Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 145 Directly discharged into the sea

Kosaka Zojiro was very unwilling at this time.

Viet Shin Chemical Industry was previously the leader in the industry, firmly controlling the high-end photoresist market.

The future can be said to be bright.

Now, let alone being overtaken in the field of photoresist, even the purchase of a bacterial solution for treating wastewater is subject to restrictions, and some transportation fees are imposed.

It's simply a matter of what is tolerable and what is intolerable.

As a dignified president, he has never been so angry before, so he must do something.

As everyone knows.

The bacterial liquid produced by the Xingyuan microbial sewage treatment plant is mainly composed of colonies formed by special phagocytic bacteria inside. If Yuexin can replicate this technology, all the current difficulties will be solved.

For this reason, when he returned from Jingzhou City this time, he specifically asked for some bacterial liquid samples from the Xingyuan Microbial Wastewater Treatment Plant.

I just want to do my own research.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is quite cruel.

Niu Geng spent so many optimization points to develop the super microbial sewage treatment technology. If it can be easily copied by outsiders, it would be too inferior.


Immediately afterwards, Nomura Yu shook his head again and said: "When it comes to biotechnology, it is basically impossible to replicate. There is really nothing I can do about it."

Nomura Yu is a former professor at Tomishima Nuclear Power Plant. In recent years, because nuclear wastewater is about to reach its maximum storage limit, he must find a way to deal with it, so he has been studying the most suitable solution.

Almost all the energy is devoted to this matter.

Sometimes I'm so busy that I don't even have time to eat, so how can I have the energy to study these strains of bacteria?

If it weren't for Kosaka Zojiro's status as the president of Koshinobu Chemicals, it would probably be impossible to explain this to him at this time.

Kosaka Zojiro was undoubtedly unable to accept this answer.

Unexpectedly, Nomura Yu would refuse so simply, leaving him no hope at all.

Feeling unwilling to do so, he couldn't help but ask more: "Professor Nomura, is this really impossible? If it succeeds, the value of it will be unimaginable."

In the end, the lure of profit was directly used.

This shows that Yuexin attaches great importance to this technology and wants to stab Xingyuan in the back no matter how much it costs.

to be honest.

If Nomura Yuzhen can replicate the bacterial colony, with such huge benefits, he will most likely choose to cooperate with Viet Shin.

But the key is that he doesn't have this ability at all.

Seeing that his time was continuously occupied, Nomura Yuya gradually became impatient.

His brows furrowed even more tightly.

"Mr. Kosaka, you should go find someone else."

"Feel sorry."

"I still have to report the situation to Chief Iwano. If you have anything else, you can contact my assistant."

The words just fell.

Then he walked directly towards the locker room on the side without any pause or hesitation in his steps.

Before Kosaka Zojiro could react, his figure had completely disappeared from sight.

"Professor Nomura, no..."

After shouting twice, I decided to give up, knowing that this matter was completely hopeless.

After going around and around and working hard, in the end I still have to purchase bacterial fluid from the Xingyuan Microbial Wastewater Treatment Plant and send money to my competitors. It's strange that I feel good.

In this case, it is even more impossible for Kosaka Zojiro to pay additional transportation fees.

Or we decided to send our own ship to pick up the goods.

Nomura Yu left the laboratory and soon arrived at a well-secured residential area, which was the home of Cabinet Minister Kazuma Iwano.

Be prepared to report the details to him.

At present, the storage capacity of nuclear wastewater is approaching critical value, and new wastewater is added every day.

The risk of nuclear wastewater leakage may occur at any time.

Since after experiments, Xingyuan microbial sewage treatment technology cannot be used to treat nuclear wastewater, new decisions must be made as soon as possible, otherwise people will be caught off guard if an accident occurs.

"Nomura, how was the situation during this trip to Jingzhou? Have you found a suitable solution?"

inside the house.

Nomura Yure, Iwano Kazuma sat on his knees, with a plate of sake on the table in front of him.

Although Kazuma Iwano is already over fifty years old, and the silver hair on his head is particularly eye-catching, he looks full of energy, and his thin body shape adds to his ability.

After taking the initiative to ask such a question, he turned his attention to the sake on the table.

And poured a drink for Nomura Yu.

However, Nomura Yuko was not in the mood for leisurely drinking at the moment, so he quickly answered the questions.

"Report to Chief Iwano."

"After laboratory analysis and research, the super microorganism sewage treatment technology developed by Jingzhou Xingyuan Technology cannot have an effect on nuclear wastewater."

Doesn’t it work?…

Hearing the sound, Iwano Kazuma's expression moved slightly.

He murmured softly, and then returned to the calm state before.

He lifted the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip before saying, "Then what are you going to do next? The nuclear power plant's wastewater storage space should be almost reaching its maximum, right?"

"That's right."

"If the nuclear wastewater is not treated, the storage space at the station will collapse in a few months, and by then it will be a global man-made disaster."

Before coming, Nomura Yu had already thought of some plans in his mind while he was on the road.

So after briefly explaining the situation, he started explaining it very seriously.

"Based on the current actual conditions at the station, nuclear wastewater can only be treated by solidification, deep burial or gasification to minimize its risks."

"In addition, I request that the higher authorities order the implementation as soon as possible."

For some reason, Nomura Yu's words suddenly made the atmosphere a little quiet.

It seems that the plan he proposed was not in Iwano Kazuma's mind.

If you look carefully at Iwano Kazuma's face, you can see that his brows are slightly furrowed at the moment, as if he is thinking about something in his mind.

After a pause of almost ten seconds, he put down his glass and replied: "Actually, a special meeting has been held on the issue of nuclear wastewater and a treatment plan has been adopted."

"What plan?" Nomura Yu asked immediately.

"Discharge the treated nuclear wastewater directly into the sea."

Hearing Iwano Kazuma's words, Nomura Yu was immediately shocked. His whole body fell into a brief stiffness, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

As a professional in the industry, he knows very well what this plan represents.

Radioactive nuclear wastewater, even after certain treatment, will cause serious marine pollution when discharged into the sea.

It can even cause genetic mutations in marine organisms, leading to uncontrollable consequences.

more importantly.

Seafood has always been loved by humans, but once you eat these seafood affected by nuclear waste, it is likely to increase the probability of cancer and increase the incidence of human disease.

No matter which aspect you look at, the impact is global and sustainable.

Therefore, Nomura Yu's first reaction was that this plan must not be allowed to be implemented, and he must find a way to stop it.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he retorted: "Chief Iwano, this plan is definitely not feasible. Regardless of whether the nuclear wastewater has been treated or not, direct discharge into the ocean will cause irreversible damage. I request the higher-ups to re-formulate the plan..."

"Let me ask you first."

Before Nomura Yu could finish his words, he was interrupted by Kazuma Iwano raising his hand.

"How much money will it cost to deal with it according to the plan you mentioned, and how much money will it cost to discharge it directly into the sea?"

The question reached my ears.

Nomura Yu paused and gave a detailed answer.

"Preliminary calculations show that if nuclear wastewater is treated to the maximum extent, it may cost tens of billions of dollars. If it is directly discharged into the sea, it will cost less than 100 million."

"now it's right."

"With the current domestic situation, it is absolutely impossible to invest a lot of money in environmental issues. Direct discharge into the sea was decided by the parliament. There is no possibility of changing this plan, and it will be officially notified to the outside world in the near future."

"Nuclear power plants must also be prepared to discharge into the sea as soon as possible."

Iwano Kazuma naturally noticed Nomura Yu's low mood. After saying these words, he patted his shoulder specially and said a few words of relief again.

"Don't worry."

"The treated nuclear wastewater is fine even for drinking. It will not affect the marine environment. You have to understand that we are helpless."

Nomura Yu wanted to complain.

As an expert and professor in the relevant field, he is not as clear as a politician on whether the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea will have an impact. This is simply an insult to the knowledge he has learned over the years.

"Chief Iwano, this matter..."


"I hope you can carry out the order. If you don't do it, someone else will do it."

Seeing Nomura Yu frequently questioning his decision-making, Iwano Kazuma's expression immediately changed, and there was a hint of anger in his eyebrows.

At this time, Nomura Yu still didn't understand that his superiors had already made up their minds, and no matter how much he tried to refute, he couldn't change anything.

Although I felt a deep sense of powerlessness in my heart, I could only give in in the end.

"I understand, Chief Iwano."

He responded very perfunctorily, and soon found an excuse to leave.

In the next few days, Kazuma Iwano seemed to want to make this matter a foregone conclusion. It didn't take long before he officially announced the plan to discharge directly into the sea through the official speech platform.


Wednesday, September 2nd.

This is destined to be a day when the whole world will pay a price.

As the plan for direct discharge into the sea was announced, it instantly caused an uproar at home and abroad. Both major online social platforms and various official news media organizations expressed their own protests.

Strongly condemn this irresponsible behavior.

"Damn it, what you did was too disgusting."

"God's treated nuclear wastewater has no impact and can be drunk directly. Give me a drink first and see."

"If you don't do good things, you will never do bad things!"

"Who would dare to eat seafood from now on? I'm afraid the risk of getting cancer will be off the charts."

"It turns out everything in the movie is real. Fast forward to Godzilla trampling Eastview."

"Isn't there any other better way to deal with it?"

Later in the next chapter, the group number will be written and introduced. If you want to join, you can add it.

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