimized microbial sewage treatment technology, Niu Geng also renamed it super microbial sewage treatment technology.

Perhaps Qin Xiaoman really wanted to help Niu Geng complete this low-key charity event, so he paid special attention to the acquisition of the sewage treatment plant and ran there almost every day.

If He Guang hadn't arranged for security personnel to follow her, Niu Geng might not have been able to rest assured.

Fortunately, the final result is quite satisfying.

Xingyuan Technology acquired a private sewage treatment plant located near Longhu for 30 million, and officially changed its name to Xingyuan Microbial Sewage Treatment Plant on the same day.

Monday, June 15th.

Inside the Xingyuan Microbial Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Under the guidance of Qin Xiaoman, Niu Geng brought He Guang and others here for the first time to make work arrangements.

"This is Mr. Niu, the big boss of our company." In the office, Qin Xiaoman turned his attention to a slightly bent man who looked to be in his early forties and introduced Niu Geng's identity to him.

Hear the sound.

The man nodded quickly and responded: "No one in the entire Jingzhou City knows Mr. Niu's name. It will be my blessing to work under Mr. Niu in the future."

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