Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 147 Live broadcast on the entire network [Please subscribe]

Friday, September 4th.

Today Nomura Yu found Iwano Kazuma again.

Previously, Kazuma Iwano made the decision to discharge nuclear wastewater directly into the sea. Yu Nomura could not stop it because he did not have much say. More importantly, there is currently no better solution to nuclear wastewater.

In the end, we could only watch as the plan was officially announced.

The entire island country was thrown into a whirlpool, criticized and protested by people from all walks of life around the world, and even the domestic people expressed strong dissatisfaction.

After all, if you do this.

Human demand for seafood is bound to be greatly reduced, seriously affecting the interests of fishermen on the island.

It can be said that he was completely nailed to the pillar of shame.

But fortunately, the situation has not yet reached its worst point.

Just as Yu Nomura was preparing to spend the rest of his life repenting for this incident, the news from Star Source Technology gave him hope again. He was full of fighting spirit again, and he resolutely rushed to stop this plan of direct discharge into the sea. in the matter.

to be honest.

After Nomura Yugang learned that Xingyuan Technology had successfully developed microbial technology that can treat nuclear wastewater, he didn't believe it at first. Like some users on the Internet, he thought that Xingyuan Technology was deliberately trying to gain popularity.

You must know that the first time he returned to the island country was to conduct experiments on the bacterial fluids he brought back.

The result clearly says...

The bacteria contained in the bacterial solution simply cannot survive in nuclear wastewater.

Not to mention dealing with it!

Unless Xingyuan Technology deliberately concealed its trump card, or it was just a coincidence that Xingyuan Technology made a new technological breakthrough in time.

It wasn't until Yu Nomura got the experimental report on the optimized strains from the Xingyuan Microbial Wastewater Treatment Plant that he truly believed what Niu Geng said. His originally depressed and depressed mood was instantly replaced by joy and excitement.

At dawn, he set off for Kazuma Iwano's place of work, even forgetting to eat breakfast.

"Professor Nomura, Chief Iwano is having a meeting inside, you can't go in yet."

In an administrative building.

Nomura Yu was stopped outside the conference room by a sexy girl wearing a hip-hugging skirt. No matter how he explained, he could not move forward.

"Miss Miriko, I have something important that I need to report to Commander Iwano immediately. Please go in and report it."

"Sorry, Professor Nomura."

"During the special period, no one is allowed to disturb Chief Iwano."

Miriko used her proud plump body to block Nomura Yu. Perhaps she was also anxious in her heart. She could see fine beads of sweat flowing out of her forehead, and her brows were always slightly furrowed.

As Iwano Kazuma's personal secretary, she naturally knows Nomura Yu's identity.

The nuclear-related knowledge he possesses alone is enough to attract the attention of all superiors, so even if he is in trouble, he does not dare to let others force him away.

But one thing is certain.

At this time, Mei Reiko would rather accompany Nomura Yu to sit alone in the lounge than to stop people here all the time.


Nomura Yuya is not a fool.

The purpose of his trip was to persuade Kazuma Iwano and the cabinet to withdraw their decision to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, and instead use the latest microbial treatment technology developed by Xingyuan Technology, which was a normal procedure.

If you make a fuss and talk about things in a place like this, it will actually affect your plans.

Therefore, although he repeatedly expressed his intention to Mei Lingzi, he did not do anything drastic. Otherwise, how could a girl stop him?

So after seeing that he really couldn't see Iwano Kazuma in a short period of time, he simply sat on the exit side of the conference room.

He has an attitude of never giving up until he sees someone.

See this scene.

Mei Lingzi hesitated slightly, but finally chose to acquiesce.

that's all.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the door of the conference room finally opened from the inside, and several middle-aged men in suits walked out, including the cabinet minister Iwano Kazuma.

Compared with when the decision was made two days ago, Iwano Kazuma looked obviously haggard at this time, obviously due to severe lack of sleep.

Especially there was a hint of anger between his eyebrows.

It seemed like it could explode at any time.

The decision to discharge the nuclear wastewater into the sea after simple treatment was obviously passed collectively at the meeting. However, after being opposed by a large number of outside organizations, the pressure from above was placed solely on him.

Or even express it directly.

In order to eliminate doubts and public opinion pressure from the outside world, he can drink the processed nuclear waste in public at the appropriate time to prove that this plan will not have an impact on the marine environment.

When hearing this proposal, it can be said that both Iwano and Zhen had the urge to curse.

Let him drink treated nuclear wastewater?

What does this mean……

You can just say it if you want someone to die. Even if you take the blame, there's no need to be so vicious!

However, being a high-ranking official puts pressure on others, and when faced with the orders of his superiors, even if he feels very unhappy, he still has to show off on the surface.

"Chief Iwano, you are finally out."

At this time, Kazuma Iwano, who was in a state of confusion, suddenly saw his secretary Mei Reiko approaching. Before she could finish her words, he subconsciously ordered: "Come to my office later. I need your help with something." Let’s sort it out.”


"Chief Iwano, Professor Nomura insists on seeing you. He has been waiting here for a long time."

Mei Lingzi didn't know what she was thinking of. Her cheeks turned red and she quickly explained the situation to Iwano Kazuma.


Iwano Kazuma was stunned: "Why is this guy here again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed Yu Nomura standing up and walking over from a short distance away, a look of displeasure quickly flashed across his face.

It's like being forcibly interrupted while casting a spell.

After pausing for a few seconds, he said to Mei Lingzi very perfunctorily: "Let him go to the reception room. What a waste of time."

"It's Chief Iwano."

Mei Reiko nodded in response and quickly turned around and walked towards Nomura Yu.


"Nomura, haven't I told you before? This matter is a joint decision from above and no one can change it. You should focus on the emission plan now instead of wasting time by coming to me frequently."

In the reception room, Iwano Kazuma kept a straight face and lectured Nomura Yu.

While Mei Lingzi was serving tea to the two of them, she took the initiative to leave the reception room and let them discuss alone.

Hear the sound.

Nomura Yu quickly explained: "Mr. Iwano, I came to you this time because there is a new treatment plan for nuclear wastewater. China's Xingyuan Technology has just developed a microbial treatment technology that can effectively eliminate the presence of microorganisms in nuclear wastewater. hazardous substances.”

“If applied to the waste treatment of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the investment would be up to US$5 billion, which would save nearly half of the traditional method.”

When talking about this, Nomura Yu always had a happy face on his face.

Because in his opinion, since there is a better method, there is no reason for the higher authorities to reject it. After all, the negative impact of direct discharge into the sea is too great.

I would never choose it unless I was at the end of my rope.

But what Iwano Kazuma said next made him change his expression instantly.

"I already know about Xingyuan Technology. Would you, a dignified expert and professor, believe such false statements?"

False statement?

Nomura Yu was stunned: "This is impossible!"

As he spoke, he quickly took out the experimental report from his briefcase and handed it to Kazuma Iwano: "Mr. Iwano, look, the other party has sent their experimental report. Judging from the detailed data, the microorganisms developed by Xingyuan Technology Technology does have a big effect on nuclear wastewater.”

Iwano Kazuma took the report and glanced at it casually, then threw it on the table, pretending to be sad and said: "Professor Nomura, what can an experimental report say? How can you judge that they did not cheat."

"Microorganisms that can process nuclear wastewater, don't you feel that there is too much water in it?"

When the words completely fell.

Nomura Yu fell completely silent.

Before he came, he had no idea that things would be so difficult.

Although he wanted to believe in Xingyuan Technology and believed that they had really developed microbial technology that could treat nuclear wastewater, as Kazuma Iwano said, he really couldn't provide any strong evidence.

If even Iwano Kazuma couldn't be convinced, let alone other ministers.

Even if we go to Jingzhou City for an on-site inspection now, a lot of time will inevitably be wasted. By then, nuclear wastewater may have been discharged into the sea.

Thinking that the opportunity he had finally waited for might be lost, Nomura Yu felt filled with reluctance.

While he was deep in thought, Iwano Kazuma's voice suddenly came to his ears again.

"Professor Nomura, I understand your feelings very well, but this is not a trivial matter. The cabinet also needs to consider it carefully. For now, discharging it into the sea is still the best option."

"Iwano Naga..."

Nomura Yu wanted to hold on, but he swallowed the words when he reached his lips.

It can only be said that a single experimental report cannot provide strong support for what he said.

Seeing that his efforts were about to be in vain, when the atmosphere was almost depressing to the extreme, a rapid knock on the door suddenly came from outside.

This broke the rigid situation.

"Come in."

A male subordinate pushed open the door and walked straight to Kazuma Iwano. He reported anxiously: "Mr. Iwano, Xingyuan Technology just broadcast a live broadcast on the entire network. It seems that they want to broadcast the whole process of nuclear waste." Handling, there’s a lot of heat going on right now.”


Live broadcast across the entire network!

The moment Iwano Kazuma heard these words, he felt as if he had been stepped on, and he stood up with a stumble, his eyes full of disbelief.

He never expected that Xingyuan Technology would broadcast nuclear waste processing live on the entire network.

Is that something that anyone can easily access?

After a slight pause, he immediately turned around and hurriedly ordered the subordinate: "Quickly, join the live broadcast. I want to find out what is going on!"

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